Conversation with your dog or cat through LINE!? Waneco talk, an AI-based health management service
Conversation with your dog or cat through LINE!? Waneco talk, an AI-based health management service
By uavtechnology
25 Nov 22
On September 28th, NEC (NEC) will start pre-order sales of "waneco talk," a service that allows users to experience as if they were talking to a dog or cat using LINE. started with. The activity meter "PLUS CYCLE" for dogs and cats grasps the condition of dogs and cats, analyzes them with NEC's AI technology, and sends messages to owners via waneco talk's official LINE account.
waneco talk is a new service that combines the pet communication platform service "waneco" provided by NEC and the activity meter "PLUS CYCLE" for dogs and cats created by the Japan Advanced Animal Medical Center.
PLUS CYCLE measures the amount of activity, number of jumps, and sleep time of dogs and cats. The activity data of these dogs/cats is analyzed by the AI technology group "NEC the WISE" and converted into LINE messages. With this, you can grasp the current state as if you were talking with your dog/cat. To use it, you need to add a waneco LINE official account as a friend.
PLUS CYCLE is a device that has a built-in 3-axis acceleration sensor and an air pressure sensor, and allows you to check the activity of your dog/cat in a graph with an app. The contents of the waneco talk set consist of PLUS CYCLE, obniz BLE gateway x 1, waneco talk license card x 1 (license for 6 months of waneco talk monthly usage fee).