A friend in Shanghai received a message email from a police saying, "I will carry out a fine procedure for traffic violations."The place where he was crossing the road ignoring the red light on foot was shot by a surveillance camera with AI (artificial intelligence), and the face photographs and the personal data stored by the government were composed and identified.
Shanghai has been implementing penalties for pedestrians who have violated traffic since July 2020, and is trying to reduce traffic accidents with state -of -the -art surveillance cameras.This is only a example of using technology, but it can be said to be a part of China's national strategy aiming for a digital implementation society that applies AI, big data, and cloud.
* This article will be co -authored by Junichi Nakanishi, a representative of Big Dreamnet, who has experienced the Chinese subsidiary president of the Chinese Chemical Manufacturer and is currently distributing business matching during Japan and the latest information.
Until a few years ago, in China, he often checked his ID card at the time of withdrawal at the bank counter and took one hour to withdraw.In order to buy a Shinkansen ticket, it was necessary to submit an ID card at the window instead of a ticket vending machine.It was always a long line, and it was a problem to respond on a sudden business trip.
However, smartphone payments and face authentication allowed payments in a short time, and there is no need to line up.This has solved the problem of general consumers by the development of platforms and apps by IT companies that executed as the basis of business.
広州のホテルでは、顔認証によるセルフチェックインシステムも導入されていた(筆者撮影)In addition, the purchase of products on the e -commerce (EC) site has been around for a long time, but the buyer was worried that the correct product would arrive, and the seller was worried that it would definitely be deposited.
Alibaba (Alibaba) and Kyoto (JD) have been trusted by the EC by EC by EC by EC's simultaneous payment system, that is, the product arrives at the buyer's hand and is paid for the seller for the first time after pressing the confirmation button.The purchase is increasing rapidly.
Every year on November 11, a large -scale sale is held by EC companies, but in 2021, these two companies alone cost about 15 trillion yen, as well as national budgets in a small country.gave.
Furthermore, in the payment system, there were only cashing at banks and bank ATMs, some deposit cards called UnionPay cards, and transportation cards that could be used only in that area, but now QR code payments.In the settlement on the network, the transition to cashless with a smartphone has progressed, and most of the time now can be purchased in cash -free.
Even in real situations, there are some remarkable spread of QR code, and QR code payments are now the mainstream of shopping at stalls.
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