In all industries, business models, products and services, or DX's initiatives, are accelerating in all industries.In the logistics industry, there are many movements that aim to solve the problem by DX under the perception that structural issues have been sharpened by the spread of the new colon virus.
Therefore, this time, we will look at the structural issues in the logistics industry and the movement of DX in the logistics industry, referring to the materials of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism ("Recent Logistics Policy").
(If you want to know the definition and meaning of DX more deeply, see here.) [Related] Not "DX = IT utilization"!What is DX (digital transformation) you want to understand correctly?Points of significance and promotion
INDEXIn the logistics industry, in addition to the structural issues for a long time, it has been greatly affected by corona.First, let's look at the current issues in the logistics industry that should be solved in DX.
In the logistics industry, labor is continuing, and in recent years the problems are becoming more serious.According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's "Labor Economic Trends Survey," the proportion of establishments that the workers answered "shortage" have been higher than the percentage of businesses that answered "excess" for more than 10 years.The value of the transportation and postal industry is about 20 points higher than the total value of all industries, and the problem is serious compared to other industries.
In recent years, the lack of shortage has become remarkable.According to the All Japan Truck Association, as of 2013, less than half of the companies felt that the truck driver felt "shortage" and "somewhat shortage", but increased to 70 % in 2018 and 67 % in 2019.doing.
One of the factors in the labor shortage may be in the way of working.According to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the working hours of the truck transportation business are about 20 % longer than the average of all industries, and the wages are about 10 to 20 % lower than the average of all industries.
In addition to lack of labor, the aging of employees is remarkable.The percentage of young people (teens and twenties) of the road cargo transportation business is lower than the average of all industries, while the percentage of those in their 40s or older is higher than the average of all industries.The response to the above issues, such as securing labor and saving labor, is an urgent need in the logistics industry.
As a recent topic about the logistics industry, the expansion of the EC (e -commerce) market cannot be avoided.According to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's "Survey on Electronic Commercial Trading", about 5 in 2007.The market size, which was 3 trillion yen, continues to grow year by year, and in 2019 in total..3 trillion yen, 10 even in the product sales field.It has reached 0 trillion yen.About 1 even if we narrow down to the last 5 years.It has been expanded 5 times, and the rising tendency does not show any signs of stopping.
Along with this, courier service handling has been handled by about 20 % in the last 5 years (7).It has grown significantly with an increase of 100 million).Originally, the expansion of demand should be pleased, but in the logistics industry, it is a challenge that spures the tendency of labor shortage.
The expansion of the new colon virus infection has had a huge impact on the 2020 transportation industry.Demand for materials and parts is reduced, reflecting the decrease in production in factories, and imports from overseas have decreased, resulting in poor logistics between companies.In particular, in July -September, domestic cargo (truck, railway cargo, internal transportation) and international cargo (export and import) were recorded compared to the same month last year.In July and August, railway cargo and international cargo were more than 10 % negative.
In response to this situation, multiple cargo carrier carriers have reported the abolition and suspension of the business.The use of financing, sustainable benefits, and employment adjustments by financial institutions was also high, and the actual situation of logistics companies that had a hard time was highlighted.
On the other hand, due to the expansion of mail -order demand due to self -restraint, there was an increase in the amount of courier service handling.Businesses are also forced to respond to the increase in courier service while considering infection prevention.
One of the measures to respond to structural issues such as a shortage of labor and the increase in demand is "Logistics DX".First, let's take a look at the overview of logistics DX and the support of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
The material defines logistics DX as "to change the way logistics so far through mechanization and digitalization".The point is not only to introduce machines and digital technology, but also to "change the way so far."Logistics DX will increase the advantage of logistics to other industries and to strengthen the international competitiveness of Japanese industry.
Specifically, the following two goals are listed.
・ Realize existing operations improvement and work style reform
・ Innovation of the logistics industry's business model itself through standardization of logistics systems.
In the logistics industry, AI, IoT, and drones are being used.This is an effort to improve work efficiency with these technologies, and aim to reduce labor and reduce long working hours.It is also expected to increase wages by creating high -value -added services, products and business models.
The material is listed in the material in the logistics industry.
The first is the automation and mechanization of trunk transportation.Transportation can be efficiently operated by automatic operating ships, truck truck travel and automation.It is a technology that also leads to reducing the labor load on site workers, such as reducing operation burden and improving safety.
The second example is the efficiency of the last one mile delivery.One of them is to improve the "last one mile (last section)" from the final base of logistics to the end users by using drones.While the construction of non -contact and non -face -to -face logistics systems in response to corona evil, practical use is beginning to begin around depopulated areas.It is also a movement to automate and efficiency of increased courier delivery.
The third is the automation and mechanization of the in the warehouse (picking, depth/para, horizontal holding, vertical holding, etc.).In particular, the introduction of automatic delivery robots that transport luggage in the warehouse is progressing.
Digitalization cases are also described in the material.
One example is digitization of various procedures.This includes transportation letters, digitization of collection, and speeding up special vehicles (special vehicles) passing procedures.Transportation digitization is also called E-AWB, and has been pointed out that the introduction is delayed in Japan compared to other developed countries.In addition, we are working on relieving special vehicle permit standards and speeding up procedures for practical use of truck trucks and consolidated trucks mentioned above.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is also focusing on building the SIP Smart Logistics Service.It refers to the construction of a data infrastructure that visualizes logistics and business flow, and accumulate, analyze, and share data over the barriers of the company and the industry.This is an initiative that shares the data of each phase, such as entry and dynamic data, track dynamic data, loading rate, store inventory data, and purchasing data, to improve productivity of the entire supply chain.It is also expected to be effective in preventing missing and reducing food loss.
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is trying to accelerate the flow of logistics DX in the form of social experiments and planning.Introducing various businesses that will start in progress or in the near future.
In Goto City, Nagasaki Prefecture, we conduct experiments to carry out drones in depopulated islands with drones.Currently, we deliver living supplies by boat between cars, mainland and the port of the island from the mainland delivery destination to the port of the island.
However, it is difficult to maintain the number of ships of ships due to the declining population, and securing delivery means is an urgent issue.It is also necessary to reduce the load to receive supplies.
For this reason, we are considering implementation of a business that directly delivered goods by drone from the mainland to near the doorway of the remote islands.The challenge is to examine the ordering method of supplies and how to receive it, implement safe flights, and improve the occupancy rate by consolidating cargo suitable for drone delivery.
This is a business that uses digital technology to save energy in the transportation department.For companies that practice energy saving in various transportation means, such as efficiency of the entire supply chain, energy saving in collaboration between truck operators and shipper, improving operating efficiency of internal sailing, and promoting businesses to maintain energy saving performance for users.It is an initiative to provide subsidies.
The company aims to reduce the energy consumption of the transportation department by 2030 by 2030 to reduce the energy consumption of the transportation department by 2030 in crude oil conversion.
Finally, it is a food distribution initiative.Currently, 97 % of food distribution is being carried out on trucks, especially in transporting fresh food.The reason is that there are many hand -handed work by hand, long waiting time, difficult operation management, small lots and frequent transportation, and long -distance transportation.These issues have shown cases such as raising transportation costs and shunning handling.
In the future, we plan to establish a study meeting by stakeholders and examine specific measures.At this stage, it is considered that the deposit of the pallet is reduced, the long working time by relay transportation, and the reduction of waiting time by the track reservation reception system.
For the logistics industry, which has structural issues, the evolution of digital technology is a great opportunity to solve issues and work change.It is necessary to examine and practice solutions for each individual task while referring to examples of utilization in other industries.It is important to share data, issues, and initiatives throughout the supply chain beyond the framework of a single company or industry.
(Reference) Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism "Recent logistics policy"