Sony is 1.A smartphone "" equipped with a 0 -type image sensor recruitment camera has been announced.This time, I have the opportunity to touch the real machine quickly, so I will briefly introduce it.
For details, the article has already been posted, so this article introduces the actual photos and information that were found in subsequent interviews.
First of all, the atmosphere is quite different compared to the flagship model Xperia 1 III.Although there is no major difference in the flat and linear housing, the side is almost flat in Xperia 1 III, but a design with a groove on the waveform is adopted.This conveys a solid image.
Regarding this side design, it can be gripped firmly, and this groove also has the effect that the body is not so thick.
本体正面下部側面左側面上部側面右側面背面The size is 72 x 166 x 8.It is 9mm (width x depth x height), and compared to Xperia 1 III, the width and depth are 1 mm, the height is 0..7mm is bigger.If you actually line up both sides, it's certainly a little bigger.That said, the difference is only for the first time in the side, and you will usually not be bothered.
The weight is 211g, exceeding 200g.This is also clearly conveyed that it is heavy when compared to Xperia 1 III.However, in my impression, I didn't feel as heavy as numbers.This may have a heavy balance, but it may not have felt so heavy because of its heavy impression.In this area, I would like you to check the exhibition machine at a consumer electronics retailer.
Xperia 1 III(左)との比較: 正面Xperia 1 III(左)との比較: 背面Xperia 1 III(左)との比較: 厚さ物理ボタンは右側面に集約。上部(写真右側)から順に、ボリュームボタン、指紋認証センサー一体型電源ボタン、ショートカットキー、シャッターボタンシャッターボタンはかなり大きいとともに、半押し、全押しをしっかり認識しながら操作が可能だったショートカットキーには任意のアプリを割り当てることで簡単に起動が可能となる左側面にストラップホールを用意Nano SIM対応のSIMカードトレイは左側面に用意SIMカードトレイは表裏に1枚ずつのNano SIMを装着でき、SIM2側はmicroSDカードとの排他となるアクセサリとして用意される、専用のレザー背面カバーレザー仕様でなかなか質感がいいレザーカバーを装着してもストラップホールは隠れないThe biggest feature, unlike Xperia 1 III, is mounted on the center of the back.This is 1.It is due to the adoption of a 0 -type image sensor.
By the way, this 1.The type 0 image sensor is said to have optimized the same as the image sensor of the Sony digital camera "Cyber Shot RX100 VII".However, the image sensor of the RX100 VII has a total of 12 million pixels, while the total number of pixels is 12 million pixels.
When I asked about this point, it is installed in 1.The type 0 image sensor has a total of 21 million pixels, but it is said that it is used by crops of 12 million pixels.Specifically, it means that about 60%of the total area of the sensor is used, and if only that area is cut out, 1/1.It will be almost the same as the 3 -type 12 million pixel sensor.
"1.Type image sensor is used as a data output when shooting a still image of an aspect ratio of 4: 3 to 12 million pixels output of 12 million pixels out of all regions.The area.It is said that it uses a wider area when shooting a video or using an electronic camera shake.In other words, as a sensor, it is used not only in the area of 12 million pixels but also more widely.
However, 1.It is said that there are many advantages of not using all areas of type 0 image sensor.For example, since the data size is not used, the data size is reduced, and it is possible to perform extremely high -speed processing such as real -time pupil AF, real -time tracking, and 60 percent of the percentage of AF/AE followers.。
In addition, the original AF area is limited to the center of the sensor, but it seems that 90%of the shooting area can be used as an AF area because part of the sensor is cropped.At the same time, it is easy to use because all the ultra -wide -angle, wide -angle, standard (telephoto) and all three lenses are unified with 12 million pixels.
1.If you use all the regions of the type 0 image sensor, the lens will be larger, and the camera unit will be larger.For this reason, it was said that this specification was made in consideration of image quality, performance, and size balance as a smartphone.At the same time, it will be the same image sensor in the first place 1/1.There is no 12 million pixel sensor of type 3, and in that sense 1.It was explained that the meaning of using a type 0 image sensor was very large.
リアカメラ。上から16mm超広角、24mm広角、3D iToFセンサー、50mm標準カメラ部の突起は、広角レンズ部はやや大きいものの、そこまで大きく飛び出してはいないXperia 1 III(左)のリアカメラとの比較。広角レンズ部の存在感が大きく異なっている実際に搭載されている1.0型イメージセンサー基板。2,100万画素の全センサー領域のうち、1,200万画素分の領域をクロップして利用しているという24mm広角レンズには可変絞りを搭載。こちらはF値2.0の状態こちらは絞りをF値4.0にした状態写真撮影アプリは「Photography Pro」を利用F値の切り替えは、Photography ProのF値ボタンをタップして行なう24mm広角レンズのF値を切り替えている様子アクセサリとして用意されるVLOGGER用アタッチメント「Vlog Monitor」を装着した様子Vlog Monitorにαシリーズ向けのワイヤレスリモートコマンダー機能付きシューティンググリップ「GP-VPT2BT」を装着した様子Vlog MonitorとGP-VPT2BTを装着して自撮りを行なっている様子新たに用意された動画撮影用アプリ「Videography Pro」。わかりやすいUIで、素早く動画撮影が可能Finally, 1, but 1.A photo of a 24mm wide -angle lens that uses a type 0 image sensor is posted.This time, the trial time was short and I could not check the details, so I would like to evaluate it again when I was rented a trial machine in the future.