The first comedy work has appeared in the "Chronos Universe" series, a group of works of the same world, designed by IP Company MyDearest from VR.From February 16, 2022 (Wednesday), youtube anime "In a world where we are only we have.] Has started.
"In a world where we only have.] Is a story about high school students who are lost in the Kronos world, a closed space that cannot be escaped unless certain conditions are cleared.Synopsis and character information have also arrived.
アニメイトタイムズからのおすすめ今期アニメ番組曜日別一覧アニメの画像まとめ [アニメイト通販]【くじメイト】「ワールドトリガー」くじメイトvol.2[アニメイト通販]【くじメイト】オッドタクシー くじメイト ◆2022冬アニメ(今期1月) 新作アニメ情報一覧◆2022春アニメ(来期4月) 新作アニメ情報一覧When I woke up, it was a city of Shibuya, which was as usual.Looking around, there is no human figure.The only thing I found was my classmates who go to the same school.And the clues are the "will" that everyone has.
At the Shibuya Scramble intersection, when the situation was organized -suddenly, a large vision showed a red "mission" like blood.
Then we repeat the loose "mission" without the risk of life.Living in a frank and living freely, living in an unusual everyday life.
A world where no one is.In this world where we are only.We decided to live whatever we wanted!?
A member of the popular national idol group "CHOICE Labyrinth (Choirabi)" and is in charge of cool beauty.She is an idol who has been in the entertainment world since she was young.She is a highly professional honor student.She usually behaves cool, but she tends to break the pace when she is with it.Her favorite is comedy and rice.Her hobby is Soshage.Her special skills include acting, singing and dancing.
He is a flashy gal, but is actually a homely sister.She is very active and bright, and is not separated to anyone.She is working hard, but she is too straight and somewhat off.She is actually a scholarship student.She can study very much.She is doting her sister, whose year is far away.Her hobby is cooking and veranda vegetable garden.Her special skill is mathematics.Her future dream is a teacher.
I want to live calmly without any incident.But I want to be popular.He is a very inconspicuous ordinary person, but he really wants to break common sense.He has valued common sense as a pride and resists not to be poisoned by bad friends.However, it is generally lost and gets involved.Tsukkomi charge.I want to be popular as a common sense.He hates that the boys' school nori disappears.But he doesn't hate it.My favorite type of woman is big tits.
A blonde chara who has lived with the momentum.He is a positive idiot as he looks.He is a mood maker for everyone, is always messed up and is kind to everyone.He is not very smart.It covers it with his positive positive.He is usually a nice cute guy, but he is very scared when he gets sharp.He was at the bottom of the Yankee in junior high school.He has been saved by glasses in the past, and he longs for him.Bokeh in charge.His favorite woman is an older sister.
A serious stupid, contrary to the intelligent and honorable appearance with glasses.He values his own values and tries to educate with that hand.Although it is knowledge, his knowledge is quite biased.He wears glasses, but his grades are not so good.I seriously think that the surroundings are not just catching up with their intelligence and ideas.In charge of natural blur.Her favorite type of woman is an instinct.
Production: MYDEAREST Co., Ltd., Comic Smart Co., Ltd., NOKID General Producer: Kento Kishigami (MYDEAREST Co., Ltd.), Sho Yasuda (Comic Smart Co., Ltd.), Takafumi Suda (NOKID Co., Ltd.) Advertising producer: Aya (MYDEAREST Corporation)Company) Director / Scenario: Yagami Sasa (NOKID Co., Ltd.) Illustration production: Fumika Sato, Shirayu, Maucido, Mitaro (in alphabetical order) Video production: Team NEXIS
The "Chronos Universe" series with the same world view from the VR game.Following the "Tokyo Chronos" and "Altdeus: Beyond Chronos" on sale, "Dyschronia: CHRONOS Alternate" will be released in 2022.Not only VR games, but also novels and goods, as media mixes are expanding.
Chronos Universe Official Twitter: https: // Twitter.COM/CHRONOS_UNV Chronos Universe Official HP: https: // chronos-universe.COM/Discronia: CA Official Twitter: https: // Twitter.COM/dyschronia_jp Diskronia: CA Official HP: https: // dyschroniaCa.COM/