In recent years, AR (Augmented Reality) and MR (MIXED REALITY) technology have advanced, and various companies have developed and announced as "AR/MR glass" and "smart glasses".At overseas events, many devices are exhibited, and the excitement is showing.
In this article, we will introduce the differences between "AR/MR glass" and "Smart Glass" and devices that each company have announced and developed as of October 2019.
1.What is the difference between "AR/MR glass" and "smart glass"?2.AR/MR glass 2-1.Hololens 22-2.Magic Leap ONE2-3.NREALLIGHT2-4.Glow2-5.Thinkality A62-6.Facebook/Apple is also developing AR glass 3.Smart glass (displayed on the display) 3-1.Google Glass3-2.VUZIX Smart Glass 3-3.Moverio3-4.Digilens Crystal3-5.Acereal One3-6.Focals4.Smart glass (voice center) 4-1.Echo Frames4-2.Bose Frames
First, organize the terms used in this article."AR/MR Glass" and "Smart Glass" are both attached to the head and displayed digital information through displays.The major difference between these two types is "Is there a function to recognize the real space?"
The AR glass/MR glass recognizes the walls and floors in the real space with a camera or sensor, and displays digital information.In order to recognize the surrounding environment, it is possible to place 3D objects on the floor or desk, or paste it on the wall, so you can see it as if the object is there.Some AR glass/MR glasses are planned to be deployed for consumers, but they are now often used for business use.There are many cameras and sensors to recognize the space.
On the other hand, smart glasses do not have the function of recognizing reality, and most of them provide information to some of the visibility.The appearance is not equipped with a camera or sensor, so the design is sophisticated, and there are many devices that look like glasses itself.Smart glass is being developed for business consumers.In addition, some smart glasses do not have any display functions using displays and only have audio.
AR glass/MR glass and smart glass are more likely to use AR glass/MR glasses in terms of functional aspects.Smart glass is a relatively cheap and lightweight design because the functions are small and lighter.
If you roughly classify it, it will look as shown in the table as follows.
Functional side | Current use | price | |
AR glass/MR glass | Recognize reality and display | Relatively for business | Relatively high |
Smart glass | Display only information or voice guide | For business consumers | Relatively cheap |
そうした中、2019年はMRグラスでありながら低price、軽量、小型を実現した「NrealLight」や「GLOW」が発表されたり、日本市場で海外製デバイスの展開が進むなど、AR glass/MR glass・Smart glass分野に注目が集まっています。
"Hololens 2" is the next -generation machine of the MR device "Hololens" released by Microsoft in 2016.Works on the headset alone, and the operation is performed with a hand gesture without using a smartphone or controller.HoloLens has been developing many experimental introductions as a device that revolutionizes business flows, such as work efficiency and accompanying cost reductions, focusing on industrial use.
Improvements from the first HoloLens include "realizing more than twice the viewing angle and resolution", "improving hand tracking", "addition of gaze tracking function", and "improving the comfort of wearing".In addition, Hololens 2 is designed by focusing on industries, and can be customized by company, such as adding apps that can be used immediately for industrial use or combining with helmets.
"HoloLens 2" new application "GUIDES" from the seven videos, MS official | Mogura VR
HoloLens 2のデバイス単体(商用版)のpriceは3,500ドルです。日本国内向けのpriceは2019年10月時点では発表されていません。予約は2月25日より開始されていましたが、現在は公式サイトからプレオーダー案内ページへのリンクは削除されています。
Here is the summary information of HoloLens 2.(Published in March 2019)
Microsoft's new MR device "Hololens 2" summary | Mogura VR
"Magic Leap One" is an MR device released by the US startup "Magic Leap".It consists of three types: a headset, a unit with a built -in battery connected to the headset with a wired wire, and a controller in hand.
There are various ways to operate Magic Leap One, including hand tracking, aneata tracking, controller, and voice recognition.When using hand tracking, it is also characterized by being able to recognize the joints of the hand.
The Magic Leap One reflects the structure of the room in a considerable detail depending on the application, and "the character is walking behind the furniture, it becomes invisible", and "the character falls from the edge of the bed".It is also possible to express as if there is a character in reality.
Magic Leap Oneは2018年8月に開発者向けのクリエイター版が発売、priceは2,299ドルです。アメリカなど数カ国で販売されていますが、2019年10月現在、日本への一般販売は行われていません。しかし、NTTドコモがMagic Leap Oneの国内展開を掲げ取り組みを進めているため、日本国内で発売される日もそう遠くないかもしれません。
Here is the summary information of Magic Leap One.(Published in September 2019)
MRデバイス「Magic Leap One」とは? priceや購入方法など最新情報まとめ【2019年9月版】 | Mogura VR
"NREALLIGHT" is a Chinese startup NREAL LTD.が開発しているMRグラスです。MRグラスで88gという軽量さ、低price、メガネ型のデバイスとしては広めの52度の視野角が特徴です。動作にはQualcomm Snapdragon 855を搭載したスマートフォンが必要です。
NrealLightは、先ほど紹介したHoloLensやMagic Leap Oneに比べて低price、軽量、小型を実現した代わりに機能制限があります。位置トラッキング(SLAM)を行うためのカメラの数はHoloLensやMagic Leap Oneと比べると少なく、実際に体験すると精度は劣ります。コントローラーもスマートフォンを使用した簡易的なもので、ハンドジェスチャーやアイトラッキングも搭載されていません。
ソフトウェア開発者向けキット「NrealLight Developer Kit」は2019年9月末から順次提供開始されています。NrealLight Developer Kitにはデバイスと外付けユニット、コントローラーが付属しており、priceは1,199ドルです。
Here is the summary information of nreallight.(Published in September 2019)
メガネ型MRグラス「NrealLight」とは? priceや購入方法など最新情報まとめ【2019年9月版】 | Mogura VR
"GLOW" is a MR glass developed by AR device -based AR device startup MAD GAZE.Similar to NREALLIGHT, it is a lightweight design of 75g, which surpasses NREALLIG's 88g, as well as NREALLIGHT.The viewing angle is 45 degrees.According to the official website, the operation is connected to a hand gesture, audio recognition, and a smartphone on USB-C.
2019年10月現在、MAD GazeはGLOWのクラウドファンディングをIndiegogoにて実施中です。priceは41,438円(26%オフprice)から、発送は2019年12月からを予定しています。
75g Lightweight MR glass "GLOW" Appears NREAL LIGHT | Mogura VR
"Thinkality A6" is an AR glass developed by Lenovo as a device for workers.Thinkality is a brand that is expected to develop for corporations and consists of both hardware and (not dependent on the cloud) software.The operation can be used using the voice recognition, hand gesture, and the attached simple hand controller.
レノボは、ThinkReality A6を着用することで「作業効率の向上やミスの減少、複数の作業チームの円滑な連携などが実現できる」と説明しています。執筆時現在、ThinkReality A6のpriceやリリース日などの詳細は公表されていません。
Lenovo announced the AR glass "Thinkality A6" and full -fledged to the use of AR for corporations | Mogura VR
Facebooks and Apple, a major company, also have many announcements and reports on AR devices.
Facebook announced that it is developing AR glasses at Oculus Connect 6 held at the end of September 2019, and that it is working on research and development of the AR cloud system "LIVEMAPS".
Although it is not an official announcement, according to CNBC, Facebook calls the AR glass the code name "Orion" and reports that it is aiming for the release between 2023 and 2025.He also concludes a partnership with Sunglasses brand Ray -Ban and Luxxotica, the parent company of Oakley, and has been jointly developing Orion.
Facebook, AR glass is developing multiple new leaks, partner with Ray -Ban | Mogura VR
Apple, on the other hand, has applied for a patent for AR devices with a viewing angle of 120 degrees or more.The patent presumed that the AKONIA HOLOGRAPHICS technology of the AR display development, which was acquired by Apple, is used by Apple in 2018.
Most recently, we have been applying for a patent application for RGB deep sensors, which are thought to be related to AR glass, and acquiring companies with high -precision motion capture technology.
Click here for information such as the status of patents and rumors about Apple's AR glass.(Published in June 2019)
Apple's "AR glass" is near?Patent and reporting / summary / summary | MOGURA VR
「Glass Enterprise Edition 2」は、グーグルが2019年5月に発表した法人向けSmart glassです。本製品は2017年に発表されたものの、その後続報が途絶してしまった「Glass Enterprise Edition」の後継モデルです。
Glass Enterprise Edition was designed as a device that assists on -site work at factories, warehouses, and medical institutions, so it is presumed that it is expected to be used in the same field.
The month after the announcement, the supply chain division of the major international transport logistics company DHL has announced the introduction of the Glass Enterprise Edition 2 business.It will be introduced to picking in the warehouse, and it will be possible to check hand -free information during work, and accuracy and efficiency can be expected.
Glass Enterprise Edition 2のpriceは999ドル。販売は一般向けには行われず、パートナー企業から購入する必要があります。
Google finally announced a new model of "Google Glass", for about 110,000 yen corporation | Mogura VR
AR技術を有する企業Vuzix Corporationは、Smart glass「M400」や「Blade」を展開しています。
M400は、QualcommのAR/VRデバイス専用のチップセット「XR1」を搭載した、産業向けSmart glassです。遠隔作業支援や倉庫・空港での荷物搬入といった場面での採用が想定されています。
Smart glass「M400」が国内出荷スタート、約21万円 | Mogura VR
Bladeは、コンシューマー向けとしても展開されているSmart glassです。スマートフォンを介したデータの送受信と表示が可能。メールや画像、テキストメッセージなどのデータを空中に表示して閲覧したり、道案内を受けるといったことができます。またAlexaに対応し、Smart glassからAlexaを起動、ハンズフリーで操作し、音声と視覚で情報を受け取ることも可能です。公式ストアでのpriceは99,000円(税込)です。
エプソンは2019年5月にSmart glass「Moverio BT-30C」を発表しました。USB Type-CのDisplayPort Alternate Mode対応のAndroidスマートフォンと接続して動作します。スマートフォンの画面を目の前にシースルーで表示することが可能です。
「DigiLens Crystal」は、アメリカでARハードウェア開発を行うスタートアップDigiLensが開発するSmart glassです。スマートフォンとUSB Type-Cで接続して使用し、CPUやバッテリーなどは搭載されていません。
According to Digilens, Digilens Crystal states that "5G communication and voice input implementation have high aptitude to game apps."It is also assumed that it is used in educational purposes, factories, and logistics chains using the corresponding apps.
軽量なSmart glass「DigiLens Crystal」登場 スマートフォンで駆動 | Mogura VR
「AceReal One」は、サン電子株式会社が展開する産業向けSmart glassです。同社はSmart glassAceReal One、クラウド型業務支援アプリ「AceReal Apps」、そしてソフトウェア開発キット「AceReal SDK」が一体となっているサービス「AceReal」を提供しています。産業用機器・設備のメンテナンスなど、屋内外での作業を支援するために設計されています。
Acereal One is optimized for industrial applications, and is designed to withstand indoor and outdoor field work.It supports IP54 compliant dust and drip -proof standards, and can be attached to industrial helmets.It operates even in an outer temperature of 40 degrees, and uses a design that does not interrupt the visibility and a clear lens.
サン電子、国産ARSmart glass「AceReal One」を開発・開発者向けに発売開始 | Mogura VR
「Focals」はカナダを拠点とするスタートアップNorthが展開する、通常のメガネと見分けがつかない見た目が特徴のSmart glassです。
FOCALS is used with a smartphone and Bluetooth connection.The lens part has a built -in projector, allowing you to confirm the notification and weather, etc. reached on your smartphone.In addition, you can call the dispatch service Uber or connect to Alexa.It also has functions such as cooperation with the music distribution service Spotify and audio memo.
「Echo Frames」はアマゾンによる、同社のAIアシスタント「Alexa(アレクサ)」を搭載したSmart glassです。アマゾンの実験的な製品カテゴリ“Day 1 Edition”に属する製品です。Alexaの使用に特化しており、Alexaとコミュニケーションするためのスピーカーとマイクが内蔵されています。情報を映し出すディスプレイは搭載されていません。
The weight of this product is 31g.Works in cooperation with smartphones and Bluetooth.Charging is completed in about 75 minutes, corresponding to 3 hours of audio playback.According to the product page, the corresponding OS is Android.As of October 2019, iOS is not supported.
「Echo Frames」のpriceは約179ドル、導入期間終了後は249ドルになる予定です。執筆時点、販売は招待者を対象に北米限定で行われています。
アマゾンが「アレクサ」搭載のSmart glassを発表 | Mogura VR
「Bose Frames」は、音楽機器メーカーのBoseが展開する音のARを実現するサングラス型のSmart glassです。耳から入ってくる情報や経験を拡張することを主な目的としています。左右のつるには小型スピーカーを搭載しており、デバイスから音を聴きながら周囲の音も把握することができます。
In addition, the location information function and motion sensor utilizing GPS detect the direction of user travel and provide various information by sound.For example, when a user wearing "Frames" looks at a restaurant in view, it is possible to hear the restaurant information by voice.