A pure domestic drone that protects Japanese infrastructure and flights and inspires the small space is amazing
A pure domestic drone that protects Japanese infrastructure and flights and inspires the small space is amazing
By uavtechnology
15 Jan 23
Liberaware's CEO of Hiroshi Min Min
災害の多発やインフラの老朽化が進む日本において、その点検業務は重要度を増している。一方で、インフラ点検は狭く危険な場所に人が入る必要があり、簡単にいくものではない。そんな市場において、インフラ点検に特化した純国産ドローンの利用が進んでいる。【画像】社内のテスト飛行用天井裏を飛ぶドローン 開発元のLiberaware's CEO of Hiroshi Min Minは、「リニア崩落事故でも、人が確認作業に入って事故が起きた。本当はドローンが代わりにやっていれば防げた」と話す。 閔氏がドローンに出会ったきっかけも、インフラの災害に関するものだった。3.A project to investigate the interior of the reactor that caused the meltdown at 11 was launched by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.At that time, Min, a researcher at Chiba University, also participated.He discussed if a drone could be investigated, but the drone at that time had a diameter of about 1 meter, too much for an indoor space survey."I want to check, but there are many spaces that are easy to see. Can you see such a space with a drone?" (Min) led to the founding of Liberaware.It took two years to develop a drone that can actually fly inside the infrastructure.All parts used for drones are domestically produced.The motor that turns the drone propeller is jointly developed with Nidec.In the indoor space, there are many places where dust is dancing, and dustproof performance is important.Ordinary motors have holes to escape the heat born of rotation, but this motor is sealed and dustproof performance.For heat dissipation, it is designed so that the breeze of the propeller hits, and the mounting part is used with a thermal penetration resin to remove heat to the entire aircraft.It is said that all of the domestic parts were "as a result, about half of the intentional" (Min).In the drone market, China's DJI is significantly ahead, and it is out of technology and production.In the middle, the desire to improve Japan's technical skills, and the fact that in a Japanese town factory, the place where a small quantity would sympathize with the thoughts have led to a purely domestic drone.In recent years, the concept of economic security has become widespread, and the movements to eliminate Chinese products are active in the core of the country, such as infrastructure.In fact, the operating company of infrastructure that uses Liberaware drones also makes individual white lists, and they say, "If this part is from China, it is dangerous."As a result, the fact that they are not used in pure domestic parts, one of the reasons for being adopted in Japanese infrastructure inspections.Liberaware drones are about 20 cm in diameter and can fly for up to 8 minutes.By realizing this small size, it became a "place in a space of 30 cm long and horizontally" (Min).For example, you can enter the inside of a 150 -meter -high chimney or a low ceiling, etc., and take a picture of the internal image and check it.