Changing the default browser in Windows 11 is a little easier
Changing the default browser in Windows 11 is a little easier
By uavtechnology
25 Feb 23
Is informed that it has been added.
Microsoft's recent changes to Edge show a message that encourages you to continue using Edge when the Google Chrome download page is displayed, and a major controversy as an excessive enclosure.There is.
It is not clear after this change, but in the latest Insider Build, the latest Insider Build, Build 22509, when we open the web browser settings in the settings app "Provided App" section, the default browser is on the default browser.A [Set Efault] button to specify has been added.
Click on this button to set it as an app for the target Web browser to browse the website.However, HTTP and HTTPS communication and extensions are used as prescribed apps..With HTM.Only HTML files and are associated with Edge by default.PDF and.SVGs are not changed.
Realistically, this new configuration function is so convenient because once a web browser is started, even if you do not launch the configuration app, you will have a menu to select whether to set it as a specified application.It can not be said.It will be necessary to see this change for a while whether Microsoft is softening the Edge enclosed attitude.