There is a phenomenon in which the Mac does not start or suddenly terminates and sounds a warning sound (called beep sound).
The other day, a beep sound phenomenon occurred on the MacBook Pro I used.
It was a horror warning sound that would cause cold sweat, so I decided to buy a MacBook as soon as it was time to buy a Mac.
However, it has been restored afterwards and is now moving normally!
Even if the beep sounds, it may recover, so please try the following work.
必ず外部機器(外付けキーボードやディスプレイ等)を外した状態で作業してください。table of contents
The warning sound can be stopped by simultaneous pressing "CONTROL" + "Option" + "Shift" + "Power".
This command is cleared in SMC (system management controller) and has the effect of improving power and start -related errors.
Press and hold the power button will stop once, but since it has only been forcibly terminated, the beep sound will sound again the next time.
Once the beep sound is stopped safely, we will definitely look at the innocent memory relationship.
Mac user is familiar to "Command (⌘) + option + P + R".
After pressing the power button, wait with "Command (⌘) + option + P + R" all the time.
As you wait, restart and hear "jarn".
( * If the beep sounds again, clear the sound by clearing the SMC at the beginning and proceed to the next).
It's a little difficult until "jarn" is twice, but it's a waiting while pressing.
If you ring twice, make your hands easier and look at the situation.
In the old Mac, it was penetrated by the name of PRAM clear, but now it is called NVRAM instead of PRAM.
When clearing NVRAM (Nuvuiram?), The command is the same as PRAM clear and is as described above.
This seems to be improved.
I also returned several times with NVRAM clear, but the warning sound recurred immediately ...
After turning on the power, keep pressing "Command (⌘) + R" and separate when the Apple logo is displayed.
This is the restoration command of the Mac OS.
Since such a screen is displayed, select "Disk Utility" at the bottom.
On the next screen, select "Verify Disk" or "Repair Disk", repair the disk and try restarting.
Beep sounds seem to have many errors related to memory, but in rare cases there are problems with disks.
If you do not fix it so far, the possibility of some trouble with the built -in memory is great.
The MacBook Pro (13-inch, Early 2011), which I suffered from the warning sound, was relatively easy to open the back lid (unnecessary star-shaped driver), so I opened it immediately, but recently I worked.MacBook etc. cannot be opened with ordinary drivers because the screw holes are special.
For the tools you need to open your Mac, it is explained in detail on the back cover of the MacBook series or the recommended driver (blog @yamafd) for HDD/SSD replacement, so please refer to that.
Although it is easy, you need a driver that corresponds to a fairly small screw hole.
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posted with カエレバ楽天市場AmazonYahooショッピングWhen opened, the inside of the Mac looks like this.
The memory is like a midori plate surrounded by a red frame.Pay attention to static electricity (be careful not to touch the golden part).
(For detailed removal explanations, please refer to the link of Apple in the following section "Replacement of Mac built -in memory".
After removing, spray the air and pay the dust inside.
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posted with カエレバエレコム 2011-10-06Amazon楽天市場YahooショッピングEven if the contact of the built -in memory is poor, the beep sound suddenly sounds.
If the lid is re -installed, it will be troublesome twice when the warning sound rings again, so try to start it just by putting on the lid.
At this time, it would be desirable to do the NVRAM clear "COMMAND (⌘) + option + P + R".
If it is a problem with poor contact, this should improve.
If the beep sounds even if the memory is removed and the dust is removed and the dust is removed, it may be necessary to replace the internal memory (or maybe a Mac replacement ...).
The built -in memory of the Mac varies depending on the model number, so let's check it first.
In the case of MacBook Pro, MacBook Pro: Removal Memory Removal and mounting methods were listed.
As you can see when you go to the link, it is recommended because the memory removal method and installation method are described in detail.
In my case, I replaced the memory because it was not improved by removing and removing the memory.
If you replace it with great effort, I think that the specifications are improved ... so I purchased a third party memory.
I installed 16GB on a Mac that can only be loaded up to 8GB.
MacOS is well aware of 16GB, though it should be the maximum mounted over.
It was no good, but I am lucky!
( * Please do not ignore the maximum capacity at your own risk)
I also replaced the hard disk.It is migrating from HDD to SSD.
Transcend SSD 1TB 2.5インチ SATA3.0 3D NAND採用 DRAMキャッシュ搭載 5年保証 【PlayStation4 動作確認済】TS1TSSD230Screated by Rinkerトランセンドジャパン¥16,980(2022/03/17 22:39:23時点 Amazon調べ-詳細)As a result, the movement of the Mac, including the startup speed, is so different that I am impressed!
It is natural because it was changed from "HDD memory 8 giga" to "SSD memory 16 giga".smile
So it is still early to give up even if the warning sound (beep sound) sounds.
However, if the above content does not improve even if you try the above, it will be for repair or if it is a Mac life, you will give up and buy a new one.
May as many beep sound Macs be restored!
As mentioned above, it was a summary of how to stop the sound and how to fix it when the Mac sounded three beeps.
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posted with カエレバi-RichAmazon楽天市場Yahooショッピング