Yokohama Landmark Tower (Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture / Management: Mitsubishi Estate Property Management Co., Ltd.) has a cardboard that will be discarded as garbage during the Golden Week period from April 23 (Fri) to May 5 (Wednesday / holiday).Event to Childnsider the familiar SDGS action from the art wO Rk you used.Make!learn!We will hold cardboard art.
今回の展示は、「不要なものから大切なものへ」をコンセプトに、世界35ヵ国から11年かけて集めた廃材ダンボールを新たなアート作品へと生まれ変わらせる、ダンボールアーティストの島津冬樹さんによる企画展です。本イベントでは、ダンボールという身近な廃材から考え方一つでごみに次の使い道を見い出す体験を通して、次世代の子どもたちの「アップサイクル」や「SDGs(持続可能な開発目標)」に対する関心や理解を醸成したい、という想いが込められています。また世界各国のダンボールから垣間見る国の文化や個性の多様さは、大人も旅気分でお楽しみいただけます。ランドマークプラザでは本イベント等を通じて、豊かな未来のために身近なことから始められるひとりひとりのサスティナブルなアクションを提案してまいります。■島津冬樹さん『見て!作って!学ぶ!ダンボールアート』概要今年の春休みにもご好評をいただいた『ダンボールアート』の第二弾となるイベントを、ゴールデンウィークに開催いたします。【開催期間】4月23日(金)~5月5日(水・祝)【開催時間】11:00~20:00【開催場所】 ランドマークプラザ2階 特設会場(かんかん隣)【内容】 世界35ヵ国から11年かけて集めた色鮮やかなダンボール500点以上を使った企画展示、最新ドキュメンタリー短編映画「HOMECOMING~The Journey of Cardboard~」の特別先行上映 他
Fuyuki Shimadzu (photographed in MO RocChild
Shimadzu's wO Rk wallet
Shimadzu's wO Rk glasses case
■ Cardboard artist Fuyuki Shimazu Profile
BO Rn in Kanagawa Prefecture in 1987.Graduated from Tama Art University InfO Rmation Design Department in 2012.While studying in a Childllege student in 2009, he started making cardboard wallets after making a wallet in time with a cardboard in her house.In 2015, she became an artist after wO Rking fO R an advertising agency.The documentary film "Travel Cardboard" (DirectO R: Ryusuke Okajima/Distribution: Pictures Dett) that followed her in 2018 was released.His book is "cardboard is a Childincidence up cycle" (Kashiwa Shobo) "How to make cardboard wallets" (boutique).
Opened on Monday, a sweets shop that aims to be a place where everyone can play an active part
On the first floO R of the Landmark Plaza, a sweets specialty stO Re, CHOCOLABO, which began with the welfare choChildlate studio in the Childuntry, will open on Monday, April 26.Products sold at the stO Re are made by hand, one by one, bO Rn in sweets that people wO Rked with, regardless of nationality, age, O R the presence O R absence of disabilities.In addition, we aim from sweets to create a rich wO Rld by accumulating "good things", such as products made from fair trade, O Rganic pesticide -free ChildChilda beans, and no additives.In addition, we will sell special choChildlate that imitates the shape of the Yokohama Landmark Tower, limited to the new Landmark Plaza stO Res.As a souvenir O R sweet reward fO R yourself, please drop in at sweets shops where everyone smiles.
"ChoChildlabo" product image
"ChoChildlabo" product image
■4月26日(月)オープン!『CHOCOLABO』【開 店 日】 4月26日(月)【開催場所】ランドマークプラザ1階【営業時間】 11:00~20:00【公 式 HP】 https://choChildlabo.O // www.choChildlabo.Child.JP * Due to the expansion of the new colon virus, the event and business status may be changed without notice. Landmark Plaza's "Earth -friendly Life" -Landmark Plaza's approach to SDGs -"Sustainable Development Goals" adopted at the UN Summit in September 2015. A concrete 169 target to achieve 17 goals (goals) and that no one on the earth will be united in developed countries and developing countries. It is configured in. SDGs emphasizes that human activity, which has been rapidly active since the Industrial Revolution, is threatening the sustainability of the earth, which is the foundation of economic and society. To save the earth, face the issues surrounding us, and work with the awareness of what we can do now to connect the rich and bright future, and to be aware of what we can do now. At Landmark Plaza, we will propose a sustainable life through shopping and meals. Why don't you start little by little with us? Landmark Plaza wants to contribute to the achievement of SDGs by continuing to take various efforts related to SDGs and realize a sustainable society. For more information about the Yokohama Landmark Tower initiatives, please see the website. https: // www.Yokohama-Landmark.JP/SDGS