A government initiatives aiming to improve classes that will enhance the learning activities of children and students at the educational site of elementary, junior high schools and special support schools, and improve classes to gain deeper learning.About two years have passed since "
This concept, which has been focused on full -scale digital introduction to educational sites, in which one -person terminals are developed in elementary and junior high schools and communication networks including high schools, this concept is anxious about progress.Despite the time of time, the efforts of educators such as schools and local governments that do not want to stop learning in Corona's evil have now completed the development as originally planned in most areas.
文部科学省 大臣官房文部科学戦略官(併)デジタル庁参事官 初等教育局学校デジタル化プロジェクトチームリーダーの板倉寛氏Mr. Hiroshi Itakura of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology was the head of the Primary Secondary Education Bureau Information Education and Foreign Language Education Division, who took this lead.In October, the organization was reorganized, and the team leader of the digitalization project for primary secondary and secondary education bureau would look back on why the GIGA School concept started in the first place and what results were obtained.At the same time, I asked about the activities we are currently working.
—— The GIGA School concept that attracted attention to distributing digital terminals to one person, but what was the background of its launch?
There are still some progress, but the school education in Japan so far was very analog.On the other hand, the “International Achievement Survey”, which is conducted every year, and the “PISA”, the “OECD student's learning accomplishment survey”, in Japan, in Japan, the first year of high school students are required to complete compulsory education.One of the backgrounds is that the method has changed significantly in 2018.
PISA was a survey of "mathematical literacy", "scientific literacy" and "reading comprehension", and the latest surveys have changed their reading comprehension.First of all, the problem itself becomes easier or difficult depending on the correct answer rate, and the level of the problem has changed depending on how much the person can do, rather than solving the problem with the same content.
In addition, the survey method has been digitized.It was already digitized in 2015, but simply using a paper material converted into digital data, the content was the same as a conventional paper test.However, since 2018, the task texts were used online, e -mails, forums, etc., and read them and responded.In a sense, reading comprehension in the Internet world became a problem.
You have to solve different problems depending on the person, and you have to read and answer while clicking on the screen, scrolling, dragging and dropping, typing a keyboard.。Moreover, PISA is characterized by the fact that a free descriptive format problem has been submitted.There is one answer to Japan's general test, but in the case of PISA, the answer is A or B, and it is more important to be able to write the reason for such an answer.
Online elements overlapped with the traditional PISA characteristics, and I think that it was confusing from the perspective of Japanese students, but the survey in 2018 has dropped the ranking of Japanese reading skills.
Clicking on the tab on the screen to find the necessary information while switching the task, or reading while doubting the credibility because the text written by various people online is not necessarily correct.It will be important.It is also required to explain with the grounds to convey their thoughts to others.
In the coming era, both language skills and information utilization skills are needed.It is natural to read sentences, and you can't solve them unless you can operate the computer.Digitization highlighted that there are issues in Japan in Japan.
——It's a test content that requires the knowledge and applied skills required in the future society.
Another question survey of PISA states that in one week, the time to use digital terminals in school classes is the lowest in 37 OECD members in all three subjects in Japanese language, mathematics, and science.It is also big.It was the worst in all subjects related to PISA's reading comprehension, mathematical literacy, and scientific literacy.There was a tendency in 2015, but in 2018 the gap with other countries has been further opened.
Japan has not increased at all, although the time to use digital terminals in classes in classes around the world is increasing.And I was very shocked by the use of digital terminals outside the school.The answer to "chat on the Internet" on a weekday, that is, the message application such as LINE, was 20 points more than the OECD average..4 %, "Playing in one -person games" is also more than 20 points 47.At 7 %, both were ranked first in OECD member countries.
Conversely, "Do homework using a computer" is nearly 20 points..It was 0 %.The time you spend in school classes is the lowest, but the time you use for play at home is the first place.In the case of Japan, I didn't use digital equipment, but I felt that it was a big problem that the application was too biased toward entertainment.
Furthermore, in the 2018 "21st Century Birthday Children's Palace Survey", the 17 -year -old high school second -year student is investigating how many smartphones use a day, and only 0 is "not using"..3-0.Four%.On weekdays, 10 to 20 % of each day is about 10 to 20 %, 6 hours or more, 8 hours per day, 8 hours or more..6 %, 6 hours or more on holidays 19.It is expanding to 6 %.
It is good if you use it for learning, but from the previous question survey, it is probable that it is used for entertainment instead of learning.In fact, 55 people who use smartphones for more than 6 hours on holidays.3 % answered that he was not studying at all.You can see that there is a skill that can be used in entertainment, but it is not easy to use.This was the situation before the start of the GIGA School Concept.