A side -by -side merit obtained from "Apple Watch Series 7" | I'm glad I bought this
ライフハッカー[日本版]編集部とライターが、2021年に買ってよかったもの=ライフハッカーのタグラインである「Work Fast ,Live Slow」を叶えてくれたアイテムをご紹介します。【全画像をみる】A side -by -side merit obtained from "Apple Watch Series 7" | I'm glad I bought this>>「これ買ってよかった」の記事一覧はこちら日中、打ち合わせや取材で外出していると、SlackやLINEの通知を見れない時間があります。急ぎで返信が必要な連絡が来ていないかと、会議中に不安になることも。そこで、Apple Watch Series 7の41mmを導入して、仕事の仕方を変えてみることに。結果、使い心地がよく、毎日身につけていたいアイテムになりました。今回は、Apple Watch Series 7を購入してよかったところを紹介します。
Notification is easy to see on the big screen
First of all, from the impressions I saw.Until about two years ago, I used Apple Watch Series 3, but compared to that, Apple Watch Series 7 has improved notch width and has a larger screen.This makes the screen very easy to see!The Apple Watch is a "clock", but it is used like a smartphone, such as looking at notifications, reply emails, operating music.In particular, men have a little thicker fingers, so with Apple Watch Series 3, most of the screen was hidden by fingers and it was difficult to operate.That was considerably improved in Apple Watch Series 7.If anyone is using Apple Watch Series 3, I would recommend a strong replacement.
The Apple Watch reduced the contact time of the smartphone
By using the Apple Watch, the main purpose of "always being able to confirm the notification" has been fully achieved. Even during the meeting, the notification reaches the wrist, and it is very helpful because you can check the contents. If it is important, reply quickly without putting out a smartphone. No, it's smart. In addition, as a secondary effect, it is important to succeed in keeping your smartphone away! You can check the smart news, LINE, Slack, Chatwork, and Messenger, which you receive well, on your wrist. As a result, the need to open a smartphone has been reduced. If you check the notifications on your smartphone, you often open SNS such as Twitter and Instagram, or start surfing on the Internet without meaning. But once you've done confirmation with Apple Watch, you need to spend time on your iPhone.