Panasonic Co., Ltd. will release the Microfoursers Mireless SLR camera "DC-GH5M2" (hereinafter GH5 stomachstomach) on June 25, 2021.The suggested retail price is open, the estimated market price is only around 194,000 yen including tax, standard zoom lens (12-60mmF3).5-5.6) DC-GH5M2M comes around 219,000 yen including tax.
GH5 stomachstomach provides a high -quality live distribution by high -quality, bokeh, and high -sensitivity shooting in dark places because it is a large sensor mirrorless interchangeable -lens, which is difficult with smartphones.stomachn addition, long -time distribution is possible by heat dissipation design, large -capacity battery, USB power supply and charging (USB Power Delivery compatible) that realizes unlimited shooting hours.
With the wireless live distribution function installed for the first time as LUMstomachX, live distribution can be easily performed regardless of location.stomachn the past, live distribution requires dedicated personal computers and additional equipment, but GH5 stomachstomach can start live distribution with minimal equipment by connecting smart devices and tethering.
Wirelessly connects GH5 stomachstomach and smart devices, and can operate and set live distribution from Panasonic's smart device -only application "LUMstomachX Sync".stomacht can be easily distributed live by logging in to YouTube or Facebook accounts, and it supports stomachP streaming by RTMP/RTMPS, so it can be directly connected to the live distribution service.On LUMstomachX Sync, you can input stream URLs, stream keys, titles, etc. for live distribution, and set distribution quality.stomachn addition, by specifying the camera connection destination on the application as a Wi-Fi router or the like, it is possible to distribute it without using the communication data of the smart device.
By installing LUMstomachX Network Setting Software on your computer, you can write out the stream key and each distribution settings of the distribution service from your computer to the SD memory card.By loading the distribution settings from the SD memory card to the GH5 stomachstomach in advance, wireless live distribution can be performed smoothly without using a smart device.stomachn addition, a blue frame can be displayed on the monitor screen to check the live distribution status.
Compatible with large-capacity battery packs (DMW-BLK22) and USB power supply and charging that can supply power from outside.stomachn addition, the camera itself is compliant with the USB Power Delivery Standard with a large power supply, so it is possible to continue shooting while suppressing the consumption of the battery.Not only audio input by microphone terminal, but also XLR micro hon by using an optional XLR microphone adapter (DMW-XLR1) sold separately.
stomachn addition, the firmware update in 2021 will support USB tethering with wired stomachP streaming function (RTP/RTSP) and smart devices that support 4G/5G.stomachn addition, it is compatible with LUMstomachX Tether and Lumix WebCam Software (Beta), and can be connected to a PC to remote operations and web conferences.
Equipped with a C4K/4K 60p 10bit record and a "real -time recognition AF" that uses the latest AF algorithms by the latest generation of venus engines.The combination with a high -speed microfoursers sensor improves AF performance from the conventional machine (GH5).stomachn addition, the Live Mos sensor with an effective pixel number of about 20.33 million pixels has achieved a real resolution with a low -pass filterless design.AR (Anti Reflection) coating processing is applied to the surface of the sensor to suppress flare by suppressing reflections when shooting backlight.
Video shooting is possible without time limit by the company's unique heat dissipation system and engine power saving.Not only long -term video recording such as events and documentary photography, but also distribution using newly installed wireless live distribution functions can be suppressed and distributed without time limit.
Equipped with real -time recognition AF that applies deep learning, an advanced technology in the Astomach field.stomachn addition to general "face / pupil recognition", it supports "head recognition" that captures the head of a backward person, and "human body recognition" that captures the entire small subject.The camera automatically determines the intention of shooting depending on the angle of view, and keeps focusing while holding down the background.With the evolution of deep learning and the speed of recognition processing, the track and speed of face, pupil recognition and human body recognition have been greatly improved.stomacht is said that animal recognition will provide high focus performance to animals.
Sensor shift type 5 -axis body hand blurring correction (B).stomach.S.).Achieves a 5 -stage correction effect.stomachn addition, hand blurring in the lens (O).stomach.S.)を搭載したLUMstomachX Gシリーズレンズを使用することで、B.stomach.S.と2軸のレンズ内手ブレ補正と協調する「Dual stomach.S.By 2 ", the shutter speed is up to 6 to the telephoto area.It is possible to keep the 5 -stage camera shake correction effect.Equipped with the latest hand blurring algorithm used in the full-size mirrorless single-lens camera "DC-S1H", a natural and uncomfortable camera shake correction is performed when shooting a video.
Equipped with 10 colors and four monochrome modes that can set unified colors from still images to videos.L.Classic Neo, L.Equipped with photo styles such as monochrome S, cinelike D2, cinelike V2, flat, expanding the range of video look.
4K30pやCinema4K24p 4:2:2 10bit記録に加え、新たにCinema4K60p 10bit記録や、Cinema4K30p 4:2:2 10bit記録に対応した。従来の4K60p 8bit記録に比べ約64倍の情報量を持つ10bit記録は、グラデーションや微妙なニュアンスの階調を得られるので、編集やグレーディングの自由度を向上さる。また、Cinema4K30p 4:2:2 10bit記録時にはALL-stomachntraに対応し、最大400 Mbpsの高ビットレート記録が可能。また4:3アスペクトのアナモフィックレンズにも対応。4Kアナモフィック動画に加え、6K動画と同等程度の画素数を持つ高解像アナモフィックモード(4992×3744)にも対応する。
カメラ内で10bitのLog撮影に対応。V-Log L撮影時に、LUT適用後の映像を外部モニターに表示する「V-Log Lビューアシスト機能」で仕上がり時のルックを確認可能。またV-Log Lに対応したLUMstomachX Gシリーズ、V-Logに対応した同社製シネマカメラ「VARstomachCAM」や、フルサイズミラーレス一眼カメラ「LUMstomachX S」シリーズで撮影した動画と組み合わせて、一貫した画作りの映像編集が可能となる。
Equipped with CINEMA4K, 4K, Anamopic 4K, FHD recorded record mode, a barrier blemish rate that can be played in slow motion and quick motion.By increasing the frame rate to be recorded from the standard (overkrank shooting), it becomes a slow video during playback, making it more impressive of the subject's movement.In addition, by lowering the recording frame rate from the standard (under crank shooting), a quick effect is obtained during playback, enabling sharp video expression.
The following shooting assist functions from S1H are newly inherited.
撮影用途に合わせて2基のカードスロットを搭載。容量がいっぱいになった際に1枚目から2枚目のSDメモリーカードへスイッチする「リレー記録」、2つのSDメモリーカードで同時に記録する「バックアップ記録」等の設定が可能。SDメモリーカードは、UHS-stomachstomach Video Speed Class 90に対応する。
LUMstomachX Gシリーズの対応レンズを装着することで、フォーカスリング操作の回転速度に対して移動量可変でピントを移動する「ノンリニア方式」か、回転量に対して移動量固定でピントを移動する「リニア方式」に切り替えることができる。加えて、リニア方式においては、任意の回転角を選択することができ、撮影者の意図に沿ったピント送りをサポートするという。リニア/ノンリニア設定は、対応するレンズのファームウェアアップデートが必要(ファームウェアは6月8日公開予定)。
Panasonic GH5 stomachstomach(ボディ)
Release date: Friday, June 25, 2021
Price: ¥ 196,000 (tax included) [SYSTEM5 (external site)]
Panasonic GH5 stomachstomach(標準ズームレンズキット)
Release date: Friday, June 25, 2021
Price: ¥ 221,000 (tax included) [SYSTEM5 (external site)]