[CP+2022] Kosina, Nikon Z lens "Apola" for reference (IMPRESS WATCH) --Yahoo! News
[CP+2022] Kosina, Nikon Z lens "Apola" for reference (IMPRESS WATCH) --Yahoo! News
By uavtechnology
07 Aug 22
コシナは2月23日のCP+2022オンラインdeliveryにおいて、会場イベントで参考展示予定だった交換レンズなどをお披露目した。それぞれの詳細は同社Webサイトで24日に公開するという。【この記事に関する別の画像を見る】以下の製品はいずれも価格および発売時期は未定。■ APO-LANTHAR 50mm F2 Aspherical(ニコンZマウント用)アポクロマート設計によって軸上色収差を極力ゼロに近づけ、“フォクトレンダー最高性能の標準レンズ”とアピールする交換レンズ。ソニーEマウント用とライカMマウント互換のVMマウントが発売済みで、新たにニコンZマウント用を追加する。■ APO-LANTHAR 35mm F2 Aspherical(ニコンZマウント用)アポランターシリーズの1本として、“フォクトレンダー最高性能の準広角レンズ”を謳う製品。近日発売予定としている。こちらもソニーEマウント用とVMマウントが発売済み。対応カメラと通信を行う電子接点を搭載している。■ NOKTON D23mm F1.2 APS-C lenses that are conscious of matching with Nikon Z FC (for Nikon Z mount).Athletic angle of view is obtained by 35mm format 35mm.Equipped with electronic contacts, the focus assist function on the camera side can be used."NOKTON D35mm F1".2 "features a soft depiction of the aperture open, which is preferred by standard lenses, but it also uses aspherical lenses and abnormal partial dispersal glass, enhancing the resolution performance by squeezing aperture.It is said that this can obtain a narrow line of lines.■ Nokton 23mm F1.2 ASPHERICAL (for Fujifilm X mount) Basic optical and optical performance is the same as the above Nikon Z mount.The styling is very different, and the aperture ring is placed on the tip of the lens.It is said to fit the X-PRO series of "Range Finder Style".■ VM-E Close Focus Adapter II (Mount Adapter) Mount adapter that attaches Leica M mount compatible VM mount lens to Sony e-mount camera.The II type that has been discontinued in 2021 is the II type.Conventional in contact helicoids 4 conventional 4.0mm to 4.In addition to expanding to 3mm, the weight has been reduced by about 50g than before due to a review of the internal structure.There are differences in the appearance, such as changing the lowlet to a diamond pattern.
Digital camera Watch, this magazine: Makoto Suzuki