Before the high school-only preview event, the two MCs went to Mishima City, Shizuoka Prefecture, which is the hometown of Ryuka Kosaka, the original author. When asked about the stage greetings at the movie theater, Komatsu said, "When the movie was over, he said, 'It was good!' I thought it would be great to be able to go to Mishima once it was completed, so I was happy to be able to deliver it to the people of Mishima.” thanked the Sakaguchi also said, "This work has the main characters of the four seasons and the location. Those added color to this work, and I was happy to convey my gratitude to the people of Mishima and to receive warm words. It's okay," he commented with a smile.
With that in mind, Komatsu, who took on the challenge of filming for about a year, said, "I played everything with my whole body and soul. I wanted to play with live emotions. So, in the scene where she vomits her feelings to her mother, I couldn't stop crying when the camera wasn't rolling... I was moved many times, and each and every word of Mari's line stuck in my heart. , I was acting with a sad and indescribable feeling.I was nervous before shooting the scene with my mother, and I thought about that scene every day.So I grind my teeth so much that I can't say anything. I lost my back tooth and pulled out my back tooth. That's how much I was thinking about Mari the whole time I was filming."
Sakaguchi, who played Kazuto, a young man who changes his destiny by falling in love with Mari, said, “Kazuto was a boy who loved Mari. It was a little difficult to change his face to become more fearless little by little after reuniting with Mari.Even so, the most important thing was how much I love Mari.If that seems like a lie, the story itself will be thin. I thought it would be simple, but I wanted to genuinely like Mari, because I could see her as an object.”
This work was truly a challenge for the two of them. When asked by the MC about things that changed before and after appearing in this movie, Komatsu replied, "I feel that I have to cherish and love my family and friends who are around me, and those who support me. It made me think again. It made me realize how important it is to cherish family time and think about what makes you happy."
Sakaguchi continued, "I think I have to live each day to the fullest, but there are people who can't do that. After watching the first issue, I decided to cherish the people around me.That's why I would be happy if the people who watched this work also thought so."
Because of the stage greeting after the screening, the students said, "I thought I should cherish the present more and express it in words!", "I was moved by the love of Mari and Kazuto. There were many comments such as "I've been thinking about Kazuto's Mari all the time, and I've sympathized with her." Meanwhile, the event was a question corner from the students at the venue.
[I will be a university student in April, so I would like to start something.
If you have any memories of working hard during your school days, could you tell us about them? ] Komatsu said, "I want to say study, but it would be a big lie (laughs). I was in the volleyball club, so I did my best in club activities. But at school, I think about 30 people gather in one class and spend time together, so I worked too hard. I think it's important not to let it happen," he said, conveying the importance of relaxing without straining.
[I would like advice on what I should do in the next 10 years and what I should do in the future.] I haven't decided what to do.It's exam season, and I'm wondering what to do.But everyone is still in high school, so I think the future is very bright!Find something that excites you, see and hear it yourself. , I want you to experience it, relax and move on.When I was 18 years old, I was in a state of hesitation as to whether I would be able to do this job. Gradually, I wanted to dedicate my life to this job. Now I feel grateful that I am allowed to do this kind of work.” sent an email. In response, Sakaguchi said, "What I can say now is that I received a report card and an evaluation, and of course that is also important. But even in that report card, the attitude of life and the words that the teacher writes about life at school are important. Now, I think that the teacher's message is surprisingly useful.As I enter university and come into contact with various things, it seems that the teacher has keywords that will come to life. They're grown-ups, so it's good to cherish them," he gave advice based on his own experience.
[Mari and Kazuto fell in love and had an encounter that changed their destinies. Did you have any encounters (or events) that made you think, “What? ] Komatsu said, "I was able to meet movies. I made my debut in a movie when I was 18 years old. Seeing the process of completing a movie on the set made me think that I want to live in movies. I really like being on the set of a movie, and there are many things that can only be understood on set. It was a movie that made me think that not only the actors but also the staff cooperated to create a single work that suited my personality," she confessed that "movie" was an encounter that changed her life. Sakaguchi said, "It's a model audition. Actually, at the time I went to the wrong audition venue... But I think it was fate. , I might not be here.If the security guard didn't call out to me, I wouldn't be a model, and I'm doing a play now because I was a model.The security guard changed. I think he gave it to me," he said, revealing the episode of the encounter that changed his destiny.
[When I saw Mari and Kazuto in the movie, I realized once again how important and precious each day is. When do you two feel "happy"? ] Komatsu said, "When I'm eating delicious food and when I'm choosing clothes at a second-hand clothing store. I'm happy with the excitement of what I can find today. When I'm in contact with nature, when I'm with my family, etc. When I answered that I find happiness in ordinary everyday life, Sakaguchi replied, "I don't have any hobbies (laughs). I don't have a lot of things like that... I feel like it would be nice if people around me laughed at what I did.I like to talk to people, eat, and share fun things. And that person may be feeling happy,” he answered.
Sakaguchi said, "This movie is a movie that touches the emotions of many people, and the points that resonate will be different. 's love, and the love between Mari and Kazuto.In making a work, there are not many works that challenged the scene with such love.I will be happy if my classmates and teachers at school tomorrow say that the movie was good. Komatsu asked the students in the audience, "I think everyone has things to think and think about every day. I want you to convey your gratitude to your loved ones by saying, 'Thank you for everything.' I will tell you, but I think there are many things that you can't understand if you don't say it in words, so I think it's good to try to convey your feelings once in a while." .