How much the camera shooting performance changes with a memory card?Comparative verification with rumor Angelbird CFEXPRESS TYPE B card
How much the camera shooting performance changes with a memory card?Comparative verification with rumor Angelbird CFEXPRESS TYPE B card
By uavtechnology
06 Sep 22
What is the role played by the memory card in EOS R5
CFEXPRESS TYPE B cards have been released from companies such as Sandisk, Lexer, Progered Digital, and Sony, and have a lot of options in market.Perhaps some people are considering "the best memory card for their body".
The theme given to the writer this time is to explore the abilities of Austria's Austria's Austria's memory card "AV Pro CFEXPRESS" and "AV Pro CFEXPRESS XT".
Therefore, this time, we have prepared Canon's mirrorless camera "EOS R5" as a model that will currently require the highest treatment performance for CFEXPRESS TYPE B card.A method of checking the operation in the 8K RAW video recording by the aircraft was adopted.In the card test, the tendency and way of thinking on the body side have been seen, so I would like to tell you together.