Principal who installed a camera in the toilet of a female staff, acknowledged all the charges in the first trial = Korea
Principal who installed a camera in the toilet of a female staff, acknowledged all the charges in the first trial = Korea
By uavtechnology
20 Mar 23
Principal who installed a camera in a female staff toilets, recognized all charges in the first trial = Korea (image provided: Wowkorea)
The principal A (57) of a certain elementary school in Kyung -gid (Gyeonggi -do), Korea, who was residently installed (violating the Special Law on Punishment of Sexual Violence Tax, etc.), which secretly installed a camera in the toilet of a female employee, was the first trial.All charges were acknowledged.In the first trial held in the Mizuhara District Court on the morning of the 22nd, A replied, "Yes.He told him to refuse whether he would like to have a national participation trial.On October 26-27, A entered the toilet of a female employee at an elementary school for the purpose of shooting a woman and set up a tissue box containing a small camera of 2 to 4 cm in size.It was.In addition, from June to October, a total of 21 times under the conference table, he secretly installed a mobile phone with a video camera, and photographed a part of the female employee's body.There are some charges that have been attempted.In addition, a survey found that a small voice recorder was installed in the staff room and recorded the dialogue of the faculty and staff 11 times without agreeing.On October 27, A's crime was found on a small camera trying to use the toilet.At that time, the police who received the report were suspicious that A was a school manager, but was suspicious that it was reluctant to the report, and after the interview, confirmed the crime, and set A on the 28th of the same month.I was urgently arrested.The next trial against A will be held on January 21 next year.