The original anime "Outside Boys and Girls" is the latest in 15 years directed by Mitsuo Iso, known for "Cyber Coil".
It is being distributed globally at Netflix, and from January 28, 2022, the first part, "Mass from outside the Earth", the second part "Story of the Beginning" was also screened from February 11.
This work depicts the growth and conflicts of boys and girls while incorporating science fiction elements such as "universe" and "AI" mainly by the two -year -old boy who grew up on the moon.
Interviews, "I want to convey the excitement of the universe again to the younger generation," said Mitsuo Iso, the original, scriptwriter, and director.
That should be the case, the current universe is "close and distant" that is likely to reach and can not reach.In fact, humanity has entered space many times, but only a handful of selected.Even if you know its existence, you rarely imagine going to space.
It may be that "romance" has faded compared to the times when it was difficult to reach that place in the past.
This work is a work that carefully expresses such longing and excitement of the "universe" and gives us "expectations" for the universe.
In addition to that, it is a masterpiece of science fiction animation that triggers the "boys and girls" in the work and us in front of the screen into a new stage and have the "hope" for humanity.。
* This article contains some spoilers.
アニメイトタイムズからのおすすめ地球外少年少女|アニメ声優・映画・最新情報一覧地球外少年少女の画像まとめ[アニメイト通販]【小説】地球外少年少女 前編 ~地球外からの使者~[アニメイト通販]【小説】地球外少年少女 後編 ~はじまりの物語~◆2022冬アニメ(今期1月) 新作アニメ情報一覧◆2022春アニメ(来期4月) 新作アニメ情報一覧This work is depicted at the Japanese -made commercial space station "Anshin", where children who grew up on earth and children who grew up on the moon meet and get involved in a certain case.
Speaking of space station, it is a facility that originally performs scientific experiments and observations of the earth in a special environment.
The commercial station "Anshin" that appears in this work is also called a space hotel, and is a main facility that mainly uses tourism.In the real world, plans for the construction of commercial space station have been announced in the United States and elsewhere, and the viewers have a sense of closeness by setting them on a feasible stage.
One of the important themes of this work, as well as the adventure and the story of boys and girls that are being closed after a certain incident, is one of the important themes of this work, as well as vast and vast gaps.The point is "reconfirm romance".
Director Mitsuo Iso wants to express the "light universe" unique to the 21st century, rather than the "heavy and long universe" (the theme of the Space War and the Earth Crisis, etc.), which has been drawn in many works.I am talking.
The universe is a normal place with convenience stores and smartphones!? What is the universe that Mitsuo Iso wants to draw in "Outside Boys and Girls"?
As the words say, it is expressed in a different way of drawing from the so -called "cosmic thing" so far, and it is expressed in a "fun universe" that does not get tired visually.
For example, the exterior, interior, and parts of the commercial station "Anshin".
The name is perfect for the compliance era, but it has a unique appearance with tiled roofs and large crab models, signs of companies (investors?) That are likely to be in reality, and are also equipped with convenience stores.For a pop finish.
The surface and barriers of the station itself are made of materials based on "paper", making it a stylish and cutting -edge image from the conventional heavy and cool.
In the scene where boys fight using AI drones, battles that make full use of hacking etc. are unfolded, and the freshness of the conventional action scene and the freshness as if playing games are matched so far.You can enjoy the feeling of not.
In the first half of the story, I will be involuntarily grasped by the near future and the expression of the universe like Iso.
In this way, by breaking away from the conventional "universe" image and making visuals and settings that are easy to stick, "how to interact with the universe" that can only be recognized by young people living in the present age.
A popular distributor girl character appears during the work, but her view of the universe may be a realistic reaction of modern people.
However, fun and pop is not the only universe.The universe is a real nature, and it is a space that is next to the dangers that can lose their lives if they show a ski.
Naturally, it's an important value in feeling romance to the universe.In the middle of the story, the protagonists involved in an incident survive in such nature.
I was overwhelmed by a romantic image of the crisis brought by the nature of the universe by using human wisdom.
Enjoy us by entertained by drawing on the battle with nature of nervous universe while exciting with the selection of settings, background art, pop and fun images and fresh action scenes.What makes you feel is the work called "Outside Boys and Girls".
I am now in my early twenties, and when I was born, the universe was already familiar to humans.I learn basic knowledge about the universe in compulsory education and entertainment, but for generations like us, it has become a "close and distant presence" that has a strange sense of reality.
This work repaints such an image and says, "A fun world is waiting!"
And not only that, it is also a work that will be a guide to survive the future and give "hope".