Tatsuhiko, who had given up on his dream of becoming a musician and led a depraved student life, met an unprecedented event at a drinking party. After being frustrated as a child, he once again decided to become an animator.
The self-produced animation posted on SNS became a buzz, and Nico, a musician who was a big fan, asked him to make a music video. However, Nico was that unpredictable girl he met at a drinking party.
The story of dreams and love of two people who unexpectedly met again begins.
BEAT & MOTON Episode 1/Episode 2 name
Manga Artist Tatsuki Fujimoto (Chainsaw Man)I think that compared to the other people, it was clearly one of the skills of manga that was missing one head.
It was easy to read without stress because the story progressed just by following the emotions of the main character. The female characters are also very attractive and I personally liked them.
Manga artist Yuji Kaku (Jigokuraku)I felt his talent in the dramatization and screen expression that were close to the characters. I feel that it is an important weapon that there is no unreasonable psychological depiction of each character and that there is no stumbling block in reading. The details in animation production are also solid, and it is persuasive to the whole world.
Kohei Obara, Netflix Anime ProducerIt was a final task that burst with various personalities, but I think Mr. Fujita's writership was particularly polished. Hats off to the unique combination of Mr. Fujita and Mr. Hayashi who are super negative. The winning work vividly portrays the emotions of the charming characters, and the fun of their interactions is impressive. It is a work that can be purely looked forward to what kind of story will develop in the future. We are honored to be able to deliver new Japanese talent to the world through the anime adaptation on Netflix.
Netflix Anime Producer Kohei Obara "Shonen Jump+" Editor-in-Chief Shuhei Hosono Naoki Fujita's "BEAT&MOTION" was highly evaluated for its ability to depict the emotions of the characters and the naming ability to involve the reader in the story, and was selected as the winning work. bottom. The part that deals with creators is also modern, and I expect it to be a serialized work that will depict their worries and conflicts. Regarding "MILLION TAG", I feel that Mr. Fujita and other new artists have grown more than I expected. Both authors are looking forward to the future."Shonen Jump+" Shuhei Hosono Editor-in-Chief "MILLION TAG" Winner Manga Artist Naoki Fujita My number one goal is to complete the tasks in front of me on time. Through "MILLION TAG", Mr. Hayashi has become a familiar presence for me, so I would like to work hard together."MILLION TAG" winning editor, Shihei HayashiAs a result of writing a lot of names in a shorter period of time than usual, Mr. Fujita's name drawing speed grew the most during this period. I think that's the point. Now that we have won the "MILLION TAG", let's aim for an ending that can be proudly said to have achieved the MILLION! Please leave it to me!