Anyway, the toilet in my home is small. The storage space is minimal. (Only a 15cm depth shelf is attached to the wall) The gap storage box with casters for storage is hard to clean up anyway.Stress 😑 The sanitary box on the floor is also a pottery ... I keep thinking so every day, and I decided to stop putting things on the floor. (Laughs)rice field.I discarded it (laughs), so I reviewed the storage method of everything.First, roughly, the category.Heavy things, light things, things you don't want to show, you can show them.Such.Heavy things (liquid detergents, etc.) and things you don't want to show (those with a sense of life) are the only storage space with doors on the wall.
I'm ashamed. I put a small strut and hang rubber gloves, but I'm considering whether to use a disposable type in the future.And the stick -shaped cleaning goods that I don't want to show are long and do not fit in the storage space on the wall. So I put a stick on the back of the tank and hook it with a hook.I usually drive away to the back of the tank, so I can't see it.
The hook part of the cleaning goods was small and I could not put it directly on the strut, so I used hemp strings, but when I thought about a better method, there was something good.️It is a card ring. I bought it in Ceria, but I think it is in Daiso and Candu.
It is the hook part of the cleaning goods.
Attach the ring directly to the right side
The one on the left can be put directly on it by attaching a ring to the strut.
Now it's easier to take and it's easier to return. Next are sanitary goods.I wanted to make it a monotone system, so I found it in Ceria.・ Multi -stock bag ・ Wine wrapping bag * Both are vinyl material, so it is okay to have water.
● Wrapping bag for wine is used as a storage goods hanging with Daiso stainless steel pinch.If you leave the string, you will see the inside, so the string was removed, the cushion sheet was applied to the pinch slip, and it was hung on the towel bar.
Make a cut under the back side and make it easier to take out one by one.
Convenient Daiso's "Stainless steel pinch".The size is just right, and it's useful to buy a lipi.
● Multi -stock bag Simple, white and gray are also favorite.Gray is replaced as a sanitary box, so keep using it to some extent.This is also hung on the other side of the stainless steel pinch and attached to the back of the tank.
Inside, Daiso's "Invisible plastic bag" is put, so it is easy to throw away.* Daiso's 70 pieces are very advantageous.
I can't see it if I hide it on the back of the tank, so recently I do not use gray stock bags, but I hold this plastic bag with stainless steel pinch (it is easier to throw it away (laughs)) Daiso for the first time.I always have a disposable sanitary box.
I wanted gray, but it was always sold out. Ceria is always sold out, but pink is wonderful.Probably not come in (laughs) The white of the multi -stock bag is a stock bag for sanitary goods.It is fashionable even if it is left as it is.
And this shelf was made of three struts and Pradan with a white wood grain remake sheet.Because there is little storage space, we made a shelf on the tank to make it a light one and a good place to show.
For cleaning seats, etc., the white box of Ceria is a little remake.I just like the gray tile seal, and the other is just a gray vinyl tape (laughs).
The inside feels like this.
At the top of the storage shelf on the wall, something that is light and easy to take out.Put a wall sticker on a white box and store towels.* Because there is no sense of unity in the towel, it is used to hide it.
And there is only one more wall storage space.Under the door.It is right next to the hand washing space, so it is likely that the water will come off.I can't put toilet paper.This is also a Seria multi -stock bag, S size.
And finally, an important toilet paper‼Because it was light, I thought about putting on the cover and putting it on the shelf of the stick, but I was a sloppy, so I put on and remove the cover one by one ... I thought it would be troublesome ...I decided to make a toilet paper stocker.I didn't want to put it on the floor, so I made a hung type.
Daiso's cushion sheet (white, black).Soft and solid material.It is not cheap and water pops.I cut and paste the toilet paper so that it can be stored vertically, and then made a toilet paper holder and a spray cover.
It is behind the toilet paper stocker.You can put it from the top and put it out from below.5 pieces.* Supplement * Cut the clear file inside and put in one toilet paper from the bottom makes it easier for the following amount to fall.
The cushion sheet (black) is cut elongated and pasted on the side to make it an accent and toilet paper stopper.
Looking from below, it looks like this.
I put Daiso's "bag handle" on top so that it can be hung.(It is a type that only sandwiches by clip)
Then, I want to hang it in a space next to the storage shelf on the wall, so use the "just a corner hook" found in Candu.(Because the storage shelves are wooden, you can't use hooks that can be pasted and peeled off.) * This is very convenient, so I plan to buy a lipi.
here.(Just put it on it (laughs))
And toilet paper stocker.
I also put fake greens on it.
This completes all storage, and there is nothing on the floor (only slippers (laughs)).That alone reduces the effort of cleaning, stress -free, and what you want to use is easy to take out.It has become very comfortable. Thank you for seeing it to the end for a long time.
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