Base hospital for new coronavirus infection (material photo) = (Yonhap News)
◇ Hospital bed shortage for patients with severe symptoms of COVID-19 First hospital transfer order According to the government's Central Accident Control Headquarters, as of the afternoon of the 21st, the occupancy rate of beds for severe symptoms of COVID-19 nationwide was 79.2% (1,059 out of 1,337 beds). floor). If the occupancy rate of critically ill beds exceeds 80%, it is effectively considered saturated. The government has sent orders to transfer hospitals to 210 patients who have been hospitalized in the critical care unit for more than 21 days and have determined that they do not need hospital treatment. This is the first time that the government has issued an order to change hospitals due to bed issues. ◇ 62% of corporate workers "Serious corruption in the public sector" On the 23rd, the Korean Institute of Public Administration, a government-affiliated think tank, conducted online and interviews with a total of 1,000 company employees and self-employed people to find out about corruption in the public and private sectors. 61.9% of respondents said that corruption in the public sector was serious. By administrative function, he said corruption was the most serious in the construction, construction, construction, defense, and police sectors, while the fire department, social welfare, and health and medical sectors had relatively low levels of corruption. ◇ Police officers account for 83% of cases of obstruction of public duties. Punishments to be stricter from next year.In response to a series of cases of police obstructing the execution of public duties, the police decided to strengthen their response. According to the National Police Agency, from January to November this year, there were 5,825 cases of obstruction of official duties against police officers, accounting for 83.2% of the total (7,001 cases). The Supreme Court's Sentencing Committee has partially reflected the National Police Agency's request to improve the sentencing standards for cases of obstruction of public duty, and from March next year, the sentence will be reduced if the victim does not want to be punished. It is expected that the clause will be deleted. ◇ South Korea-China Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Strategic Dialogue for the First Time in 4 and a Half Years Today First Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Choi Jong-Gon and China's Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Le Yucheng will hold a strategic dialogue at the vice-ministerial level on the 23rd in the form of a video conference. This is the first strategic dialogue between South Korea and China's vice foreign ministers in four and a half years since June 2017, when the Moon Jae-in administration was inaugurated. Although it was held non-face-to-face due to the spread of the new coronavirus, it is expected that a wide range of topics will be discussed, including measures to develop relations between South Korea and China, the Korean Peninsula, the region, international cooperation measures, and the situation.
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