The Ministry of the Environment has decided to release birds other than Sado, such as Honshu, as early as 2026, regarding Toki, which is returning to wild in Sado City, Niigata Prefecture.Because the Toki on the island may increase to about 430 birds and become overcrowded, and if breeding outside the island, if the breeding progresses, many Toki will be dying even if the infectious disease is extended in Sado.I'm listing.
The Ministry of the Environment consulted the small committee of the Central Environmental Council about the revision of the Toki Protection Protection Protection Business Plan.
According to the revised proposal, the company plans to investigate and examine new candidate sites to release birds, focusing on areas that are eager to accept Toki in Honshu by FY2015.
According to the Ministry of the Environment, Sado has a decrease in the survival rate of birds and breaks, which had exceeded 80 % at peak, to about 40 to 60 % in recent years.It has been pointed out that the habitat is overcrowded.
In addition, the genetic diversity is low due to the blood of any of the seven birds given by China, and the risk of sharply decreasing the number of Toki's inhabitation in Sado Island is likely to decrease.
The Ministry of the Environment's rare species conservation promotion office stated in an interview with Niigata Nippo that "we aim to establish a toki outside of Sado because the return to wild in Sado is on steady."
The bird release in Sado began in September 2008, and 415 birds have been released.