Nicholas Thompson (hereinafter referred to as NT) First, ask about your activities.
I am the director of Tristan Harris (hereinafter: TH) Center for Humane Technology.It is our main initiatives to reorganize technology based on the essence of human beings.Before that, as a Google design ethicist, he was studying ethics about technology attracting people.
Jeval Noah Halari (hereafter: YNH) As a historian, I am exploring where humans come and where they are.
Central for Humane Technology co -founder and executive director.Before he became an incumbent, he was a design ethics in Google.Twitter: @tristanharris @humanetech
The common point of NT two people is that human thoughts are not always working as we want.Apparently, we have believed so far, we don't seem to have the independence of our own brain.
TH Jeval talks about democracy from the perspective of "Where is authority?"In other words, where the opinions and emotions of the people are.
I myself have been studying technology that attracts people's interest for 10 years.I was good at magic tricks since I was a child, but the magic can be hooked, regardless of age or occupation, and there is a principle of working universally in all humans.
I was enrolled in Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford University and taught engineering students how to apply the principle of attracting to technology.Is it possible to hack human feelings, attitudes, beliefs, and actions with technology and keep them crazy.
I think this is a common view with Juwal, but human thoughts are not as completely protective as we think of strong influence.With that in mind, we need to understand what we should protect from outside influences.
History scholar.The author of the world's best -selling "Sapiens Full History: Sapiens Structure and Human Happiness" and "Homo Deus: Technology and Sapiens Future".Twitter: @harari_yuval