Shibuya Keizai Shimbun Jins, Blue Light Cut Glasses Donated to Shibuya Ward All Elementary and Junior High School students for 3 years support
Shibuya Keizai Shimbun Jins, Blue Light Cut Glasses Donated to Shibuya Ward All Elementary and Junior High School students for 3 years support
By uavtechnology
01 Mar 23
Jins Holdings (Chiyoda -ku), which develops the eyewear "JINS", will donate the blue light cut glasses "JINS SCREEN" to all children and students who attend Shibuya Ward Elementary Junior High School from April.
One of the companies' initiatives that will be expanding for 20 years in April this year.While smartphones and tablets have become widespread and children have more opportunities to touch, their eyesight, such as myopia, is also a problem., This initiative will be carried out.
In Shibuya Ward, which was the first donation destination, Shibuya Ward was decided from promoting ICT education by lending a tablet terminal for children and students from 2017 (Heisei 29).Mayor Ken Hasebe said, "(Tablet terminal introduced), I had been anxious about health and eyes from the beginning. I had no clear answer, but I only had a chance to protect one sagesteon and children from risks.I feel thankful. "
Donated is a type that has a lens that cuts blue light 25 % under the EU unified standard "EN Standard".At the prescribed store, we also accept free exchanges with the Blue Light Cut Lens.Distribute booklets related to eye health along with glasses.Wearing glasses is not mandatory.
The number of donations for next year was 9,000 (7,000 elementary schools, 2,000 junior high schools), and 26 in a total of 18 municipal elementary schools and eight junior high schools.The number of children and students in the next fiscal year is scheduled to be in the first half of the 8,000 levels, but we will prepare a number of transfer students.With three years of initiatives from next year, it will be distributed to new and transfer students from 2022.