In order to convey the charm of the online RPG "Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV)", an interview serialization project to deliver the voices of developers while chasing a timely topic.
This time, we will deliver interviews related to shooting functions such as "Group poses" and "Content play" that cut out the moment of the beautiful "FFXIV" world.Sometimes cute, beautiful, and cool characters that can be said to be their alter ego ... How did the group pose function now became one culture born?Kei Odagiri, who was involved in the launch of the function as a game designer, talked a lot about his own work.
Now, before entering the interview, let's review the pose enhancement of the group pose function.It should be clear how Odagiri and other developments have added functions and functions.
【グループポーズ機能拡張の歴史(※編集部調べ)】●パッチ3.1・グループポーズがリリース 自分/パーティメンバー/アライアンスメンバー/バディ/ミニオン/マウントが対象 カメラ方向を向き、最後に実行したエモートを繰り返す●パッチ3.2・ペットのグループポーズ対象化・エモートアジャストへの対応・以下の機能が追加 注視対象の変更機能 構図の調整機能(注視角度の変更) 視線送りのON/OFF追加●パッチ3.3・フレンド/FCメンバーがグループポーズ対象化・エターナルバンド会場/ハウジング屋内がグループポーズに対応・上下の角度操作の幅を拡張●パッチ3.4・メニュー操作ウィンドウの追加・以下の設定が追加 カラーフィルター 被写界深度表現 周辺減光表現 照明 モーションストップ●パッチ3.5・グループポーズ中にオンラインステータスが“カメラモード中”に切り替わる・エクストラコマンドへの追加・ライトの設置数とカラーフィルターの増加・モーションストップ時、武器のアニメーションの停止に対応・近づくとキャラクターの方向を向くNPCがグループポーズ対象化・エモート“事件屋の決めポーズ”“戦士の演舞”がループ化・グループポーズ中に主観視点に変更した際、カメラ方向の自動補正が無効化・以下の機能を追加 スクリーンエフェクト 画角ズーム機能 ロール角調整機能 フレーム機能 ステータス表現機能●パッチ4.0・バトルアクション/アイテム使用モーションに対応・モーションストップでエフェクトが停止・カラーフィルターのパターン拡充・スクリーンエフェクトのパターン拡充・以下の機能が追加 バトル、アイテムアクション対象化のON/OFF●パッチ4.1・スクリーンエフェクトのパターン拡充●パッチ4.2・コンテンツリプレイに対応●パッチ4.4・コンテンツリプレイの非対応化・ミニオンのアクションのループ化・スクリーンエフェクトのパターン拡充・以下の機能が追加 時刻/天候の固定機能 移動モーションの再生機能 カメラの画角やロール調整を一定幅で行う機能●パッチ4.5・変身/ロールプレイ/戦闘不能/運搬中でのグループポーズに対応・冒険者小隊の小隊員のグループポーズ対象化・他キャラクターの演奏待機モーションが反映・被写界深度の設定改善・ループ系エモートの再生条件が変更・操作ガイドの追加・終了時に確認メッセージの追加・時刻/天候が固定されているコンテンツで時刻/天候停止機能を使用するとエラーメッセージが表示・以下の機能が追加 バトルエフェクトの切り替えボタン マニュアルフォーカス 自身/冒険者小隊の小隊員のエモートの再生機能 現在の時間表示機能 スクリーンショットの撮影可能間隔が短縮●パッチ5.0・フェイスの仲間NPCのグループポーズ対象化・冒険者小隊の小隊員/フェイスの仲間NPCのアクションループ対応●パッチ5.1・マウント相乗り中もグループポーズを起動可能に・以下の機能が追加 明るさのマニュアルフォーカス機能 キャラクターのライティング設定機能 キャラクターなどの表示/非表示設定機能 テキストコマンド(/graphicpresets)の追加――I heard that Odagiri is involved in various things as a game designer, but what kind of elements are you involved in specifically?
Kei Odagiri (hereafter, title omitted): I belong to the UI group in charge of creating menu screens when adding content, but since the content in charge is quite diverse, what I'm doing.It was difficult to explain.The basics are the operation around the operation ... For example, I am in charge of system functions, such as character movements and jumps, specifications around the camera, configuration and text commands.In terms of expansion package, it is related to the movement of the flying mount, switching the mode of underwater movement, and the rest from the operation.He was also in charge of functions and operations such as the saucer "Air Force Pilot".
In terms of battles, "Alexander Alexander:" Active Time Maneuver "was implemented for the first time in the Cruise Chaser of the Tenkoma, but I" that state (directing) in "that state (directing)), including what I can do and what I can not do there.We are building the specifications of "transition".The specifications of the production will be diverted to the ultimate performance in the event of the Zurwan extermination, and since then, it has been used in various scenes.After that, in the "Narikiri Battle (Roll Play Mode)" that operates the NPC in the event scene, I am in charge of what I can do in that mode.
--I see.In other words, was the perception that Odagiri -san was doing something that was doing something a bit different from a normal game?
Odagiri: That's right.I'm doing various things surprisingly (laughs).
――In the example of an airforce pilot, do you think Odagiri thinks that the target moves and the score will increase or decrease if you shoot it?
Odagiri: First of all, "FFXIV" needs to support two types of operating types, mouse, keyboard and game pad.As for the flow, the game designer who first planned the content explained "what you want to do", and in However, the system -like packing, such as "this kind of operation will be required" according to the two types of operation types.The role in charge of the specifications is me.Also, at the upstream plan, it may be biased to either operation type, so you must propose the other operation and play with such a limit."It also supports adjustments like".
For example, in the case of an air force pyrot, a system -like part and screen display such as "shooting and shooting the target" as a UI group is undertaken as a UI group, and from that point on, the level design when actually playing as a game.Is a feeling that each person in charge does.
I am in charge of the base specifications and systems for the Active Time Maneuver and the Battle of Narikari, but from that point on each content is created by the monster group (battle content group).By the way, patch 4.There is a battle that operates Ya Strawl in 4, but at that time the Active Time Maneuver system is combined.In this way, the basic system made in charge is used in various content without knowing it.I was surprised that I didn't know that until I played myself (laughs).
――I see, the Odagiri and UI groups are building the foundation and specifications used in various content.By the way, what exactly does the "flying mount and underwater movement specifications" mentioned earlier refer to?
Odagiri: Patch 3.The flying mount was added in 0, but there are some switching of behavior when transitioning from the ground to the sky, so first of all, the rules for "how to switch to air in the first place" and switch. I am also considering the specifications of the operation afterwards. For example, in implementing flight operations, a function to adjust the height is required in addition to the movement operation of characters on the ground and the operation of the camera. In the case of a mouse and keyboard, you can consider various things with the combination of mouse and keyboard, but in the case of a game pad, there are only two axes that can be used as an operation on the left and right sticks, so the height operation is implemented in what form. I was very worried about doing it. In the end, I wanted to be able to operate the act of "flying in the sky" intuitively and comfortably, so I had to incorporate it as a basic specification that I would fly deeper in the camera. In addition to this, we are building the necessary functions as if you can allocate jump operation to an altitude adjustment function during the flight so that you can make fine adjustments.
The underwater implementation is even more complicated, and there are patterns that transition from the four states of ground, empty, water, and water to another.In addition, as an element that I want you to do when implementing the function, "I want to swim on the water if only the character is, but I want to make sure that I do not swim when riding on the mount" "I was on the mount."So, if you have some incident angle and have the right to put it in the water, you want to move to the water while riding on the mount. "If you jump into the water, you will be forced to switch to swimming. "
――You are conditional and setting the behavior of the character.It is a part that is usually difficult to be aware of, but if you think again, there seems to be a huge setting ...
Odagiri: When implementing a flying mount, I repeatedly examined and tested over a year.However, there were many patterns that had to be handled with a circle in the underwater movement, so it was quite difficult (laughs).
―― Certainly, the blue snacks are connected directly to the water, and there are many points to consider including these things.
Odagiri: In the original story, it was supposed to be the connection of air, ground, water, and underwater ...In fact, there was a city in the water, and a project that wanted to go directly from the ground to the water was discovered on the way.So I incorporated it into the pattern and decided the specifications.
――It's interesting because you can't hear this story on other opportunities.As you go deep, there are many topics.
Odagiri: There may be many interesting stories around the operation (laughs).
――So, I would like to ask you about the group pose, which is the theme of this time!First of all, please tell us the background of the implementation again.
Odagiri: Originally ... Patch 3.0 At the end of the production, there was a time when the basic implementation work was over and the hand was a little empty.At that time, a programmer, who is still working with him, said, "I've made a little, so please look at this."That was the template of the group pose, but at that time, Patch 3.It was almost the same implemented in 1 (laughs).
Originally, I was playing "Final Fantasy XI" as a light, and I knew that there were people who were attracted to the play of "taking screenshots", including me.So, in "FFXIV", I used the camera and UI to secretly implement a function that allows the UI to erase the UI with the one -key of Scroll Lock and the function to turn only the face to the camera.Of course, I ultimately wanted to implement "photo mode", but I thought that the difficulty and cost of implementation was also high.I was thinking about such a thing, and the story came in."Kita! Let me be in charge of this as it is!"
――Mr. Programmer, it's a wonderful fine play.
Odagiri: That's why the programmer really wants to call this place, but he's a shadow's ally (laughs).
――After the fine play, did you consult with Mr. Yoshida (producer and director Naoki Yoshida)?
Odagiri: That's right.When the character turns to the camera in the direction of the camera when entering the shooting mode, it is a function to stop Yoshida and make it easier to take an emotion -matched screenshot.And I got the consent, "If there is no problem with the main job, you can do it.".We proceeded with development for the release in 1.Basically, group poses are not implemented very much for "new functions for group poses", and are implemented by combining various functions implemented so far.
--I see.Is it just making full use of the possible behavior in FFXIV?
Odagiri: By the way, in the initial stage, it was not a group pose, but a party creenshot.It was a function that only for people in a specific frame, such as a party member or minion, so it was said that the expression "group pose is better?"However, if the functions like this were from the beginning, I think they were saying "photo mode" (laughs).
――In the update, various functions have been added, but when you listened to that story, was there any loadmap like a function at first?
Odagiri: There was nothing like a roadmap.However, when considering the addition of functions, we talked such as "If you add this function, I want this in a complex way", and then make a note of it on the next patch study list.By the way, we are incorporating at a time when implementation and verification costs are likely to be taken.So there is nothing that can be said to be a roadmap, but I stock the story as a list of things I want to do, and while I am looking at it, I am developing it little by little in the gap time.
By the way, at the time of the initial release, the next implementation was implemented early for the next major patch, so when the patch was released, it was implemented almost in the next patch.The function was completed.So, the voice of the player for what was implemented was, "I understand! Next, this kind of function is included ...! Wait a little longer!" (Laughs).
――Patch 3.So, how was it when you saw the players' reactions when the group pose was implemented for the first time?
Odagiri: I think the person who understood the function was using it.However, at first, there was no motion stop, and what I could do was quite narrowed down, so I feel that there were many people who said, "I can't understand it just by repeating the emotion at a glance.""If you update, you will be able to understand those people gradually."
―― Now, it is one of the mainstream of FFXIV, so it was proved that the idea was correct.
Odagiri: I'm glad to be able to use the characters that are my alter ego cool and cute (laughs).
―― Screenshots for writing articles are also very different because there is no group pose.
Odagiri: He uses it for material shooting in the company, and it was good to be able to implement it from such a perspective.
――The color filter function such as “vivid 1” and the adjustment function of the camera angle of view and zoom have been added, so the quality has been even higher.
Odagiri: Patch 3.Color filter and light are implemented in 4, patch 3.In 5, the filter pattern addition and angle of view adjustment were implemented.Patch 3.After the release of 4, the programmer in charge of the graphic at the time received a proposal saying, "Isn't it okay to put about three lights?"(Laughs)?
This is because the function of the group pose can basically start anywhere, so the processing load of the game is also carefully implemented."FFXIV" was the main play, so it was limited to the range that could not affect the battle at the time of the initial implementation.However, it seemed that it could be implemented without any problems based on that, so patch 3.We updated color filters and lights in 5.By the way, because of that background, Patch 3.4 The color filter of the 4 implemented uses some color patterns used in the cut scene.
――If you say, there are many scenes where the cut scene is bright.Is that color introduced as a preset in the group pose?
Odagiri: The functions that originally existed for the cut scene were systematically patternized so that they could be used in group poses.In the development machine, the color can be moved with a slider, but the difference in how to play is likely to be intense between those who can understand and those who can understand it even if they are implemented as they are, so the form was implemented as a preset as a result of the the work of implementing it, I said, "I want to get a noise running in the past scene scenes.".In 4, the effect can be called as a set.Then it would be a story like "I can call the effect ...", and patch 3.In 5, the screen effects could be called individually, so that they were intensively lines and frame functions.
Also, patch 3.Regarding the change in the angle of view of 5, it also leads to the story of LOD (Level of Detail).Being able to zoom means not only the character but also the background, but in terms of graphic setting, many people use the function to reduce the processing load by reducing the drawing of distant things.It should be.Roughly, this is what is called LOD, but if you zoom in with this function turned on, you will be able to see bad pictures like a game, so forcibly unlock the LOD during the group pose.I decided to use it.
--I see.
Odagiri: This was a very dependent part of the platform, so I turned it into a verification early and put a special response.
――In any setting, the drawing of the landscape will not break down, so I was wondering, "What kind of mechanism would it be?"
Odagiri: I casually do various verifications, and we have released only the ones that are okay.However, there are small holes, and the players find it well (laughs).Because it leads to interesting play, I try to leave such things as much as possible.In an easy -to -understand example, it is a so -called "popping glue".
In addition, there was a technique to "put minions that do not normally ride on the head and shoulders" using the behavior of the minions on the shoulders and heads.At first, it was left because it was a minor bug that had no other impact, but patch 5.At the time of 0, it turned out that it would be affected when implementing other functions, so it was forced to fix it.I used it interestingly, but it was annoying.
―― From the area where zoom functions and manual focus are implemented, there are many evaluations such as "almost camera" among players, but is Odagiri himself a deep knowledge of the camera?
Odagiri: To be honest, I think the camera is only a beginner + α basic knowledge.So, on the contrary, I often get ideas from other places, such as the voices of players.Based on them, it feels like we are creating a specification so that the functions can be used so that they do not need to know much.For example, the manual focus (adjusting the depth of field depth) function is implemented by receiving a sale like "I want to put this kind of function" from a different programmer from the one who mentioned earlier.
This manual focus function is patch 4.It was implemented in 5, but this is also difficult for those who do not touch the group poses as much as a "blur when checked".Originally, I wanted to include it as a function to adjust the current position based on the current position, but I could not complement it well.So, adjust the on -off direction so that you can understand what functions are rough by switching.By the way, patch 5.The brightness adjustment function of the entire screen added in 1 is also the idea of this person.
――In that function, it's very convenient.I use a vivid 1 or 4 and lower the brightness a little ...
Odagiri: The function is not a uniformness, but a motion range is set based on "brightness set in the area", so it is not extremely broken.。Conversely, in a specific area, brightness adjustment may not work greatly, but I hope you can take a look at it.
―― By the way, at present, the camera is operated based on characters and minions, but how can the camera be moved freely by removing this restriction?
Odagiri: That's right ... I think it's very sought, and it's something I want to do, but I need to take a very heavy response, and unfortunately the implementation is not prominent.So, as an alternative, it seems that it is corresponding by putting a function that can swing the camera position left and right.
――I'm very sorry for your personal request, but I often start group poses during event battles, so I always want a checkbox to remember the angle, zoom, or character orientation.I think.How about that?
Odagiri: I see.Some of them are in the list of things I want to do in the future, so I feel like I can do it (laughs).
――If you listen to the story around that, it is highly expected that there will be various functions in the future (laughs).
Odagiri: In addition, I was proposing a function for group poses as an excuse for being in charge of the system around the system.For example, patch 4.It is easy to hit screenshots repeatedly in 5.Until then, there was a single second per second, but I was able to hit a little more repeatedly.Patch 5.In 1, since it would be possible to use it for group poses, the text command could change the PC version of graphic preset settings (standard quality, maximum quality, etc.).I would like to have a lower graphic preset setting in order to increase the frame rate and switch to the highest quality when entering a group pose.Originally, it would have been nice if I could feel the quality only during group poses, but it was difficult to respond, so I switched it arbitrarily.
/graphicpresets プリセット番号グラフィック設定を、指定したプリセットに変更するテキストコマンド。使用例:/graphicpresets 5●プリセット番号(1-5)1:標準品質(ノートPC)2:標準品質(デスクトップPC)3:高品質(ノートPC)4:高品質(デスクトップPC)5:最高品質―― Thanks to the addition of various functions, the neighborhood where you can enjoy screenshots is also excited.Various screenshots are posted on SNS day and night, but do you check Odagiri regularly?
Odagiri: I'm looking at it (laughs).During breaks, you often see screenshots.After that, while searching for the commuting time, if you find something, you can summarize it.Whether you can fulfill it is another matter, but I'm glad if you can play freely on a line that does not get caught in regulations.
――It's story that you are investigating various things and sucking up the players' voices, but are there any plans for function expansion?
Odagiri: There are still many stories, but recently requests have become sharpened, and what they can do has been narrowed down.So, I look back at the starting point once and try to make it easier to play, easy to use, and make it easy for beginners to understand.
――If you have any screenshots that Odagiri has seen, please let me know if there is an impression such as "Kore is amazing".
Odagiri: It's a screenshot of Mikotte with a straw hat on your chest.The first one is a cute Mikotte holding a straw hat, but I laughed at the photo behind the second one (laughs).In the first piece, I thought, "Is there such an emort?"
* Note: "Larafel equipped with a straw hat performs emoted push -ups, etc. → Pet through the body of the subject," the screenshot of the player who showed Mikotte in his chest with a straw hat.The idea was a genius. "
――In the Gurpo area, it seems that "Lalafel is equipment" (laughs).
Odagiri: There are many screenshots that cut out a part of the emotes, such as "grab the ojage tightly", and combine them well.Like the "glutsu that jumps out", we will lightly go beyond our imagination.It's no longer possible, but I'm often impressed with "I see, do you use it?"And everyone, I'm grateful to give you a recipe for using it properly.
―― Sharing information will lead to the development of the neighborhood, and it is a very good culture as long as you enjoy it.
Odagiri: I'm sorry that the development side is insufficient and I'm sorry, but many people have created a group pose manual, which is very helpful.I'm really grateful that some people are making booklets that can be viewed online, and players who update every patch in Lodestone's diary.I don't have the opportunity to thank you, so I'll take this opportunity to express my gratitude.
――In such a play may be a kind of game capture.
Odagiri: Just as I want to strengthen the character to strengthen the character in capturing the battle, I can create a new axis of the function I am in charge of "going to get equipment for the fashion of my character".I think it's going to be.
―― Every time a new equipment comes out, I hear the story that I went for a screenshot.Recently, Patch 5.The new PVP equipment that appeared in 1 was popular.
Odagiri: You won the nearby DPS equipment design contest.With such a feeling, some people are focusing on each specific equipment and giving screenshots, so I enjoy watching them.
――The shooting studio is also prepared by ourselves, and the amount of heat is amazing.
Odagiri: Speaking of the studio, if you talk to the person in charge of the housing and ask for "I want a plain wall", he added a "stage panel" that is almost plain.When I heard, "I will implement it with this patch," I thought, "I wonder if it will be a pretty expensive price," but in fact, it was a conscientious price that I could buy it for 4000 gills from the NPC in the housing area.(smile).
As I mentioned, it was a play that was made so that it had no other effect at first, but when I noticed, the number of supporters or collaborators increased.Unexpectedly, it was a category of fellowship....... I didn't know this, and I was surprised to see it on the patch note (laughs).
――It spread brilliantly.
Odagiri: I'm not always interacting with other teams, but I wonder if they are thinking about screenshots from each position.I am very grateful.
――I'm asking about the content play, which is the same shooting system.This feature reproduces the battle from the data instead of recording and playing the video.What kind of mechanism is this?
Odagiri: In fact, this function is also in charge of the same programmer and tag as the group pose.The flow is to temporarily save data, such as interacting with the server in the battle content ... moving and shooting action.It is an image that plays it as if communicating with the server.It seems that the preserved data that "moves from point A to point B, shoots action C on the way" is regenerating each time.However, the stored data is not all, but limited to what you need.For example, I do not need a chat log, so I go through.
――Is it only because it is difficult to support all content for each patch?
Odagiri: Yes, if you say true, I wanted to increase each patch.However, since each patch has fine adjustments, the data to be saved changes every time.In other words, it is necessary to re -verify everything for each patch.Moreover, in the case of a content play, it will be a heavy check in the work of "shooting" and "watching" ... because the QA team cannot pay, so it is fastened in 1-2 content per patch.I'm there.
The concept itself had two axes: a plan to take a cool cool range shot that they are fighting, and to look back on high -level content.However, considering the process of verification, the group pose function must be deleted during the content play.The development side shines screenshots and the players will be pleased, so I would like to respond a lot ... Shioume is difficult.
In order to increase the number of compatible content or revive the group poses during content play, it is difficult to have a revolutionary idea that can significantly reduce the cost of verification.
――What was the response from the player after implementation, regarding the content play?
Odagiri: The first thing that was implemented was the white tiger conquered match, but the one that was particularly exciting was the dimensions Omega: Sigma Kefka.So I was shooting an impressive screenshot, so I was a little nervous, saying, "I wish I could leave a group pose."
Still, I'm grateful that the players who go to shoot using the content play have given me on SNS.I will continue to follow that kind of thing, so if you give me a good screenshot, my motivation will increase (laughs).
―― We are looking forward to it.By the way, when you go solo, what about content resources?(smile)
Odagiri: Wow.I will consult with Yoshida, but please do not expect ... (laughs).
――I am very sorry for the request, but when playing the content play, there is a function to “return to the point where the phase has shifted”.At the time it is not implemented at the moment, it is clear that there is some reason, but is it difficult to sandwich a bookmark, such as "Return to this point"?
Odagiri: I understand (small voice).As a initial project, there was a "bookmark" in the position of "I want to be able to insert a chapter in arbitrary timing", but if I add it, it is said that there is no problem setting the chapter in various patterns.Since the verification cost increases, we have forgotten the response.
―― I see, thank you.What are the voices of the player as a group pose or content play?
Odagiri: After all, there are many people who want to move the camera freely.There was also a "I want to blow the wind freely".I also give it to the list of things I want to do, but I also do not need to implement functions by the team.In addition, there is a strong request for "I want you to add slow motion", and in fact, this is also being verified, but in order to publish it as a function, it is necessary to work on the data side, and the cost for that is severe.I'm seeing it off.I would like to continue to consider whether it can be handled.
――Speaking of which, the technique of being able to slow motion by matching the motion of “sleeping” was braided.
Odagiri: That's a pseudo -like thing.It was discovered that if you try to enter it officially, various problems will occur.In this way, we are investigating under the surface of the water, but there is something like "If you stand here, there is no standing", and only those that have passed through it are implemented.… But I can't say anything, but when the screenshot comes up, there are things that are surprised, “What kind of situation!?” (Laughs).
――What would you like to make if you could see the cost once?
Odagiri: I want to make VR mode as a viewer.However, it is the same as the content play as before, so you have to verify it every time, so it will be impossible around that.
――That means that there was an event such as fighting Titan in VR at the Tokyo Game Show 2015, but was Odagiri in charge of the behavior around it?
Odagiri: No.That is the shape with SIE's cooperation.There was almost no involvement, and I experienced the finished things quickly.The only thing that was released was in the Titan and the housing area, but we were able to experience various other places."Yes, it looks like this," I felt again the beauty of the world of "FFXIV".The streets of Ishgard are really beautiful.In that sense, I would like to do VR, but it is difficult to do what you want to do and "operate it".
―― Finally, please give a message to a player who is enjoying the shooting function, or a player who is thinking about using it in the future.
Odagiri: Thank you for always giving you a wonderful screenshot to SNS. Regardless of those who have posted from the beginning of the group pose, those who have recently started touching, we are enjoying the photos taken in various scenes. I would like to continue considering the addition of functions so that it is as good as your research. I hope you will continue to support you. In addition, some people may want to get started, but as a result of various functions, they may have been shy, saying, "I have to take a screenshot that shines." However, we are very happy just to shoot and show the scenes that we like without thinking such a stiffness, so if you can shoot various things, post it on SNS, and share "fun feelings". I think. Just move the camera a little and place the character from the center of the screen, so it looks cool (laughs).
--thank you very much!
◆これまでの開発インタビュー連載記事◆・『FFXIV』世界設定本第2弾発売目前! 織田氏&コージ・フォックス氏に見どころを尋ねる・『FFXIV』戦闘の根幹を築いた鬼才・横澤氏が語る、バトルコンテンツの在り方とは――?・THE PRIMALSのLIVE BDやピアノコレクションズの発売が迫る今聞く『FFXIV』祖堅氏&髙田氏インタビュー・『FFXIV』のアート&グラフィックを鈴木健夫氏に尋ねる――景観という“画”が与えるゲーム体験・『FFXIV』効果音の奥深さに迫る中嶋氏&絹谷氏インタビュー! ミニオンの足音についてのお話も・『FFXIV』ファンフェスはいかにして運営されるのか。”ファンフェス番長”室内俊夫氏インタビュー!・『FFXIV: 漆黒のヴィランズ』背景制作の一翼を担う高梨佳樹氏に尋ねる、BG班のお仕事とその魅力・『FFXIV』キタンナ神影洞の演出は『聖剣伝説2』のオマージュ!? 世界に命を吹き込むBG班・志田雅人氏の手腕に迫る・『FFXIV』水晶公&コルットとの3人道中は当初なかった!? 5.0イベントバトル制作にまつわる中川誠貴氏インタビュー前編・『FFXIV』なりきりバトルは可能性の塊! ボス戦含む5.0~5.1イベントバトルにまつわる中川誠貴氏インタビュー後編