"Napoleon is short" was not correct, but there was a man who flew in the sky before that light brothers
"Napoleon is short" was not correct, but there was a man who flew in the sky before that light brothers
By uavtechnology
17 Nov 22
There was a man who flew in the sky before the light brothers
Q 世界ではじめて飛行機で飛んだのは誰だ?
Of course, the light brothers?You must have learned so.
But in fact, he is not the light brothers.
I don't know the name, but there is a man who flew 50 years earlier than the light brothers.The United Kingdom is a servant who served Yorkshire's Baron George Cary.
Lord Cary is a person called the "Father of Modern Aeronautics" among aerial history experts.He scientifically observed bird flights and classified the power required for the air flight into three categories: lift, gravitational, and thrust.This was the first feat in mankind.Based on this principle, Lord Cary will prototype a model of the flight machine one after another.
In 1804, Lord Cary completed the world's first model glider and succeeded in a full -size Glider test flight five years later.However, it took 30 years to judge that it is an unmanned aircraft, which can be put on a human.
In 1853, in a valley near Skaburo, the town of the northern Yorkshire, the bravely charged bounty desires the hated carriage and crossed the valley on a new planning flight machine.This is the first person who flew in the sky on a harder machine than the air.He was not impressed by the feat, and immediately offered to resign after landing.
He said, "My job is not to fly by carrying a carriage."
It was in 1974 that modern technology made replicas imitating the "Glider of Lord Cary" were manufactured, and crossing the valley was successful in 1974.Currently, the replica is on display at the Yorkshire Aviation Museum.
By the way, the heritage that Lord Cary left for posterity is not only "wings".When he developed a glider's landing device, he also devised an unprecedented groundbreaking wheel.Despite being lightweight, a device with sufficient strength to absorb the impact on the landing aircraft was needed, so we devised a tension wheel (wheel with a axle and wheel part with a wire spoke).This tension wheel has a significant impact on the development of bicycles and cars and is still widely used.