International News: AFPBB NEWS Bernal has less than a month since the rehabilitation video posted accident
International News: AFPBB NEWS Bernal has less than a month since the rehabilitation video posted accident
By uavtechnology
23 Jul 22
スポーツ 自転車競技 発信地:ボゴタ/コロンビア
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[February 19 AFP] Egan Bernal, a bicycle road race, who was seriously injured by a bus during training, updated Instagram (Instagram) and lost his life.The rehabilitation for returning was released in a month.
In the posted video, a 25 -year -old Bernal was staring at a bicycle -type training machine staring by two dogs.Later, the camera also contained a long scar of Bernal, formed along his spine.In addition, I was able to check the wheelchair behind the machine.In the video posted this time, Bernal did not wear a fixture on his neck and back when he was discharged.
The video was accompanied by the message, "I can't tell anyone that I can't."
Bernal, who won the Tour de France at the age of 22 in 2019, practiced with a teammate of INEOS Grenadiers in the suburbs of Bogota, the capital of his home country, for this year's tournament.At the time of the bus, a bus.
Bernal recalled, "I died," and broke the patella (persistent) bone, the thighs (generally) bones, and two lungs in both lungs, including 11 ribs.The hole was injured.
Two weeks after the accident, Bernal, after a total of five surgery, left the CLINICA UNIVERSIDAD DE LA SABANA, a suburb of Bogota.
It is unclear whether Bernal will be able to participate in this year's tool, which will open on July 1.(C) AFP