Ogawa Seiki, which boasts the top share of model engines, handles a variety of products such as fixed wing, rotating wing, and brushless motors..S.Exhibited as Professional brand.The second installment of the range extender "GT60REU" (under development) and the engine for fixed wing aircraft were displayed to attract attention.
ドローン用エンジンを多数展示した小川精機のブース。The challenge for drones flying with batteries and motors is that the cruising time is short.When shooting a wide area area or precise surveying, you must prepare a number of charged batteries in advance, interrupt the work every time the battery is cut off, and replace it.The "hybrid drone" that solves such issues to the battery while generating electricity with the engine is being developed by various manufacturers.Ogawa Seiki is developing and commercializing such a range extender for such hybrid drones.
レンジエクステンダーGT33REU(定格1kW、33cc)。セルスターター(発電機一体型)を標準装備。エンジンとスターター&発電機を一体化設計することにより軽労化を実現した(発電機本体は2200g)。開発中のプロトタイプが展示された60cc レンジエクステンダーGT60REU。2kWの発電能力を持ち、大型ドローンにも対応する。O.S.PROFESSIONALオリジナルGT60REU搭載テスト用ハイブリッドドローンとあわせて展示されていた。The range extender is generated by a mixed gasoline as a power source, and is designed to be compact while integrating the engine, starter, and generator.At the booth, the "GT33REU", which has already been commercialized, and the "GT60REU", which has already been developed 1 kW power generation capacity, and 2kW power generation capabilities under development.GT33REU achieved a consecutive 11 -hour flight in the demonstration experiment conducted in October 2020, and was talked about.Conducted, Amuse One Self hybrid drone "GLOW.It is attracting attention by drone manufacturers, such as being adopted in H.The GT60REU is the second of the company's range extender, which will further afford and diversity in drone -equipped equipment.The release is scheduled for March 2022.Expanding drones will significantly improve productivity, such as shooting, surveying, and transporting a wide area, and will be a catalyst for further expansion and introduction of drones.
固定翼機用4サイクルエンジン「GF40U2-FI」(開発中)。先行して販売されている電子制御燃料噴射装置付き4ストローク単気筒40ccエンジンの「GF40U-FI」をベースに、スタータージェネレーターシステムを新たに搭載した。産業用の4ストローク2気筒80cc「GF80TU-FI」(開発中)。固定翼UAV専用で低振動、低燃費、フュエルインジェクション仕様、高高度(3000m前後)対応。4ストロークエンジンの低燃費と2ストロークエンジン並みの高出力を両立している。現在はテストフライト中とのこと。ラジコン模型飛行機用エンジンとして実績のあるO.S. GF40をベースに、固定翼機での使用を想定し、新開発の燃料噴射システムと、100Wの発電機を搭載した「GF40U-FI」。120cc水平対向2気筒エンジン「GT120THU-FI」。200W型の発電機とスターターを搭載した回転翼用UAVエンジン。低振動の水平対向エンジン採用により、UAV本体だけでなく搭載する機器に対し振動面で有利となっている。In addition, a number of UAV engines for fixed wing aircraft and UAV engines for rotating wings were exhibited.Since its founding in 1936, a trusted Japan brand "O.S.As PROFESSIONAL, the company will continue to fuse the latest technology and craftsmanship and deliver innovative products.