Contacted by Representative Renhou and Mr. Kiyomi Tsujimoto, who was grossly invaded, "How scary was you?"
Contacted by Representative Renhou and Mr. Kiyomi Tsujimoto, who was grossly invaded, "How scary was you?"
By uavtechnology
30 Sep 22
Representative Renhou of the Constitutional Democratic Party updated Twitter on the 2nd. She responded that she was trespassing the local office of Kiyomi Tsujimoto, a former constitutional Democratic Party, who was also a friend of her constitutional Democratic Party. She again appealed, "I will face together for a society where fear does not hold down." Mr. Tsujimoto reported on Twitter that someone had invaded the local office on Twitter. The window glass was broken, and the security camera shows a man wearing something like a white protective clothing. Mr. Tsujimoto tweeted, "I have recently scattered documents like hate speeches and escalated the slander of the Internet. I want to create a society where I can discuss it instead of violence even if my opinions and positions are different." Mr. Renhou, who is also an ally, cut out, "I contacted him," said, "How scary was it? The load on the mental is quite large. It is still a reality that I have to face. It is too heavy." I kept my heart. And she promised, "Violence, crime, anonymous hate speech.