Some camera fans have given the opinions, "Why do you praise PENTAX K-3 III, even though the camera you use at work is a mirrorless camera?"
Yeah, I like a security camera or an endoscope camera if it's a camera, so I don't have to do it, but recently I have become more and more attached to SLRs.This does not mean specifications.
This time, I would like to delve into the Pentax K-3 III of Ricoh Imaging, which has been six months since I came to our house.The individual who came to us is very active.
黄色い壁の家。年月を経た適度なヤレが郷愁を誘うわけですが、住んでいる人は気に入っているという感じがわかるわけです。ディテール描写がいいですね、なんて無理に説明していますが結局は筆者の“好物”です。PENTAX K-3 III HD-PENTAX DA 20-40mm F2.8-4 Limited(F9・1/500秒)ISO 400In the case of assignment shooting, the time, efficiency and quality must be emphasized, so I will shoot using the latest mirrorless machine without hesitation.As a professional photographer, I am always at the bottom, so I always hurry my delivery, and it is more difficult than you imagined.However, the latest cameras are high performance, so they can often help places that are not reached.Without face recognition, pupil AF, and camera shake correction, it has become a body that can not live.
In a private time, as usual, the shutter sound of the Pentax SP can be scratched, but it is not bright, but I am impressed by the sharp Canon F-1 with a sharp matte matt, and Nikon F's F-36 motor drive operation sound.There are some opportunities to bring these film single -lens reflex cameras to hear.
In the end, I enjoyed taking a trick and taking a picture of a motorcycle that fell in the corner of the vacant lot, or an old public bath chimney, but recently, I have the opportunity to bring PENTAX K-3 III instead of these film SLRs.It has also increased.If you bring out the latest mirrorless aircraft in such a place, would you remember your work?
「配管マニア」なんで、隣のビルの解体で露わになった配管とか、撮らないわけにはいきません。しかもできるだけ高画質で。筆者はマイクロフォーサーズ機もアサインメントに使いますが、APS-Cフォーマットではさらに余裕の高画質に見えます。PENTAX K-3 III HD-PENTAX DA 20-40mm F2.8-4 Limited(F4・1/8,000秒)ISO 400街中でよく見る防犯シールの「誰か見てるゾ」って好きなんですが、人間ではなくても目線を感じることがあるわけですよ。これも出会うとシャッター押します、間違いなく。PENTAX K-3 III HD-PENTAX DA 20-40mm F2.8-4 Limited(F5・1/250秒)ISO 400The other day, I had the opportunity to talk to a young photographer in the photo department of a certain local newspaper, but this person said, "I don't want to see the camera except for work."
It's quite different from my values, but I feel like I don't want to see EVF much other than work.Looking at the smartphone from the morning, watching TV, watching the EVF in the shooting, watching the tablet in the image, e -mailing with a smartphone, returning to work, looking at the PC, and after a few years, the United States of the United States.Wouldn't it be a "feared LCD human" like a B -class movie?I would like to relax with a single -lens reflex camera when I leave work.
The goodness of K-3 III is that the first time you borrow the words of a manufacturer, it is a serious helitage design.Yeah, it is an inevitable triangular triangle because the protagonist of the monophone is included in the protrusion in the center of the body.Moreover, there is no soft strobe built -in.I feel Chinese here.It is different from a triangle for the design of the mirrorless machine.
SLR viewfinders are dark in dark places and bright in bright places, and it's a good idea to look at the windows of society, but not.While looking at the viewfinder, the photographer thinks about the calculation of the final completion of the photo in a short time, but what I didn't like in APS-C's SLR is the image quality.Rather than that, the optical viewfinder was as small as looking into the bottom of the well.I didn't like this and used a 35mm full -size single -lens reflex camera.
K-3 III is an APS-C SLR, but the viewfinder magnification is 1.05's great.Because it is the same as the company's 35mm full -size machine, it seems that this is the only one who says "SLR is a viewfinder than specifications".Pierce the naked eye.It hurts when stabbed, but I am very satisfied.
Nevertheless, K-3 III is overwhelmingly smaller and lighter than the K-1, an indigenous resident of my home, so this is the reason why it is used frequently.The K-1 is inevitably not out of the old digital SLR.K-3 III is attractive because it has been shape up.Yes, fat is a longing for a part that is missing.
For this whole atmosphere, I wanted a shutter speed dial on the right hand side of the body, but use the front and rear electronic dials to set while looking at the LCD (liquid crystal display) on the upper and back.It is an orthodox method of modern style.
There is a small dial with no notation on the right back of the body, but this is called the "Smart function dial" and does not become a shutter speed dial.It is a name like an ETC exit on the expressway, but it seems that various functions can be registered in advance and assigned it, and the settings can be quickly changed.I have never used this dial.It seems that various settings can be made without taking an eye on the viewfinder, but there are some things that I do not know the function even if I look at the display icon.I'm sorry for lack of study.
スマートファンクションダイヤル。背面の電子ダイヤルと間違えたりするんですが、上手な使い方を知らないので、誰か教えてくださいませ。This smart function dial is sometimes mistakenly turned into the rear electronic dial on the back side, and sometimes it may be different that the settings have changed, so I try not to touch it anyway.Still, I hate reading the theory, so I'll go to Ricoh to learn how to use the correct PENTAX K-3 III.There is a possibility that you will forget it immediately, but you should be able to use it more conveniently.
There is an exposure mode dial on the left hand side of the top of the body.I also use AV (aperture priority AE) and M (manual), so I don't move much.But the feel of the operation is not bad.The five user settings (U1 to U5) seem to be difficult to learn the settings, so I guess there is a way to make it a clean ISO sensitivity dial.e?"If you add a shutter dial and ISO sensitivity dial, it will look like that ZAs you say, I don't think anyone complains even if it looks like it.
モードダイヤル。しっかりした作り込みです。ユーザーセッティングのポジションがたくさんあるのですが、これって、全て使い分ける人はいるんですか? いるんだろうなあ。背面のフォーカスセレクターです。通称グリグリ。これも昨今は必須装備と言われます。非搭載のカメラは叩かれたりします。ですが筆者は時おりこの存在を忘れたりします。急いでいる時はフォーカスロックの方が早かったり。中央のAFエリアが一番精度高いし。K-3 III is also a favorite when AV (aperture priority AE), AE functions if you cut the shutter as it is even if you have no electronic contact.The K-1 could not do this, and I was able to shoot with a lens without electronic contact, and I was desperate in my life, but it has been improved properly.I would like to treat the engineer who developed and installed this specification after the corona.
I am glad that the Pentax SLR is left without omitting the AF motor in the body.For this reason, old FA lenses try to focus hard and hard while making a very loud operation noise.If you are touching the focus ring at this time, it seems that this finger will be caught in the rotation.Those who do this should use the latest motor AF Pentax lens.
KAF2マウント。基本形式は不変です。時代に合わせて進化しています。5時方向にある2つの接点はレンズ内モーターの電源供給に使います。元々はパワーズーム用だったとか。いいですね工夫があって。かなーり昔に購入した大口径の標準ズームレンズでも「スターレンズ」ですからね、今でも通用する写りをします。ワイド端28mmって、今ではなんだか素朴な感じすらしますねえ。パワーズームも使えてしまうという見事な互換性。PENTAX K-3 III smc PENTAX-FA☆28-70mm F2.8 AL(F3.2・1/80秒)ISO 800 モデル:ひぃなこれも古いスターレンズの望遠ズーム。えらく高価でした。歪曲とかしっかり補正してますし、色収差も気になりません。でもね、すごく重たいです。覚悟は必要です。パワーズームも使えます。夕刻撮影なんで感度少し上げてますがあまりにもフツーな描写をします。PENTAX K-3 III smc PENTAX-FA☆80-200mm F2.8 ED [IF](F3.2・1/125秒)ISO 800 モデル:ひぃなAgain, the mirrorless machine looks at EVFs and LCDs before the shutter is released, so you can guess the approximate image, so it is very safe at work, but sometimes it is boring in "personal affairs".It can be said that it is meaningful to use a single -lens reflex camera because you can enjoy the predictive ability, imagination, and delusional power before shooting.
To do so, a single-lens reflex camera with a good viewfinder is required, but the K-3 III viewfinder is so large that the change comes, and the cut of the mat part is good.However, even K-3 III can cut the shutter and immediately "answer" (image check), so it is not such an exaggerated thing, but if the photographer predicts, it is still the case.You are secretly happy on the place.
In the case of a film camera, you do not know whether the shooting result is possible until it is developed.I often see that in recent introductory books, "Film cameras are thrilling until the development is finished", but if you are successful at the time of your assignment, you will die early.So, hone your predictive ability and apply skills so that the heart is not burdened.It is also a professional who can do this.
I think the charm of PENTAX K-3 III is that when you use it, there is a sense of security and comfort that you think you are back here, including the pleasure of polishing such prediction skills.When SLR began to become mainstream, I was told that the rangefinder camera would be gone.Of course, it has deteriorated quite a bit, but it is still not the mainstream camera, but Leica, which has a strong hobby, survives and many professionals among professionals.
Then, when a mirrorless machine comes out, do you need a single -lens reflex camera anymore?How about that.If the SLR camera is gone, I think it's boring as a hobby.
隠れスターレンズといわれた35mm F2レンズ。最近マイナーチェンジされ、コーティングが新しくなっていますが、普通に使う分には古いものでも大丈夫そうです。素晴らしい写りです。軽いのでK-3 IIIと相性いいし、正統派の50mmに近い画角でフレーミングできます。PENTAX K-3 III smc PENTAX-FA 35mm F2 AL(F8・1/2,000秒)ISO 400街にあるモニュメントが気になって撮影してしまうのは、リー・フリードランダーの影響で、というのは嘘ですが、最近トシくってきたためかお地蔵さん撮るのも好きなんですよね。K-3 IIIは街に連れ出しやすいカメラです。PENTAX K-3 III HD-PENTAX DA 20-40mm F2.8-4 Limited(F10・1/1,000秒)ISO 400東京の無機質な街並みって画になるわけですが、どうにも構成的な写真になってしまうのです。いやらしいですね。が、レンズ性能とかカメラの画作りは判断しやすいですね。ヌケの良い描写です。PENTAX K-3 III HD-PENTAX DA 20-40mm F2.8-4 Limited(F10・1/800秒)ISO 400