The development of AI has a convenient way to make our lives convenient, but also has the potential to dramatically change the war, and the development of AI is now the main stage of the power expansion race between the great powers, just like that of nuclear weapons.
On June 10, two days before the G7 Summit, the White House announced that it will install a new AI research task force.This is to accelerate the research and development of AI by raising the country, but it is not only economic but also military use.
In the history of human history, the appearance of guns, air force, and nuclear weapons has changed significantly in the way of war.The appearance of AI is said to be one of the military revolutions that are lined up, especially in the United States.
There, not only the practical use of robot weapons that operates autonomously (even if it is not a complete human type like the Terminator ") is effective and efficient for the commander of an isolated unit on the battlefield.It also includes areas related to the overall strategy, such as the construction of a system that can be reduced.
As the military use of AI progresses, the United States is also interested in cooperating with allies in this field, and at the G7 Summit last year, leaders in each country confirmed cooperation in AI development.
AI development competition in the United States and other countries symbolizes a major change in technology development.
Since modern times, technology development has been easy to proceed in the state -led military field.It is a representative that computers were originally developed for rocket ballistic calculations during World War II.
However, since the 1990s, after the end of the Cold War, the leading role in technology development has become a private company represented by Silicon Valley, and "open research", which allows humans and information to cross the borders, have become mainstream.
ところが、近年の先進国では国家主導で、軍事利用を前提とするAI開発が広がっている。これに対しては消極的な意見もある。例えば、Googleの AI学習機能開発にも携わったジョージタウン大学のティム・ファンは、AIをめぐる軍拡レースが技術の囲い込みを生み、世界全体にとっての不利益になると警鐘を鳴らしている。
Nevertheless, the trend of the nation plays a major role in technology development has already become a big swell in developed countries.Behind this is a sense of crisis that American dominance is threatened.
In 2017, the Chinese government worked as a strategic technology to develop AI development, and launched the United States in the Intelligentized Warfere.
In the same year, Russian President Putin said that "the leader in the AI field becomes the world ruler."In fact, in the Syrian Civil War, the Russian army attracted unmanned military vehicles and attracted attention.
Not only China and Russia.
Each country, which promotes AI's military use, is aiming to accumulate actual battle data necessary for further innovation, as the market share is expanded as soon as possible.
Regarding robot weapons, a survey of AI and Defense Rain Rain Research suggests that the military unmanned aircraft (UAV), which is the most developed in 2019 by type, is a small, small, mainly for collecting information.In the tactical UAV, the production of the United States and China in this field was 34%and 10%of the world as a whole.
However, in the case of a higher -technology type (UCAV) type (UCAV), the market share in the United States and China is 37%and 31%, respectively.It is reversed to 26%of China.
The National Security Committee is also a member of Amazon, Microsoft, and Oracle.The growing spirit of cooperating with the government, which has been maintained from state power and distance, means that the AI expansion race has become full -fledged.
AI's military use, especially robot weapons, are expected to reduce the sacrifices of their military soldiers and compensate for the shortage of personnel, so many countries will adopt unmanned aircraft that are in the near future that security and territorial waters.It is also assumed.
However, there are two major risks in AI's military use and development races.
If a robot weapon reacts to aircraft or ships that accidentally invaded the territorial air and territorial waters, human beings may not be attached to the AI judgment speed, and the collision may spread in a chain reaction without control.Ulurique Franke of the European Foreign Affairs Council calls the risk of such accidental collisions the "spark war" and point out the dangers.
Acts during the battle tend to be ambiguous in responsibility in the first place.However, rather than a human being, the activation of weapons by a machine sensor, rather than triggering, is more aware that humans are responsible for the use of military power, even if they are killed.It will be thin.
For this reason, the United Nations is working on regulations on robot weapons, and the leader in Japan, Japan's Nakanizumi and the UN forces, is an international regulation of robot weapons within two years in an interview with Politico last year.He said that he would be able to take a look, but it is unlikely that not only Russia and China but also the United States and the United Kingdom, who are eager to use AI military use, will resist in the near future.It will accelerate the AI army expansion race further.
Despite these concerns, the AI enlargement race, which is escalated by each other's hostility and vigilance, is a shrinkage of the world situation that is becoming more serious.What will happen to the whereabouts, should I ask AI?