How to use Excel that can't be heard anymore
Did you notice that the [FX] button is displayed on the left side of the mathematical bar in Excel?Even if you usually work at Excel, few people may have touched this FX button.You may not know that such a button existed in the first place ...
This [FX] button is officially called the [Insert function] button, and is a convenient button that can make mathematical input more efficient if used.This time, I will explain how to use this [FX] button.
As the name suggests, this button is a button that helps create a formula using a function.Immediately, let's actually create a formula using this button.
Let's enter a formula using a SUM function in the cell (here cell e17) that wants to display the smaller in the bill created in Excel.Click Cell E17 (①) to select.
Next, click the [FX] button (②) on the left side of the Mathematical Bar.
The Insert function dialog box is displayed.Click [SUM] (③) from the [Function Name] column to select, and click [OK] (④).If [SUM] is not displayed in the [Function Name] column, enter [SUM "in the [Function Search] field at the top of the dialog box and click [Stake].It is displayed in the name column.
By the way, you can also enter what you want to do in Japanese, such as "Total" or "Addition" in the [Function Search] column.If you can't remember the name of the function, try this search method.
The Dirog Box is displayed.In this dialog box, the content of the arguments to be input after the function after the function can be entered by the argument.In the SUM function, you enter the numbers, cells, and cells you want to add in parentheses.Here, I want to add cell range E12: E16, so enter "E12: E16" (⑤) in the [Numerical 1] field (you can also drag the cell range e12: f16 on the sheet).。When the input is completed, press [OK] (⑥).
A formula using the SUM function was entered in the cell e17 (⑦).I do not enter the parentheses after the function myself, but using this [Insert function] dialog box will automatically complement the parentheses.In a function with multiple arguments, the ", (comma)" that enters between arguments is also automatically entered.In this case, the formula is completed simply by selecting a function name and entering the argument correctly, so you can create a formula while organizing your head!
If you are accustomed to the operation in Excel, you may notice, but when you click on this button, the [Insert function] dialog box is displayed when you click [Motor] tab → [Insert function].Same as what is displayed.
The FX button is useful not only when creating a formula, but also when modifying the formula that caused an error.For example, a formula created in Excel has created a formula to display a fixed schedule on a fixed day of the week (①).
I entered the formula to the end and pressed the [Enter] key, but the error value was displayed (②).Apparently, there is an error in the formula.
Click the cell (here, cell B3) where an incorrect formula is input (here, cell B3) and select (③), and click the [FX] button (④) on the left side of the formula bar.
The Dirog Box is displayed.The argument of the IF function is displayed in order from the top, but on the right side of the [logical formula] displayed at the top, "#name?" (⑤) is displayed in red letters.I will.Apparently, there is an error in this part of the formula.In this way, when there is an error in the formula, click the [FX] button to specifically know the part that causes the error.
Because the spell of the "Weekday" function entered in the [Logic Formation] column was incorrect, the error value was re -entered (⑥), and the error value displayed on the right disappeared, and Weekday disappeared.The return value of the function (here is False) (⑦) is now displayed.After confirming that the error value is no longer displayed, click [OK] (⑧) to close the dialog box.
The mathematical formula has been corrected correctly, and an error is no longer displayed on the cell (⑨).Even though the formula is entered, nothing is displayed on the cell, so?As you might think, this day is a day of the week without a schedule, so it is correct that nothing is displayed on the cell.
The [FX] button is a button that can be used conveniently when you want to know the hints of mathematical formulas, as it will tell you the parts that need to be corrected in the formula.
This time, I explained two ways to use the [FX] button that is always displayed on the left side of the mathematical bar in Excel.I think you can see that the [FX] button, which had been casually looking at, is very useful.
Use the [FX] button that can be conveniently used for creating and correcting mathematical formulas to improve your work efficiency!