The Immigration Property documentary film "Ushiku" will be released in movie theaters nationwide from the 26th.When returning to the country of origin, refugees who are dangerous to life are not recognized as refugees, and they arbitrarily branded an illegal stay to detain an invisible camp.
It was produced by Christian film director Thomas Ash.He is a member of the Japanese Holy Captivity St. Orban Church and a pastor's son.The church has a service called "Deeper Service Group" (DSG).In accordance with Jesus Christ in Matthew's Gospel 25: 31-47, he has been active since 2018 to serve those who have been in asking Japan for help or other immigrants.Thomas was invited by a friend of the church to become a member of DSG in 19 years, and began to visit in immigration and provide provisional support.
While praying and talking with the housed people, Thomas is weakened due to weakness, and is prescribed by an immigration person who is unable to walk in a wheelchair, who complains that it has been left unchecked even if he wants to see a hospital.I saw people who were cornered by both sleeping pills and stabilizers, and those who attempted suicide.I witnessed this situation and thought about what I could do as a documentary writer led to the production of this work.
There are Christians in the workers in the work, and the exchange of words based on the Christian religion is naturally seen.Although this work was already evaluated as much as a prize at the overseas film festival, it had to overcome many obstructions and difficulties in the public in Japan.Before the release, we talked to Thomas.
――The work will be released in Japan.Congratulations.What was the biggest difficulty that had to be overcome to achieve this?How did God help the director for that?
Thank you for the congratulations.It is certainly a great honor to be able to share this work with people all over Japan and people around the world.But this is not something you feel happy.I think it would have been nice if I could do it.
What was the most difficult to get over was that we had to come up with a way to record the testimony of the contained people, or to confront some retaliation from me and the Agency for Advanced State Management.maybe.However, the challenge that was actually the most difficult to get over was the obstruction from "others."Those who tried to stop the performers raising their voices, and those who tried to persuade the performers to expose themselves in danger by speaking the truth.What our supporters should do is to support those who are courageous.
God made me do anything.Looking back, nothing happened without God.For me, I started volunteering in immigration was all the beginning.At that time, I was hoping that God worked through me and had some small peace to the people contained in immigration.But in fact, it was myself who was helped.There were many things that they were praying for volunteers, and I felt God's love through their words.The Sister, where I know the Holy Public Association, said this was a "exchange of grace."By serving someone, we are more blessed.
――What can you expect from this work as an audience?Also, what should the director should expect from this work?I have also seen criticism that the representative who expected to reflect both of them felt that only one opinion was reflected.The reviewer divided the documentary film into a reporter type and a prosecutor type, and interpreted Ushiku as a prosecutor.
What I hope through "Ushiku" is to make the world of people affected by the inhuman immigration law as they are. In terms of government position, I included the scene in the long -lasting parliament of the Minister of Justice. She clearly describes the government's position on immigration law, containment, and departure from abroad. It is true that I did not interview other administrative officials involved in immigration. But I believe that Minister Mori's answer in the Diet represents accurate and sufficient government position. If the government wants to say anything about their position, they have as many media that can be used. The housed people were not allowed to share their voices and experiences. Until now. If you watch this work, you should ask yourself why photography and recording are not allowed at the camp. If there is nothing to hide in immigration, why do they hide them?
茨城県牛久市の東日本入国管理センター(牛久入管)に収容された複数の在日外国人が実名顔出しで不正義を訴えるドキュメンタリー映画「牛久」――I think there was an unexpected reaction to the work, and I think there was an unexpected reaction.What remained in the impression of the director?
When I was a child, when I was a child, my mother always said, "I can't do what happens in the world, but I can decide how to respond to it."When a difficult situation comes, she reminds me of the words.
There are people who tried to stop the release of this work.But it's sad to see a person trying to break what is doing, instead of doing good things in the world, using the talent, time, and energy given to God.People who use their energy to destroy.I pray for them.Their eyes were opened and the gifts given to God could be used to improve the world.
We do not expect everyone to support this work, but if everyone who is interested in what is happening in the contained person, supports the victims of the current immigration system.I certainly expect it.Anyone who tries to silence the performers who have given extraordinary courage is carrying an immigration authority.
――I think there was a positive and negative criticism, but what did the director feel like?How does the director respond to negative criticism?If there is a criticism that the director was not given the opportunity to respond, you could answer here.
One of the most positive criticisms I got in Ushiku was that the work was not narrated.This was intentionally done.The reason is that I always wanted to focus on the testimony and voice of the people in the camp.
Perhaps the biggest criticism from Japanese people was about the hidden camera.This work was screened in more than 20 countries, but I was very strange because no one criticized me about a hidden camera.Overseas people understood that the only way to expose this story under the sun was the "hidden camera".
Here, in Japan, there are so many discussions that I have been shooting "what" but "how" I shot, and I am very frustrated. It's like a terrible, too terrible truth, but only what kind of scoop was used. I have completely missed the point. If you look at the work, you can see why I did so. I thought someone might die. And I felt strongly that I had to leave evidence of what was happening there. In a terrible tragedy, I did not hope that immigration would hide it. I didn't intend to make a movie from the beginning. The beginning was evidence that only human rights violations were seen from my eyes.
――The accusation people in the work are also Christians.As a Christian film director, please give a message for Japanese Christians, foreign Christians in Japan, and Christians living in Japan with multiple cultural racial backgrounds.How does the director want them to be involved in this issue?
Through my visit to the camp, and through the human relationships I have linked to some of the contained people, I have made my religion very deep and stronger.I went there that I wanted to improve the lives of the people I visited.But on the contrary, I didn't expect that I could change so much.
The life that God gave to us is very short.We must cherish it, live and use it as a gift, and use it.We are called so that Christ loves each other as if we were loved.We are called to serve people in need.Let's go out in peace, love, and serve the Lord.
■ Movie "Ushiku" Theatrical version trailer
■ Movie "Ushiku" official website