This article re -edited the "[Extended lending period !!] IoT device that allows you to experience the IoT device for free" published in the "SORACOM Official Blog" provided by Soracom.
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参加者の声初めてIoTに取り組む方にも人気!デバイスと体験できるIoTシステムのご紹介GPS マルチユニット SORACOM EditionIoT 体験キット〜簡易監視カメラ〜Grove IoT スターターキット for SORACOM【期間延長】開催期間と参加条件Hello everyone, this is Kumazaki (nickname NAO) of Soracom.
We will inform you that the device lending period of the "IoT Correspondence Course to Learn by yourself" is extended to March 31, 2022 (Thursday) that you can borrow devices and experience the construction of the IoT system!
自分で学べるIoT通信講座とは?This is a free course where you can rent an IoT device from Soracom for free and self -study the construction of an IoT system with reference to the procedure.Customers can try them in your favorite place and time.There is also an "IoT consultation room" where you can consult with IoT experts.
The IoT correspondence course, which started provided in the summer of 2021, has received a response from many people.In particular, we are happy to hear that the questions have been resolved, "I was interested in IoT, but I don't know where to start," and "What kind of equipment should I prepare?"increase.
The extension of this period aims to have the opportunity to experience the construction of an IoT system.Therefore, in this blog, we will introduce the experience blogs and impressions of those who have already participated in the IoT correspondence course for those who are not sure about the experience.
"Sorakom "'s IoT correspondence course (free device lending) is recommended for three reasons:" There is a procedure that IoT beginners can achieve "," costs are very low ", and" consult with IoT experts ".I was introduced.
The following is a quote from the blog.
In addition, in this blog "I applied for SORACOM [IoT Communication Course], I introduced it to the actual reception email.Isn't it helpful for those who are worried about the flow of rental?
I received my impressions in the blog.
The number of IoT devices has increased, and unnecessary mechanisms such as soldering the sensor and the board have been used.For this person, the device lent by this one is a device equipped with a temperature and humidity sensor and GPS (GPS Multi Unit SORACOM EDITION -Details are introduced below), so data can be obtained by browser operation.。
We also received your impressions on Twitter.In the construction of the IoT system, there is a procedure for introductors that blink the LED lamp called L chika as "Chika", but when I first built the IoT system, look at the colorful LED lamp.I remember being very happy
It is an IoT device that can be carried around with GPS, temperature and humidity sensor, acceleration sensor, and can be carried around with LTE-M and rechargeable batteries for power-saving communication.With simple operation on the browser, you can easily achieve GPS tracking and temperature and humidity visualization.It is easy to use for those who start IoT, and are often used as the first step in IoT learning.Please see the product page for specifications.
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, USB type dongle "AK-020", simple surveillance camera kit with a USB camera.You can make a fixed point observation, accumulate shooting data and create time lapse videos.If you want to use a small computer razor pie, which is widely used from individual electronic work to business use, please take this opportunity!The product page is here.
There are also many other IoT DIY recipes using Raspberry Pi.You need to prepare a little part for yourself, but the necessary parts are also listed in the recipe, so please refer to here.
IoT experiences with seven types of sensors often used in IoTs such as temperature humidity, acceleration, button, buzzer, GPS, magnetic, ultrasonic sensor, and "Wio LTE JP Version" with Arduino compatible boards equipped with LTE modules.It is a kit.All sensors have uneven terminals, so they can be connected to the microcomputer board without any soldering.In addition to the seven types of sensors that are set, many sensors are available, so the range of future use will be expanded.Please see the product page for the specifications of bundled sensors and microcomputers.
The IoT DIY system introduced above is an example.If you have a system you want to do with the device to be handed over, you can make it freely!
If you have any questions about this project, please feel free to contact us from the inquiry form of the event resist (application mechanism used in this course).We look forward to your participation!
-Sorakom Kumazaki (NAO)
Post [Extended the rental period !!] The correspondence course that allows you to experience the IoT device for free was first displayed on the SORACOM official blog.