"IPhone Tips" is a series that introduces iPhone tips for beginners.The theme this time is "How to set the camera flash".
The flash function is indispensable when you want to take a bright photo.There are surprisingly many opportunities to use flash in everyday situations, such as dark places and backlight shooting.If you remember the following to perform the shooting smoothly, you can set it quickly when you want to use flash.
There are three modes of iPhone flash, "automatic", "on" and "off".When you start the camera app, there is a lightning mark in the upper left, which is the flash setting.Tap the lightning mark and select the flash settings from "Auto", "On" and "Off".
If you want to use a flash, turn it on.Conversely, if you do not want to use flash, turn it off.If it is troublesome to select every time you shoot, set it to "Auto", and the iPhone will automatically judge whether there is a flash.
By the way, on the iPhone 7, the flashing is 50 % brighter than the iPhone 6s, and the performance of the flash has improved.The iPhone automatically adjusts the flash according to the surrounding situation, so you can take more clear photos.With iPhone 7, you can clearly shoot dark indoor photography.Use more flash to enjoy shooting your iPhone!