Anison threatens the status of J-POP, and in the sense of advancement, it is not unusual for animation-related live to be held at the dome-class venue.
Even though the market seemed to be expanding, it was not enough to have a sufficient reduction of the anison creators who support the core.
A concrete path that can be drawn only because you have supported the scene, rather than believing in a bright future.The possibility that anison has not been lost yet.
However, as I said, composition is a hobby, so it is not difficult to spend there.And if you do it, you can manage it.
I have a great team called Q-MHz (Kumegahertz) mixed, and the attitude of those people is encouraging.For example, Aki Hata says, "I can't write the lyrics," and if such a great person is working hard, I feel like I will do my best.
* Q-MHz is a group of top anison creators, such as Aki Hata, Tomoichi Tashiro, Katsuhiko Kurosu, and Tomoya Tabuchi.Anison dream team in the world