The Source Record is distributed on this site and has a Mac, Linux, and Windows version, so press the "Download" button to download it.For Windows, there is an installer version, so let's use it.
After installing OBS, open the "filter" of the source you want to record the original, such as a wipe or game screen, press "+", and select "Source Record", the source is recorded at the original resolution.It will be.
オリジナルを記録したいソースの「フィルタ」を開いて、「+」を押し、「Source Record」を選択するHowever, there are various settings, so let's explain in order.When you add Source Record to the filter, many settings are displayed on the right pane.The "Record Mode" in the "Record" frame specifies when to start recording the source.Selected contents include "None" (not executed), "Always" (always), "Streaming" (at the start of distribution), "Recording" (at the start of recording), "STREAMING OR RECORDING" (distribution start or recording startTime).
In "PATH", specify the folder that records the source.In "Filename Formatting", the format of the file name attached to the source recording can be specified.The default value is "%ccyy-%mm-%dd%HH-%mm-%ss", and in this case, 2021-09-11 16-35-01.The date and time of recording, such as MP4, are the file name.If there is one source to be recorded, this may be the case, but if you record multiple sources such as wipe and games at the same time, "Camera_%CCY-%MM-%DD%DD%HH-%MM-%SS" for the wipe,It is necessary to specify such as "Game_%CCY-%MM-%DD%DD%HH-%MM-%SS" for the game screen, so that the file name is different.
"REC FORMAT" is a video recording format.I think MP4 is familiar and easy to handle, but MP4 has the property that if the OBS or OS falls at the time of recording, the data is not recorded at all.If you want to avoid that risk, if you set it to FLV, the data will remain up to the dropped part, but FLV is PREMIERE PRO CC 7..Reading is no longer supported after 1.Choose whether to use ease of handling or relief.
Record枠で記録に関する設定を行なうWhen you check the "Replay Buffer" frame, the source is always recorded separately for the number of seconds set in "Duration" for instant trays.If you make good use of the instant tray play, you can make an interesting production with live distribution, but I don't think it is necessary to use this feature in Source Records because OBS has it as standard.
If you use the "Stream" frame, you can stream the source separately from the main delivery, but you will hardly use it when distributing it alone.
If you check the "Different Audio" frame, you will be able to record the video source with the voice of the voice source specified by "Source".This is also a pretty niche function, and in fact, Source Records has a little bug in voice records, so it seems that this setting is rarely used.
In "Encoder", you can specify the encoder used for source recording.On top of that, fine settings such as bit rate and CBR/VBR can be made.Basically, it is set to be designated as specified in the distribution, but the recorded video is not as severe as the live delivery, so it is possible to increase the bit rate from the live delivery with emphasis on image quality.
For example, a live distribution of full HD 60FPS is standard about 9,000 kbps, but if you raise it to about 20,000 kbps in Source Record, it will be difficult to block noise even in games where screen is rewritten such as FPS.However, the file size naturally increases accordingly.Alternatively, the distribution is CBR (fixed bit rate), and the Source Record may be VBR (variable bit rate).
Encoder枠でエンコーダの設定を行なうTherefore, the settings for general distribution are required for "Record", "PATH", "REC FORMAT", and "Encoder".