It came out, Android 12!
Starting with Google's Pixel (3 or later), the guidance of Apde will gradually come to the Android device of other manufacturers.Let's prepare for the 15 new features you want to try first after introducing them.
Although it is a function that has been made for a long time with Chrome, Android has finally captured full screen.You don't have to capture like a screensho → scroll → scroll → scroll → screensho ... and if you connect the shredded screenshots, there is no need to start over.Press the power button and the volume small button at the same time to the display area.Press the "Capture More" in the corner of the screen to save and save the full screen, including the scroll destination.
Search windows, which could only search for webs, can now search for contacts, communication, and apps.If you include or not included in the search target, you can choose yourself.
In Android 12, the design approach has been renewed to "Material You".This is a round UI with a lot of animation.If you choose a wallpaper, you can change the icon and menu according to the color palette.To match, select "Wallpaper color" from "Wallpaper & Style" on the main setting screen of Android.After setting, if you move the widget of the clock, it will change to a color that is easy to see according to the background color of the destination.It's interesting.
Google says that the Automatic rotation is wiped out and the vertical and horizontal switching quickly, smooth and accurately in Android 12.When the face is lying down with the terminal, it seems that you can judge the automatic rotation "do not" (although it is limited to pixel).How do you identify your face?
Some emoticons have changed some designs, modern and simple.What has changed is croissant, snowman, roadway, pie, mask wearing smile.The commentary and the sample are here.
「ゲームモード」がAndroidにも登場です。ゲームモードにすると、高負荷に耐えられるハードウェア環境に最適化されるほか、通知をブロックしてプレイに集中できますよ。「通知」を開いて、「Do not Disturb(おやすみモード/サイレントモード)」>「スケジュール」の順にタップして「ゲーミング」の歯車アイコンを押すとゲーム設定画面が開きます。ここで「ショートカットを作成」を有効にしておけば、ゲーム中にダッシュボードのショートカットが表示されるみたい。
For the first time as a mobile, the function of opening multiple windows and tabs has been realized in collaboration with Google Chrome for Android.This can be used from the main browser menu.With Android 12, the split screen view has also been enhanced, so it seems to be useful when dividing.
The place where it was a little difficult to switch was improved.In 12, just swipe down from the top of the screen and tap the "Internet" to display a network list that can be used like this, so switch to your favorite Wi-Fi or turn on the Wi-Fi connection / ON /.You can switch OFF.
The quick setting panel (displayed with two finger wipe at the bottom from the top of the screen) has enhanced functions and settings that can be operated.Not only smart home, but also Google Pay and new accessibility settings can be done here.Tap the pen icon in the lower left and select the button to display.
The operation of cutting the camera and the microphone is easier, and if you enter this screen with two finger swipe from the top of the screen, you can now turn off with one tap.If there is an app that is using a camera or microphone, it will be displayed at the top of the screen.
Another quick setting.When all the screens displayed in two finger swipes at the bottom of the screen are opened, the button is displayed (tap the pen icon in the lower left when not displayed).The screen becomes much darker regardless of the brightness setting to press here.When the room is dark and the dazzling screen is annoying to the person behind, it may be a good idea to remember.
Google is a mechanism to manage login authentication information in bulk management with all apps such as Chrome, but Android 12 has improved so that this password management screen can be accessed immediately.The separately installed password management manager is also the same.Just tap "Password & Account" from the setting screen.
The widgets can also be enjoyed according to the wallpaper color, so if you want to use it, press and hold the margin on the Home screen and select "widget" and set it.You can check the chat recently exchanged with your friends in the new widget "Conversation" on Android 12.
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