Stanford University has developed a robot that can land on the branches.It is likely to be active in the event of a distress or disaster (Gizmode Japan) --Yahoo! News
Stanford University has developed a robot that can land on the branches.It is likely to be active in the event of a distress or disaster (Gizmode Japan) --Yahoo! News
By uavtechnology
09 Oct 22
Stanford University has developed a robot that can land on the branches.It seems to be active in the event of distress or disaster
自然から学んだら、こうなりました。鳥のように枝に止まれる飛行ロボットを開発できたら、狭くて入り組んだ場所でも着地できますし、羽を休めた分だけ長時間稼働が可能になりますよね。【全画像をみる】Stanford University has developed a robot that can land on the branches.It seems to be active in the event of distress or disasterスタンフォード大学が開発したハヤブサの趾(あしゆび)を模して作られた「SNAG」はまさにそれ。枝に止まれるだけじゃなくて、空中でお手玉やボールをキャッチできちゃうそうです。まだ改良の余地があるそうですが、ゆくゆくは捜索・救難活動、山火事や火山活動のモニタリング、環境調査などにおいて大活躍してくれそうです。
A parakeet research is a hint
A lot of flying robots have been developed so far, but landing was a major issue. Birds can land on all complex shapes and fly out of it. However, today's flight robot has limited dynamic abilities to grab such irregular objects. Stanford University researchers have stated at the beginning of the newly published paper. Birds are stopped on branches, electric wires, and sometimes vertical cliffs and trunks. In addition, it seems that the birds are repeatedly landed in any place, regardless of whether they are rugged like a rock or the balustrade. So if you imitate this series of movements, the robot will also stop on the branches! That was the hypothesis of Stanford University's robot researcher, WiLLIAM RODERICK, but it explained in a press release that it took years to be able to do the same as a robot. After many years of research on parakeet flight and landing in the lab of Biomimetics (technology that imitates the functions of living things) and a flying robot researcher David Lentink's lab for many years, after many years of trial and error. We have created a biological imitation robot that lands on the surface of dynamically complicated shapes and grasps an irregular shape. That is this "SNAG (STEREOTYPED NATURE-Inspired Aerial Grasper)". Translated directly, "natural imitation stereo professional bot that can grasp things in the air". If you attach a drone on the SNAG, you will be able to fly around the sky freely and complete a bird -like air robot that is stopped by branches. To see, it's a bit ...