Published by the international standard "ISO 23629-7: 2021" for drone land scaling information: Drone -Monoist
Published by the international standard "ISO 23629-7: 2021" for drone land scaling information: Drone -Monoist
By uavtechnology
24 Jul 22
Zenrin, the Japan Meteorological Association, and Mitsubishi Research Institute on September 30, 2021 "ISO 23629-7: 2021 UAS Traffic Management (UTM)- Part7: Part7::Data Model for Spatial Data has announced that it was issued by the International Standardization Organization (ISO) on the 29th of the same month.
The standard defines the configuration and items of geographical space information necessary for the safe and efficient flight of the drone in the drone operation management system.
"Map information" such as terrain and takeoff and landing areas, "obstacles information" such as buildings that become obstacles, "virtual data" such as drone -prohibited areas and flight routes, weather information and other aircraft.It consists of four levels of changing "dynamic data".
地理空間情報データモデルの概念図 出所:ゼンリン
Zenrin created a standard for map information, and the Japan Meteorological Association created a standard for weather information.Mitsubishi Research Institute was in charge of international adjustment for issuance.
The issuance of international standards for drone land information data models is expected to increase the efficiency of the development of drone operation management systems and improve user convenience.
地理空間情報のサポート範囲(概念図) 出所:ゼンリン
The three plans to publish a database and applications for drone ground spatial information that meets the standard in the future.By making geographical space information easier, we will support the promotion of drones industrial use.