President Otsuka (hereinafter referred to as Otsuka) -Masaaki Kobayashi, the president of the Intermediate Storage and Environmental Safety Project Co., Ltd. (JESCO), this time, Masaaki Kobayashi.JESCO is a special company established by the country's full investment based on the Intermediate Storage and Environmental Safety Project Co., Ltd.Avoid the processing of the PCB waste disposal project from the former Japan Environmental Safety Project Co., Ltd., which is commissioned by the country, etc., and the processing of negative heritage, which is important for Japan today.Is a business that cannot be passed.
Today, I hope that Mr. Kobayashi, who is working on these issues, will be able to hear his thoughts, including the status of response and future predictions.Thank you very much.I would like to introduce Jesco mainly on the business content.
Mr. Kobayashi -Thank you for this opportunity today.As introduced, the company with a very long name, Intermediate Storage and Environmental Safety Project Co., Ltd., work on historical issues, which are established by the law and invested in the country.I am.Although it is a stock company, there are two shareholders, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of the Environment.Of course, the general meeting of shareholders is held every year, but it is a strange company that has more role employees than shareholders.
Currently, we are working on two pillars: a PCB waste treatment business and an intermediate storage business, such as the removal soil contaminated by radioactive materials.Although the personality of the work is different, the intermediate storage is implemented in Fukushima Prefecture with the understanding of the local area, and the local understanding of the PCB waste treatment can be implemented, so it can be implemented with the local area.It is common in terms of proceeding.Both tasks are working on safety first and environment first.
Otsuka -It may have been a bit euphemistic, but I feel that Jesco expanded nationwide and opened a breakthrough during PCB waste treatment, which was the point that was responsible for intermediate storage this time.increase.
Mr. Kobayashi -Yes, I think there are such aspects. Both businesses have a deadline, and it is a major feature that you have to work accordingly. In that sense, there are many new employees who have a seasonal season because they are gathered by people with immediate force, rather than hiring and raising new employees. There is also a thought to be a senior society. Employees in charge of intermediate storage and employees in charge of PCB waste are not directly involved because they are far away. However, I always tell employees in charge of intermediate storage that they should not forget what they have done so far thanks to the history of PCB waste disposal. Since PCB waste treatment began in 2004, it has been about 15 years, but the intermediate storage has just been five years old at the end of last year, just five years old. It seems that 15 and 5 -year -old organizations are working together in the business.
[Enlarged view]
[Enlarged view]
Two pillars of the business of Intermediate Storage and Environmental Safety Project Co., Ltd. (JESCO), "PCB Waste Management Project" and "Interim Storage Business"
Otsuka: As I mentioned now, Jesco started with a PCB waste treatment project and started intermediate storage business five years ago.It has been nine years since the accident at TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.During this time, the Ministry of the Environment has developed an intermediate storage facility as a facility for safely and intensively stored until the soil and waste that occurred due to decontamination in Fukushima Prefecture.I guess there were many things, but how did Kobayashi look at the progress to date?
小林さん― ご指摘の通り、東日本大震災から、この3月11日で丸9年が経つわけで、ちょっと長い時間が経ってしまったという気持ちはあります。ただ、中間貯蔵事業自体については、大きく進捗していると言えると思います。原子力発電所の事故があって、福島県の皆さん方の生活域に放射性物質が放出されてしまいました。これを除染をして剥ぎ取った土や草木を詰めた大型土のう袋【3】の山が福島県の各地にできておりました。物理的にも復興の支障になりますし、またこれを見るたびに当時の状況を思い出して復興の気持ちが削がれるという地元福島県の皆さんの声もありました。もともと中間貯蔵施設に入れるという約束で仮置き場を貸していただき、除染を進め、復興への取り組みを進めてきたわけです。紆余曲折はありましたが、福島第一原発をとりまく1,600ヘクタールの土地の取得をめざしており、今現在、取得あるいは地上権を設定できたエリアが1,100数十ヘクタールになり、他に公有地があります。土地の取得は国が前面に出て進めており、JESCOはタッチしておりませんが、今申し上げたように地元のご理解のおかげで用地の手配が随分進んでおります。福島県の皆さま方は、とにかく除去土壌等を一日も早く中間貯蔵エリアに運んでいってほしいというご希望をお持ちで、これに応えるのが私たちの使命ですが、先祖伝来の土地をご提供いただくという、苦渋の選択をされた地元の住民の皆さんのご決断の上に立っているわけです。
Otsuka -I understand well.I would like the progress of the business.
Mr. Kobayashi -The intermediate storage business we are currently conducting is to sequentially build facilities that separate and accommodate the removal soils and the like in the area. However, since we cannot wait for the completion or progress, we have brought the removal soil in the area in parallel. At first, a storage area for temporary placement is set up in the area, and as the facilities gradually come, the removal soil etc. are brought directly to the facility as possible. I'm trying to increase the pace of transportation, that is, pace of cleaning up. However, of course, we are proceeding with care not to cause an accident during transportation and do not adversely affect the environment on the way. In this way, it is a complex business in which facility maintenance, transportation, and processing are expanding the area and scale over time, but in a nutshell, it is very progressing. Currently, the removal soil is carried through the planned routes from various parts of Fukushima Prefecture, but 6 to 7 large soil bags weighing about 1 ton of about 1 cubic rice removed soil. We carry a sheet on a 10 -ton dump car with a sheet. In recent months, transportation is progressing at a considerable tempo of 3,000 units per day. Large soil bags around Fukushima Prefecture are steadily carried to intermediate storage facilities.
Otsuka -It seems that a considerable number has been brought to the intermediate storage facility at the pace he was planning, but how about the future outlook?
Mr. Kobayashi -The Ministry of the Environment promised to increase the transport pace sequentially.Last year it was 1.8 million bags.It was 500,000 bags last year, so 3.It is about 6 times.4 million bags this year, another 2.I aim for twice.It is a very high goal, and it is delicate whether it can be fully achieved, but it has become a situation that can achieve almost a close number.From now on, if you can transport it as planned in the second and third fiscal year, the transportation of 14 million rice removal soil that has been caused by decontamination will be almost cleared.However, the decontamination itself is still progressing in the difficulty area, so it will be a future issue for the increase in the future.Still, I think it can be realized in a form that does not hinder reconstruction.
Large soil bags carried out of the temporary storage area
Transportation to intermediate storage facilities
大塚― 中間貯蔵の全体状況についてご説明いただきましたが、少し話題を変えさせていただきます。全町避難が続いていた福島県大熊町では、昨年(2019年)4月に新庁舎が開庁し、復興の機運も高まっていると思います。その大熊町に、中間貯蔵Construction Information Center【4】が開設し、今年(2020年)1月で1周年になりました。この情報センターの役割、あるいは住民の方の受け止め方はいかがでしょうか。
Mr. Kobayashi -This information center is called the "Construction Information Center". It is not a completed information center, but for disseminating information during construction. The building itself has been renovated from the ramen shop along Route 6, and some people remember the time. It is a compact facility in spaces. The intermediate storage business is progressing significantly, but it is still on the way, so we are careful about the environment during transportation. The 3,000 dumps I mentioned earlier have attached GPS to each unit, and the monitoring room is confirmed in the monitoring room that the carried out is reliably carried to the intermediate storage area. The route that passes is also adjusted with the local area. That leads to the relief of the locals. The trucks that I brought in once have been confirmed that there is no contamination by screening, and I have them go outside. In the middle route, not only the radioactive level but also air pollution and noise are measured. The radioactive material concentration of the removal soil that is being carried in is mostly low concentrations such as 8,000 becquerels or less. However, I think that there is an image that high -concentration removal soil is carried in and contaminated areas may be formed, so it is possible to show objective data and send out what the situation is. It is important, and the construction information center is responsible for its transmission. In the area, soil storage facilities, sorting facilities, etc. are sequentially built, and the removal soil is being carried more and more, so the situation that changes every time is taken with a drone, and updated every few months. And introduced in the video. According to the story of the local mayor, there are places in the area that you are interested in. It is said that you want to know the original elementary school, a shrine, or the situation, so we can listen to these situations. Facilities are being made sequentially in a large area, but we will drive in it with a drive recorder. It is a real image that goes around, so that the locals know where the locals know, and what facilities are being maintained. Of course, we have reported that the construction is progressing with the procedure and mechanism, and how the dose measured, so the people who come will understand the situation well.
Otsuka: As Mr. Kobayashi mentioned first, there are some storage as an object, but I think it is important to work while gaining the understanding of the residents.
Mr. Kobayashi -It's just about a year since the Construction Information Center was created.On average, about 30 people come constantly a day.Visitors are also asking a questionnaire, and if you look at the data, more than half are outside Fukushima Prefecture.Fukushima Prefecture is suffering from various reputation, so I feel that it is important for people outside the prefecture to know that they are doing this.Of course, I know that people in the prefecture, which are most involved, especially in Okuma -cho and Futaba -cho, have a complicated feeling, but I would like you to take a look.There is still room for improvement in how to disseminate information, so I would like to take the order and devise it.
Otsuka -Please enhance the construction information center.
小林さん― もう一つ、お話しさせてください。つい最近のことですが、中間貯蔵施設内にTechnical demonstration field【5】をオープンしました。もともとConstruction Information Centerとともに、研究施設を造ることを地元の方にお約束していましたが、具体的なイメージはそれほどはっきりとしたものではありませんでした。いろいろと考え、実証フィールドという形で、研究のためのフィールドを用意することにいたしました。全体が2ヘクタールほどで、4面に分かれています。ここでは、運び込まれた除去土壌などの比較的放射性物質濃度の高い試料を提供し、さまざまな研究をしていただくことを考えています。もちろん、環境省や国立環境研究所、民間企業の研究開発部門の方々、あるいはわれわれが研究に使うことを想定しています。
Otsuka -It's already completed.
Mr. Kobayashi -Completed on January 30. One of the features is to use the demonstration field as a place for empirical demonstration. Since the age of decontamination has been promoting wisdom and skills widely, many people are involved in empirical research, but the theme is to decontamination, reduction, regeneration use, or final. It has changed to disposal, and has expanded to soft research on radioactive contamination. We hope that the proof field will be the core and the network will spread. The research expenses of the demonstration research conducted here are allocated by the Ministry of the Environment's budget as the secretariat, so we hope that we can provide materials and analysis facilities to promote research. I am. I hope that you will achieve results and work well with the reconstruction of the town.
Otsuka -I hope you can raise it.
Construction Information Center
Technical demonstration field
Otsuka: From here, I would like to ask about the processing of PCB waste, another pillar of Jesco's business.PCB seems to have caused a great situation in Japan in the 1970s, and even the Japanese environmental administration has changed significantly.After that, there were various things, but I think that the overall stage is approaching the end, with the expiration date of PCB waste in western Japan.
Kobayashi -san -The processing of PCB waste has been tens of years without any processing, but I think that Jesco has been working on it for the last 15 years, and it can be said that it has been gone. Originally, there was an attempt to process PCB waste on a private basis, but I couldn't get the local understanding and I decided to proceed in the country. So there is a history that Jesco was established. Many private companies challenged incineration processing, but Jesco does chemical processing that does not smoke outside. As a result of various adjustments, the work has been undertaken at five locations nationwide, and the work is progressing sequentially. Since the start time is different, we have agreed to finish the process with the promise with the local area. The Kitakyushu office was the first with the understanding of Kitakyushu City. The treatments are transformers and condensers from Okayama and Shikoku as well as Kyushu, and stabilizers and pollution from all over Japan. The completion deadline for the planned processing of transformers and condensers was actually March 31 last year. By that time, we have been doing the process of completing the process of transformer and condenser, and we have finished the processing of Jesco. Since the deadline in the first stage was managed, I would like to connect to the processing after this. Regarding Trans Condencers, the deadline for the process of processing in Osaka after Kitakyushu, the deadline for the end of the third fiscal year, and the following year, the expiration date will be expired in Tokyo and Hokkaido, which covers four Tokai prefectures. There were many transformers and condensers, which were large in size, and there were regulations under the Electricity Business Law, so it was easy to grasp. Some of them are as large as one room, and they can't be transported, so we took time to go to the site and deal with them. To date, I think that the transformer and condensers have been able to process considerably in quantity, but there are other things that are like a stable, thermal paper, and even a rag, so I understand everything. There is a difficult place. Now, the Kitakyushu office has shifted to processing such as stabilizers. We are proceeding with a rapid pace to end it in FY2 and 3rd year, which is the deadline. In addition to Kyushu, treatments come in from the Chugoku and Shikoku regions, the Kinki region, the four prefectures of Tokai, etc. We will continue to play a big role as a top runner. And since the deadline will come in every other area, we are going to respond firmly.
[Enlarged view]
High concentration PCB waste disposal period and business area
Otsuka -How far is Japan as a whole?
Mr. Kobayashi -Overall, the processing rate of transformers and condensers has already exceeded 80 % and about 90 %. Considering that there was an environmental risk for decades for decades, it has come to a long time. However, it is a job that will not be completed unless you can do it until the end, and the last one is difficult to process, and some are difficult to find. There were some transformers and condensers who were sleeping in the warehouse, and the stabilizers are on the back of fluorescent lamps and the ceiling of the office, so they are quite wide. Now, the local government is working on digging up, but I know that there are quite a lot of stabilizers, so I think it will be quite difficult. In that sense, we will make efforts to improve the processing capacity, but I would like many people to be interested and have information.
Otsuka: Even though there is a processing technology, it is difficult to work on on -site, and it is difficult to dig up in small ones, but I heard that it is approaching the end of the game.rice field.
小林さん― そうですね。とはいえ、最後の最後、どれだけ掘り起こしをしてどこまで処理できるかは、ちょっと予断を許さないところもありますから、しっかりと進めていきたいと思います。先ほど述べたように、最近はトランス、コンデンサー、安定器などに加え、塗膜などいろいろなものも注目されてきています。日本では、政策判断によりすべてを国策としJESCOの事業として進めてきましたが、民間の実力もついてきていますから、民間で処理できる基準の見直しなどに合わせ民間に担ってもらう部分があると思います。JESCOの事業と民間の事業をうまく連携させ、より多くの処理を進めていければと思います。国際的にみると、PCB廃棄物については国際的取り決めとしてPOPs条約【6】が背景にあり、期限はまだ先とはいえ、だんだんと迫ってきており、世界各国も関心を高めています。去年も京都でダイオキシンとPCBに関連する国際会議【7】が開催されましたが、海外でも焼却処分だけでなく化学処理への関心が高まってきています。日本ほどきっちりとした処理は難しいとしても、より簡便な形での化学処理を進めようとしている国もあるようです。途上国でも焼却場に対する住民の懸念が強いようで、日本の化学処理の経験がアジアをはじめとする各国に役立つかなと思っています。
トランス・コンデンサーの化学処理フロー[Enlarged view]
安定器、感熱紙、ウエス、塗膜などの処理方法[Enlarged view]
Otsuka -I have been asking various things about Jesco's business, but Mr. Kobayashi has been involved in environmental administration for many years and has various ideas about the environment, so I hope that the readers of Eco Charanger will give you a message. think.
小林さん― 私自身、何十年も環境省で仕事をしてきましたが、株式会社の経験は初めてになります。民間の立場から環境に関わることになって、最近非常に気になっているのが災害の頻発です。私どもの会社も各地に事業所がありますから、台風や大雨などによって、これらのどこかに影響があります。気候変動は、環境問題の中でも別格の大きな問題だと思っていましたが、適応【8】という視点から対応していくことが、ますます現実のものとして求められています。従来の常識になかったことが、残念ながら起こるという前提で、しぶとく受け止める体制を作っていかなくてはいけないと思います。おそらく、ハードな面での対応だけでは不十分で、都市計画も大事でしょうし、暮らし方も大事になってくると思います。私どもが取り組んでいるPCB処理や中間貯蔵も、このような適応の問題と共通している面があると思うのです。中間貯蔵事業で除去土壌等を全部貯蔵施設に運び込みさえすれば、事業としてはある意味でひとつの区切りになるのですが、復興が進んでいく中で、このエリアがどういう場所になるのかにも、だんだんと関心が高まってきています。PCBの場合も、処理が終わったら仕事も終わるので、解体・撤去して下さいねということで完結することになるのですが、結構な人数で事業を展開してきて、だいぶ地域の方々と馴染んできたこともあり、自分たちの当面する仕事が終わった後も、地域の中で何か新しい役割を果たしていけないかという声が出てきています。テーマは「環境」になるのでしょうが、SDGs【9】やESD【10】の考えなどを含め、どういう地域をつくるのかが、本当の意味での事業の後継あるいは完成のために問われているように思います。
Otsuka: I think it's really important to think about the local environment.Mr. Kobayashi worked while watching the scene, and I felt that what I had now talked about was one way to go.
Kobayashi -Fukushima is a major point in how many people will return even if the evacuation instructions are released. Even in town authorities, it seems that not only the residents return and the town will return completely, but also the idea that new people will come in and create a new town. At that time, I'm worried about what the intermediate storage area should be. Thirty years later, it will be a final disposal outside the prefecture, but it has only 25 years. In the meantime, I think that what role it plays will be important. Disasters have become intense in various parts of the country, and the risks of new infections have increased, while the population is declining, and there are a lot of issues on how to revitalize the region. In each area of Fukushima, which is aiming for reconstruction, or in the case of PCB waste disposal, there are places where a large site can be created, but draws a picture of town development from blanks, assuming reorganization. I think it may be. The story of global warming also takes decades to see how the intermediate storage is in the final disposal, so the role of young people with a deep relationship and the right to decide will increase. I think it is important for those people to be actively involved in the future direction.
Otsuka: I feel like I had a new problem based on the experience on site.We will continue to make efforts to create measures for the future, along with the steady progress of the business.Thank you very much.
Masaaki Kobayashi (right), President and CEO of Intermediate Storage and Environmental Safety Project Co., Ltd., and Ryotaro Otsuka (left), President of the Environment Innovation Information Organization.