Toyota has something to do.To convey your thoughts, convey information, and deliver a big wind to 5.5 million people.
On March 9, the third labor and management council was held at the Toyota Motor Corporation, and the company responded to the union.The breaking news explained why the response was different from the usual year through a message sent by President Akio Toyoda at the end of the council.In this detailed report, we will discuss discussions on "everyone who has a variety of personality," allows "all the active" "and" digitization "on two pillars working on labor and management last year.The last council, which was the last year, was discussed in labor and management.
At the beginning of the discussion, the union's Vice Chairman Kosuke Hirano organized the “all the active” of Toyota Labor Institute.
(1) Each person working in Toyota realizes growth and has a worthwhile work through its ability.As a result, life will be enriched ② Demonstrate the polished abilities to contribute to 5.5 million people involved in the automotive industry, as well as the movement of the world, the number of dual -income households will increase, both childcare and work.The number of employees is increasing.The employment rate with disabilities is also increasing, and about 1,400 people are currently working.In addition, the number of carriers has increased by about 10 times in the last decade, including the appointment from the period employees, and has now accounted for one in six.
The union stated that everyone was in trouble in the diversified workplaces.The worries of human resources who are diversifying that they are excessive due to time constraints and employment restrictions due to being a good person or disabled person (with child -rearing). "Anxiety about future career plans, "I have a focus on the content and results of the work so far, and have not been discussing the future."As the number of people with a variety of backgrounds increases, there are a wide variety of worries.On behalf of the workplaces facing these issues, Yoshio Nakamura, Director of the Vehicle Live Technology Division, opened his mouth.
Company: Director Nakamura
Until last year, live techniques (production technology) were low (male childcare leave rate) was low. Last year, the boss's understanding of the boss has progressed due to the recognition of the boss working, and the acquisition of male childcare leave has progressed. Some members of childcare leave have said, "I got my boss to say," I'm good at work, I'll support my family. " 。 However, in a high -load situation, there are people who are not sure about the surroundings and those who do not know the contents of the childcare system, so it is necessary to strengthen support in organizations and deepen the understanding of the system. For women, they have been enhanced to work at home in skilled workplaces, such as being able to work with company simulators from their homes. However, in the production preparation workplace, there are many business trips to the supplier due to holiday construction and equipment preparation, making it difficult for bonito to be active. The reality is that there are still many concerns about career. Although the activity is still in the middle of the road, I would like to work on communication close to various people.
The problem of diversity where the workplace faces and is worried.Tomomi Otsuka (CHIEF SUSTAINABILITY OFFICER), who draws her sustainability, touched on her own values and talked about her thoughts on her diversity.
Company: Otsuka CSO
As a personal matter, since I joined the company as a first -year female general occupation, I have been thinking about behaving in the same way as the surroundings. However, she came across the words "diversity" and "diversity" and realized that the heavens and earth turned upside down, saying, "Rather, each person is different." President Toyoda advised Sustenability, "I should consider it as a person and the people, not as a business person." Considering these words and diversity, instead of wearing a business person's armor and doing what is expected by the business person, I thought about the future of society and children as a person and thought on my own. Tell others. The person who was told that respecting, listening, and having trouble together is important for sustainability that really needs for the future and society. Also, since the premise of society and business has changed, it is important to be aware that "I am not always right". Otherwise, there is a great risk of making the wrong decision. It is diversifying to listen to the other person's story, and to accept and respect the way of thinking, and believe that it is very important for all activities and sustainability. Also, even if you say "I will talk with my true intention", there is nothing to be born just by self -assertion, so "I will talk based on the facts I checked together on site." I was told by the president and noticed its importance. Toyota's mission is "mass production of happiness". I think that it is not uniform, but only by delivering a variety of happiness that is close to each person. To that end, we need to embody ourselves diversification and create an environment where everyone can play an active part. It is difficult, but I want to proceed while worrying together.
The General Affairs and Human Resources Division, General Affairs and Human Resources Human Resources, responded to the concerns about the future career plan with various human resources.He explained that the field of work that can work lively is spreading beyond the company.
Company: East General Affairs and Human Resources Division
I think the transfer is a good opportunity to gain new experience. Not only in the company, but also outside the company, there are various things, including the suppliers of the Toyota Group. The number of alliance with other companies is increasing, and about 300 companies are currently working outside Toyota. Recently, veterans in skills are being registered to register and dispatch and second with the "Human Resources Bank", and we are realizing that veteran seniors are playing lively. I want you to know that there are so many places to work, not just in Toyota. In the future, we will create an optimal arrangement and human resource development by creating a mechanism to match "such a great person is here" and "here we are looking for such a person", contributing to 5.5 million friends. I want to do it.
Next, the association, Keisuke Kito, raised the agenda about the "boss's room."
"In order for a variety of human resources to play an active part, it is even more important to build a trusting relationship through daily communication with direct bosses, regarding the balance with his career and life," said the union. I explained the situation where the boss was placed. In the skilled workplace, it is difficult to rotate due to the sharpness of personnel due to rapid production fluctuations, making it difficult to proceed with multiple skills. If the load on the leader on the site continues due to the lack of personnel, the communication that snuggles up to each person has become unable to maintain it, and the skills are not proceeded. In the technical workplace, as projects that are not seen in the past have progressed simultaneously, the work has not been able to cope with the conventional "stop" pace, and the work has been overflowing. In addition, it is said that the person who lacks the members of the members has covered overtime and work on holidays. In response to this, employees who served as the manager of a volunteer organization in the section manager -class employee also introduced the voice of the manager. "While feeling that a drastic" stop "is needed, I can't say" stop "when I see the upper ranks who are trying to respond to changes in the environment desperately." "I am wondering about the authority", "The diversification of members is progressing, and the scope of coverage is much wider than before, such as disclosure of professional consideration, so I can't take time to snuggle up to each member." "I'm afraid of harassment. Too much of the communication with the members and the difficulties of the members who have stepped into the members and the appropriate guidance have been confused nakedly. In response to the voice of the group director of the workplace, Kenta CFO (CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER) introduced the initiatives at the accounting headquarters. He pointed out that it is important to be involved in the top players, such as the director and the director, and stated:
Company: Near CFO
It is very important for the group chief to show his subordinates to work lively with the spare capacity. I think what the executives need to do to generate the capacity of the group chief is to communicate well. From my experience of TPS (Toyota Production method) activities at the accounting headquarters, for example, in terms of financial results, my boss, the director and director, continue to show that "this information is used this time. I don't need anything else." I thought it was important. A few years ago, I saw the materials made by my subordinates and struggled. I've been making it since I was told by my boss. I didn't use it at all now, but nobody told me to stop. I think it is the job of the executive to make such a judgment. Now, we are promoting the improvement of "management work that has become a layer". In the asset management work that we are working on, there is a procurement, a living technique management department, a live technique, and a factory construction and manufacturing department before accounting. In a very long process, "similar work" is a layer. It creates a "flow map of things and information" and loosens one by one, but in the functions, it is a task that has been shaped over a long time, and its values are different. I think it is the job of the executive to break it. Without that leadership, wrinkles will go to the group head. However, since each function also has opinions and values, it is important to consult without denying without a head. We have TPS axis. You can return to the axis while respecting various opinions. I think this is very big. Listen to the troubles of the group manager. The executives move firmly. Of course, executives want to take leadership for such communication and workplace.
At the end of the discussions on all of the activities, the union, Satoshi Mitsuda, was the chief of the union.He mentioned the union's continuing initiatives and stated his future determination.
Union: Mr. Koda
As a union, we have been promoting "stop, change, let's start exercise" since 2019, but in light of today's discussions, the middle management and executives are all "continuing to stop with TPS".I felt again that it was important.I believe that creating a spare capacity and changing work can also be connected for the inquisitive suppliers and the colleagues in the automotive industry.I would like to continue the exercise of each person in the workplace, not for myself, what I can do for my friends.I think that if you delve into it, it will vary depending on the workplace, so I would like to talk about today in all levels of labor and management throughout the year.
The next topic is "digitalization".Many unions have said that since last year's Labor Management Cooperative, he has been working as a two pillars along with Carbon Neutral, making it easier to work at home, including the introduction of digital tools and improving the communication environment.However, at the same time, many issues came out.Some say that the union has said, "The amount of information has increased too much," and "pressure is received even after work, so pressure is received."In response, Kenichi Hokai Information System Director says:
Company: Director of Hokkaido Information System Division
The number of tools has increased by about 5 in recent years, including Teams and Slack, in addition to conventional telephone and emails.We have provided tools to support these new or tools that match the other party.With the increase in new tools and the promotion of utilization, there is a flood of uncreened information.Every day, the amount of information you receive is not doubled, and it is still rising.
Furthermore, from the viewpoint of the quality of information, the information from the world, functions, and companies is Slack, concentrated on the president and president's office, and some of them are not considering the reader. I have. Looking back on the telephone era, I think that I was communicating and communicating with the other party from the "You's perspective", such as "Let's sort out the main points so that it does not become a long story". Even in the digital era, this sensation and essence are not the same, and information is necessary not only in quantity but also in type, quality, time zone, etc., and I think that it is necessary to standardize in Toyota. As an aside, the information is "Shira" when you read it. "Emotion" is Rishinben. That is, there is a "heart". The heartfelt news is information. In the future, I would like to pursue and pursue with everyone with a pleasant and comfortable way of communication like Toyota.
Digitalization has also changed the way of working in the manufacturing site.Tomihisa Saito, the director of the Kamigo and Shimoyama Plant, which produces the engine, explained the status of his feet.
Company: Tomiku Saito, Director Shimoyama Factory
We recognize that digital skills are important skills used on the same playing field as other skills.I think it is important to improve the contents digitally without changing the mechanism of the existing on -site operation.While imagining the "digitization should be" at the factory, we will organize what we can do now, what to do in the future, and understand the essence of manufacturing, and make a horizontal exhibition.We would like to actively promote the use of digital that considers cost -effectiveness.There is a difference in progress depending on the factory.In the future, I think it is necessary to promote activities while strengthening cooperation between factories and headquarters, and to quickly exhibit the know -how and results.The most important thing is to create a person who can understand and utilize the effectiveness of TPS and digital.I want to promote this strongly.
So far, we have deepened discussions on the importance of "information sharing from the viewpoint of YOU who thinks about the other person", but some opinions from another angle were mentioned.
Company: Nobuhiko Koga Future Creation Center Director
This idea is about how we adapt to the information world that increases in explosive, rather than the control of floods that was mentioned earlier. As for me, when I was in my thirties, I was in charge of certification and public relations in Europe. It was my role to read the diverse stakeholders' speculation based on the understanding of the law, and to create an environment where Toyota, a minority, would not be disadvantageous based on the understanding of the law. 。 One day when I was worried about what to do, my senior said, "The information is raw thing. If you have it, it will rot if you have it. Share information with other companies, up and down, in some cases, and in some cases. You got it. Innocent information may come back with more reliable information. Above all, the flow of information creates a connection between people. " When I did that, I was able to connect a treasure like a treasure in the fifth year. "Share with friends, even if it is not perfect." That style has been the way of sharing information. However, the fact that the idea was unacceptable has come to be seen. It is a management consciousness that "important information should be limited to the above job." In addition, I think that there are two of the workplace members' awareness, saying, "It is troublesome if you do not develop it in the form of a business instruction." If you do the work as planned, you should just tell what you want to do, without giving extra information, like teaching industrial robots. However, in such a way, I don't think we can survive in this very leather period every 100 years. I would like to continue to create a structure that is widely shared even if it is not possible to acquire information and organize it. This is my personal opinion, and I think that the management is worried, despite the need for information sharing. I would like to talk about today's discussion as one and talk with the management at each workplace.
In addition, the union also introduced the difficulties of sharing information beyond the department."Before the boss's approval, it is difficult to share information," "It is impossible to judge whether to share highly confidential information such as technical information."There are good cases that have already begun to move on such troubles.
Company: Naohiko Saito GR Yaris Chief Engineer
We are trying "information post" on the product axis of GR Yaris.The issues are being seen in "sharing with friends", so we will share them.
In this initiative, the mechanic, sales, customer -striped, production, and technical members of the professional driver, the great skill training department, and the members of the technology are starting to connect at the crossing, and the issues at racing sites, driving data, driver driving evaluation, sales information, customers. We have begun sharing the information that each has. The circle is still small, but in the future, I would like to connect with customers, suppliers, racing teams and parts shops, including overseas, and "make better cars" with colleagues in the industry. 。 GR Yaris is a model that is trying to develop a car to win in the race and create a commercial vehicle from it, and (the conventional) idea of reversal. While developing at high speeds, covered with oil and mud on site, I realize that it is the most important foundation for all functions and teams beyond the company to have the same information. The information is not a personal thing, but the idea of the whole company, so I want to be able to bring out information when needed. Nevertheless, I have just started trying, and every day I feel the difficulty of functioning and confidential information. However, I would like to solve the issues one by one while creating empathy, and to share information on the product axis to create future manufacturing.
Here, James Kafner CDO (CHIEF DIGITAL OFFICER), which promotes software development and commercialization of research results, opens his mouth.
Company: Kafner CDO
Digital transmission (DX*) is not only about technology, but also changes the way of working and boosts future generations. Nowadays, new technologies can communicate fast and accurately with anyone in the world. Companies have to make use of this. * Digital Transformation: For digital technology (life and business) transformation DX, the introduction of digital tools alone is not enough and needs to change the way of thinking and processing. There is also the challenge we are facing now. I would like you to expand your horizons how you can change your work style with new tools. Last year, I had the opportunity to climb Mt. Fuji, so I went to the fifth station by car and climbed to the summit. The current situation with digital tools is the same as in the fifth station. To climb to the summit, you need to change your way of working. I would like to propose three actions. The first is to create a culture and culture that accepts ideas openly in order for the boss / subordinates to freely exchange opinions and change the way they work. Then, use new tools and technology. The second is to engrave the concept of "information is from the company". Remove the tissue wall, spread the information, share it openly, and eliminate "sir" (information sharing and poor ventilation). Now, there is a problem of excessive information. Consider the rules to keep the appropriate amount of information so as not to be drowned in information. However, it is important to be able to access information. Finally, incorporate training. My belief is that the addition of training to technology leads to Toyota's change.
WOVEN PLANET's "dojo" has more than 50 types of IT courses, and we also provide tool education for software development and engineering divisions.I think that people can be happy by growing.It is important to support members and level up skills.Through training, I would like to foster happy and highly productive members who will play the future of Toyota.
So far, we have been talking about internal digitalization.However, the purpose of Toyota's digitalization is to have a positive effect on the entire 5.5 million automotive industry.The union introduced several voices on the site about digitalization with the supplier.Some say, "By sharing the situation with a smartphone camera when a system trouble occurs, it has become possible to treat it without having the supplier come to the site."However, "I want you to use the IT tools used by Toyota, but I want you to understand that fixed costs will increase."It is also true that there are many voices of troubles, such as ".
会社:山本圭司CISO(Chief Information & Security Officer)
The digitalization of Toyota will be promoted to contribute to the 5.5 million automotive industry. Digitization allows information to be shared quickly beyond the boundaries of organizations and companies. Until now, there are difficulties in laws, compliance, and security, and I think that there is not much idea of sharing between companies, assuming that information will be closed among each company. I would like to take the initiative in digitalization and expand the way of sharing information and good cases to remove the walls between companies. Currently, we are working on a specialized team in the self -operating association. Among the information that each company has, such as design information, vehicle information, and driving information, what kind of information can be shared, what kind of technologies and mechanisms are needed for that, and as a result, how can they contribute to customers and the entire industry? We are proceeding with such discussions in the Self -Technology Association. We believe that promoting information sharing beyond the company is an important foundation for working with 5.5 million automotive industry.
In this way, the company showed the idea of promoting digitalization beyond the company's frame.The union introduces a good example of an app that has a positive effect on the supplier.By video shooting on the manufacturing site, it will be easier to make work analysis and documentation.The supplier said, "If you use it in Toyota, I would like to use it," and "I would be grateful if you could share such cases."
Company: Kuwata CHRO
I think there are various discussions today, but the important thing is that "digital natives should never stop going."On the other hand, because it is a transitional period, I think it is necessary to do the "conversion function" and "translation function" in double standard.I think it's important to see if the real digitalization will be advanced 10 years later.There was also a story that we needed rules today.From such a viewpoint, I would like to launch the digitalization labor -management committee as soon as possible and proceed with the discussion throughout the year.
Digitalization is indispensable for all activities, and is also the driving force to contribute to 5.5 million friends.That is why each person does not look forward to each person's troubles, and will accelerate the discussion not only in the Spring Labor Council, but also throughout the year."Everyone is active" and "Digitalization".The chairman Mitsuru Kawai and the vice -chairman Katsuyoshi Nishino concluded this way.
Company: Kawai father
We have different personality, knowledge, skills, abilities, and ideas. The career that has been accumulated through work is also different. I think it's important to understand the individual's competence in order for each person to work worthwhile and to maximize their power. To understand, it is important for your boss and subordinates to check each other for a lot of challenges. It is essential to communicate on a daily basis that seriously face and talk about the other person. There is no correct answer (it can be said). I want you to continue discussions on the premise that it will continue to change. I think that will be the basis of all of them. Among the Toyota, there are many fields that demonstrate experience and skills. First of all, I would like you to raise your hands in Toyota, challenge, grow, and develop human power. I think that power can be used for 5.5 million friends. If there are restrictions, rules, or walls, talk with your labor and management to solve them. Regarding digitalization, he said at the end of the Labor and Committee last year, "I want you to challenge what you can do and what you can do instead of waiting for instructions from the company or boss." In the past year, I think that many concrete troubles have come out, as we discussed today because they did not stop and acted in trial and error. Use a tool, share information quickly and take action instead of digitization. Even after the introduction, we will strive to eliminate waste, always evolve, lead to work style reform. I think "how to use" is important. Kafner CDO explained what to do about the way of working in the digital age. What I especially felt was the first point, "Why don't you start the climate where all your bosses and subordinates exchange opinions freely?" I think this is all the bases of all active and digitalization. By promoting digitalization and sharing information and good cases, I think that it will have a significant effect on the automotive industry.
Union: Chairman Nishino
Regarding "all of the activities," the goal of "to contribute to the entire automotive industry" and the goal of "to enrich each person's life" was again confirmed by labor and management. I think that we were able to discuss what we should do for that purpose with labor and management. I think it is no longer the time when everyone should work in the same way (now) to the right. I don't know what will happen next. In an era when unprecedented challenges are needed, we believe that "different" will always be a strength. On top of that, I think that the skills, knowledge, and different experiences and values that have been polished with each other are always useful. As a union, I would like to practice "each person recognizes the difference" and "Everybody makes use of his strengths and helps someone." In addition, for that, everyone will work on "creating rooms" in Toyotaway. And I would like to proceed with the activities so that each one can realize that he is using his power for 5.5 million friends. Then, as for "digitalization", as mentioned earlier, as mentioned earlier, as the "all active" mentioned earlier, labor and management can confirm the major goals that contribute to the entire automotive industry while changing the way of working through digitalization of Toyota. I did it. On top of that, I think that labor and management could recognize the current situation. I think it is important to take the facts of what kind of means, what kind of information should be transmitted, and what can be realized without sticking to the means or tools without being biased. On top of that, I think you should change it to the best way. Through training, I would like to work on the tasks with a sense of speed along with TPS while performing the necessary digital technology and consciousness. Through the discussions until today, I think that many issues have become clear what to do with labor and management in the future. I don't think it will end just to discuss this labor and management cooperative. We would like to continue our efforts while proceeding with the real discussions in each labor and management. The Labor and Economy of this term has also had a good discussion. I'm really thankful to you.
A 2022 labor and management council discussed the problems that Toyota has from various perspectives for 5.5 million people working in the automotive industry."It has come out of the conventional" labor -management talks "and has become like a" management meeting "with all participants."After confirming that the discussion will continue throughout the year, this year's labor and management council has ended.