In addition, the Technical Defeat -The United States goes to Star Wars, Japan is a battleship Yamato again.
In addition, the Technical Defeat -The United States goes to Star Wars, Japan is a battleship Yamato again.
By uavtechnology
11 Nov 22
Project Starline, which Google is developing, is a way to talk as if a distant person is in front of you.This is an important technology needed in the era after Corona.
Despite such changes that have changed significantly from those for "moving fast" to those who do not need to move, and in spite of huge cost and environmental destruction.In Japan, the construction of the Linear Shinkansen is underway.
by Gettyimages
Just like the world of the movie "Star Wars"
Google announced a plan called Project Starline on May 19, 2021.This is a way to communicate as if a distant person is in front of you.
3D capture of humans, compress and transmit them.By projecting on a 3D display, you can feel the feeling of being with your opponent.Anyone who participated in the experiment said that they were impressed.
By using a light field display that can be seen with a naked eye, 3D images can be seen three -dimensionally without installing 3D glasses or headsets.The core technology is 3D imaging (capture), real -time compression, and 3D display.
In the movie Star Wars world, a three -dimensional video called "holograph" is used for remote communication.At the Jedi Supreme Council, members in remote areas will use this to participate in the meeting.A life -sized video of the participants is projected on the highest council side, and a video of the conference room is projected to the participants.
Project Starline is approaching this.No, it can be said that there is even more advanced holographs in the movie (the image was only light blue, and it disappeared and disappeared).
However, Starline is not commercialized or practical.It requires custom -made hardware and specialized equipment, so it has not yet been used by ordinary people.The Bay Area, New York, and Seattle offices are connected in Google and tested.In addition, a trial development of medical and media companies as partners will be started in 2021.
In the future, it will be available at an affordable price, and aims to incorporate it into Google communication products.