[IOS 15 New Function] Finally appeared in Safari!How to use "tab group"
ウェブを使っていると、どこかの時点で、誰もが「タブ疲れ」に襲われます。別のウィンドウを使って何とか管理しようとするものの、それで問題がうまく解決することはまずありません。おまけに、これらのウィンドウをすべてのデバイス間で同期することも不可能です。【全画像をみる】[IOS 15 New Function] Finally appeared in Safari!How to use "tab group"散らかったタブを管理する方法といえば「タブのグループ化」ですが、残念ながらSafariではこれができません。でも、そんな時代はもう終わりました。iPhoneとiPad、MacのSafariでも、ついにタブをグループ化できるようになるのです。iOS 15、iPadOS 15、そしてmacOS Montereyへのアップデートにより、Safariには「タブのグループ化」に重点を置く再デザインが施されます。※注:iOS 15とiPadOS 15は9月21日にリリース済み。macOS Montereyも今秋中にリリースされる予定。タブグループを素早く作成し、そのタブグループをすべてのデバイス間で同期できるようになるのです。
In the case of the iPhone edition iPhone, the "tab group" function is hidden in the tab switcher. Tap the tab button on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen (an icon with two square -shaped overlapping) to open the tab switcher. At the bottom of the screen, a "tab" drop -down that has never been seen is displayed. Selecting a new tab group in the empty will create a new group without any tabs. Alternatively, you can create a new tab group using all the tabs you are open. Name the group and choose saving. Then, the saved group is displayed in the "Tab Group" section. When you return to the "Tab Group" page, you can operate to switch to another tab group or return to other open tabs. If you want to delete the tab group, tap the edit button, select the menu option next to the tab group, and tap the delete button. Once a tab group is created, you can open a new tab and continue browsing as usual. When you're in the open tab section, it's easy to add a tab to the tab group. Just press and hold the address bar, select the movement option to the tab group, and select a tab group. If you want to open a link in a specific tab group, tap and hold the target link and use the same tab group as before. Updates to iPad / Mac iPados 15 have begun to approach Safari on the iPad. The new sidebar introduced this time also incorporates the "tab group" function properly. The "tab group" function of iPad and Mac is almost the same. The only difference is that the iPad uses "tap" and "tap and hold", and Mac uses "click" and "right -click". To use the "tab group" function on the iPad and Mac, first open Safari and tap the side bar button to open the side bar. All open tabs are displayed in the "tab" section. Tap the new tab group button at the top of the sidebar (an icon with two square marks with the " +" mark), select a new tab group option for the empty tab group to create a new tab group. increase. Alternatively, select a new tab group creation option from the ○ tabs and summarize all the open tabs in the tab group. Name the tab group and tap the storage. Now you can switch from the sidebar to the tab group. When you open the tab group, you will be able to operate the name from the toolbar to switch to another tab group, open tabs, or switch to "private" mode. To move a tab to a tab group, tap and hold the tab (right -click in the case of a Mac) and select the movement option to the tab group. To delete a tab group, swipe the name of the tab group to the left (right -click for Mac) and tap the delete button. Select the deletion option from the pop -up and approve it.