Turn on [Location services] and set individual items. [Notification of location information] can be selected from ON / OFF. The choice of whether the app that uses location information will display the map in the confirmation notification message. Both ON and OFF will be notified of confirmation, but the one that is visually easy to understand is ON.
[Location services] screen. Keep [Location services] ON Location notification When ON (left) and OFF (right)Tap [Share location] to display the [Search] screen. There is no reason to turn off Find My iPhone. If you misplace your iPhone, you can search for it from other devices. [Share location] is a function for sharing location information with family and friends, and it works with the [Share my location] item in the [Search] app.
If you have registered a family member, the [Family] item will be displayed. For example, if you share location information on your child's iPhone, you will be able to know where you are.
[Location services] for each app is set from the list of apps at the bottom of the screen. Basically, there should be no problem if you set [Allow only while using this app]. I don't think there are many apps that require [always]. For the time being, you can set it to [None] and reset it if you find it inconvenient. If you turn off [Accuracy information], location information that is slightly off the current location will be shared.
App location information setting screen. If you feel inconvenient by setting it to [None], you can set it again.The [System Services] item at the bottom of the [Location Services] screen is the setting for handling location information in the system functions of the iPhone. Only the minimum items should be ON. It has a big impact on battery life before privacy.
[Find My iPhone] is ON because the above-mentioned "Find My iPhone" function cannot be used. [Adjust Compass] is necessary to improve the accuracy of map apps. [Network and Wireless] is a setting for acquiring the location information of the iPhone from a Wi-Fi access point within the communication range. I think it's okay to turn it on. If you turn off [Set time zone], the automatic setting of the time zone will be disabled. It is recommended to turn on the [Status bar icon].
Turn on [HomeKit] if you are using an app that supports the [Home] app such as lighting, and [Motion adjustment and distance] if you are using a device such as the Apple Watch that works with the healthcare app. .. There is no problem even if other items are OFF.
Tap [System Services] at the bottom. The top of the [System Services] screen. Turn on only the minimum items. [System Services] screen Bottom [Frequently Used Locations] screen. When turned on, location information is sent periodically.I'm more concerned about battery drain than privacy