It was a drone reminiscent of a model airplane that stopped the Russian army in Ukraine.
It was a drone reminiscent of a model airplane that stopped the Russian army in Ukraine.
By uavtechnology
17 Dec 22
"The success of a drone attack reveals Russian miscalculation"
FNN Prime Online
It seems that the Russian army invading Ukraine has been forced to change the strategy due to unexpected resistance, but the drone reminiscent of a model airplane.[Image] Two days on the United States' military information site "Military Times", which was used for drone attacks, "Viractal TB2" and "Ukrainian drone attacks have revealed Russian miscalculation."Such an analysis article was published.According to the Ukrainian, the Ukrainian has actively attacked the Russian invasion, destroying 32 fighting vehicles even at the beginning of the battle.The drone also bombs the Russian Army's ground -to -air missile base and attacks logistics, and its images are spread on SNS to promote Ukraine's resistance to the Russian army throughout the world.The video published by the Ukrainian army on the 27th is a drone camera with a truck with four cylindrical objects, such as a missile, and the track crosses the vertical and horizontal line.Explosion and flame.The video also included cheers at the same time, and probably seemed to be taken with a smartphone with a drone control screen.
Turkish drone "Viloctal TB2"
The drone of Ukraine is a Turkish "Viloctar TB2", 12 meters wide and 6 in length..Fly by turning a 5 -meter or a tail propeller with a 100 -horsepower gasoline engine.Avoid luxury controlling with satellites like US drones, flying on autonomous systems that utilize GPS, but still can be operated in a range of around 300 km.In other words, it is a model that reminds me of a model airplane of a radio control, but it can be equipped with four laser -guided missiles.It flew for the first time in 2014 and was exported to the Turkish army, Qatar and Azerbaijan, but Ukraine has imported a total of 18 aircraft in 2019 and 20, and has since ordered additional 48 aircraft.In the invasion, the Russian army first attacked the Air Force Base to dominate air control, but did not seem to destroy the drone base.Probably, the "bilocertal TB2" is relatively small, so it has moved to a facility that can withstand air bombings and concealed with control facilities that can be mounted on trucks.And when the Russian territory invasion begins, he starts attacking from the sky and does not give Russian "air control".